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confessio amantis-第88部分

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Which hath in his pouer withinne
That al the world ne mihte winne:  3830
Lo; hier the beste of alle goode。〃
Thus saiden thei that there stode;
And ek that walkede up and doun;
Bothe of the Court and of the toun。
The time of Souper cam anon;
Thei wisshen and therto thei gon;
Medea was with Jason set:
Tho was ther many a deynte fet
And set tofore hem on the bord;
Bot non so likinge as the word  3840
Which was ther spoke among hem tuo;
So as thei dorste speke tho。
Bot thogh thei hadden litel space;
Yit thei acorden in that place
Hou Jason scholde come at nyht;
Whan every torche and every liht
Were oute; and thanne of other thinges
Thei spieke aloud for supposinges
Of hem that stoden there aboute:
For love is everemore in doute;    3850
If that it be wisly governed
Of hem that ben of love lerned。
Whan al was don; that dissh and cuppe
And cloth and bord and al was uppe;
Thei waken whil hem lest to wake;
And after that thei leve take
And gon to bedde forto reste。
And whan him thoghte for the beste;
That every man was faste aslepe;
Jason; that wolde his time kepe;   3860
Goth forth stalkende al prively
Unto the chambre; and redely
Ther was a Maide; which him kepte。
Medea wok and nothing slepte;
Bot natheles sche was abedde;
And he with alle haste him spedde
And made him naked and al warm。
Anon he tok hire in his arm:
What nede is forto speke of ese?
Hem list ech other forto plese;    3870
So that thei hadden joie ynow:
And tho thei setten whanne and how
That sche with him awey schal stele。
With wordes suche and othre fele
Whan al was treted to an ende;
Jason tok leve and gan forth wende
Unto his oughne chambre in pes;
Ther wiste it non bot Hercules。
He slepte and ros whan it was time;
And whanne it fell towardes prime;    3880
He tok to him suche as he triste
In secre; that non other wiste;
And told hem of his conseil there;
And seide that his wille were
That thei to Schipe hadde alle thinge
So priveliche in thevenynge;
That noman mihte here dede aspie
Bot tho that were of compaignie:
For he woll go withoute leve;
And lengere woll he noght beleve;  3890
Bot he ne wolde at thilke throwe
The king or queene scholde it knowe。
Thei saide; 〃Al this schal wel be do:〃
And Jason truste wel therto。
Medea in the mene while;
Which thoghte hir fader to beguile;
The Tresor which hir fader hadde
With hire al priveli sche ladde;
And with Jason at time set
Awey sche stal and fond no let;    3900
And straght sche goth hire unto schipe
Of Grece with that felaschipe;
And thei anon drowe up the Seil。
And al that nyht this was conseil;
Bot erly; whan the Sonne schon;
Men syhe hou that thei were agon;
And come unto the king and tolde:
And he the sothe knowe wolde;
And axeth where his dowhter was。
Ther was no word bot Out; Allas!   3910
Sche was ago。 The moder wepte;
The fader as a wod man lepte;
And gan the time forto warie;
And swor his oth he wol noght tarie;
That with Caliphe and with galeie
The same cours; the same weie;
Which Jason tok; he wolde take;
If that he mihte him overtake。
To this thei seiden alle yee:
Anon thei weren ate See;  3920
And alle; as who seith; at a word
Thei gon withinne schipes bord;
The Sail goth up; and forth thei strauhte。
Bot non espleit therof thei cauhte;
And so thei tornen hom ayein;
For al that labour was in vein。
Jason to Grece with his preie
Goth thurgh the See the rihte weie:
Whan he ther com and men it tolde;
Thei maden joie yonge and olde。    3930
Eson; whan that he wiste of this;
Hou that his Sone comen is;
And hath achieved that he soughte
And hom with him Medea broughte;
In al the wyde world was non
So glad a man as he was on。
Togedre ben these lovers tho;
Til that thei hadden sones tuo;
Wherof thei weren bothe glade;
And olde Eson gret joie made    3940
To sen thencress of his lignage;
For he was of so gret an Age;
That men awaiten every day;
Whan that he scholde gon away。
Jason; which sih his fader old;
Upon Medea made him bold;
Of art magique; which sche couthe;
And preith hire that his fader youthe
Sche wolde make ayeinward newe:
And sche; that was toward him trewe;  3950
Behihte him that sche wolde it do;
Whan that sche time sawh therto。
Bot what sche dede in that matiere
It is a wonder thing to hiere;
Bot yit for the novellerie
I thenke tellen a partie。
Thus it befell upon a nyht;
Whan ther was noght bot sterreliht;
Sche was vanyssht riht as hir liste;
That no wyht bot hirself it wiste;    3960
And that was ate mydnyht tyde。
The world was stille on every side;
With open hed and fot al bare;
Hir her tosprad sche gan to fare;
Upon hir clothes gert sche was;
Al specheles and on the gras
Sche glod forth as an Addre doth:
Non otherwise sche ne goth;
Til sche cam to the freisshe flod;
And there a while sche withstod。   3970
Thries sche torned hire aboute;
And thries ek sche gan doun loute
And in the flod sche wette hir her;
And thries on the water ther
Sche gaspeth with a drecchinge onde;
And tho sche tok hir speche on honde。
Ferst sche began to clepe and calle
Upward unto the sterres alle;
To Wynd; to Air; to See; to lond
Sche preide; and ek hield up hir hond    3980
To Echates; and gan to crie;
Which is goddesse of Sorcerie。
Sche seide; 〃Helpeth at this nede;
And as ye maden me to spede;
Whan Jason cam the Flees to seche;
So help me nou; I you beseche。〃
With that sche loketh and was war;
Doun fro the Sky ther cam a char;
The which Dragouns aboute drowe:
And tho sche gan hir hed doun bowe;   3990
And up sche styh; and faire and wel
Sche drof forth bothe char and whel
Above in thair among the Skyes。
The lond of Crete and tho parties
Sche soughte; and faste gan hire hye;
And there upon the hulles hyhe
Of Othrin and Olimpe also;
And ek of othre hulles mo;
Sche fond and gadreth herbes suote;
Sche pulleth up som be the rote;   4000
And manye with a knyf sche scherth;
And alle into hir char sche berth。
Thus whan sche hath the hulles sought;
The flodes ther foryat sche nought;
Eridian and Amphrisos;
Peneie and ek Sperchei5dos;
To hem sche wente and ther sche nom
Bothe of the water and the fom;
The sond and ek the smale stones;
Whiche as sche ches out for the nones;   4010
And of the rede See a part;
That was behovelich to hire art;
Sche tok; and after that aboute
Sche soughte sondri sedes oute
In feldes and in many greves;
And ek a part sche tok of leves:
Bot thing which mihte hire most availe
Sche fond in Crete and in Thessaile。
In daies and in nyhtes Nyne;
With gret travaile and with gret pyne;   4020
Sche was pourveid of every piece;
And torneth homward into Grece。
Before the gates of Eson
Hir char sche let awai to gon;
And tok out ferst that was therinne;
For tho sche thoghte to beginne
Such thing as semeth impossible;
And made hirselven invisible;
As sche that was with Air enclosed
And mihte of noman be desclosed。   4030
Sche tok up turves of the lond
Withoute helpe of mannes hond;
Al heled with the grene gras;
Of which an Alter mad ther was
Unto Echates the goddesse
Of art magique and the maistresse;
And eft an other to Juvente;
As sche which dede hir hole entente。
Tho tok sche fieldwode and verveyne;
Of herbe
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