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confessio amantis-第85部分

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Whan Thetis; which was the goddesse;
Dei5damie hath so bejaped;
I not hou it schal ben ascaped
With tho wommen whos innocence
Is nou alday thurgh such credence  3210
Deceived ofte; as it is seene;
With men that such untrouthe meene。
For thei ben slyhe in such a wise;
That thei be sleihte and be queintise
Of Falswitnesse bringen inne
That doth hem ofte forto winne;
Wher thei ben noght worthi therto。
Forthi; my Sone; do noght so。
Mi fader; as of Falswitnesse
The trouthe and the matiere expresse;    3220
Touchende of love hou it hath ferd;
As ye have told; I have wel herd。
Bot for ye seiden otherwise;
Hou thilke vice of Covoitise
Hath yit Perjurie of his acord;
If that you list of som record
To telle an other tale also
In loves cause of time ago;
What thing it is to be forswore;
I wolde preie you therfore;  3230
Wherof I mihte ensample take。
Mi goode Sone; and for thi sake
Touchende of this I schall fulfille
Thin axinge at thin oghne wille;
And the matiere I schal declare;
Hou the wommen deceived are;
Whan thei so tendre herte bere;
Of that thei hieren men so swere;
Bot whan it comth unto thassay;
Thei finde it fals an other day:   3240
As Jason dede to Medee;
Which stant yet of Auctorite
In tokne and in memorial;
Wherof the tale in special
Is in the bok of Troie write;
Which I schal do thee forto wite。
In Grece whilom was a king;
Of whom the fame and knowleching
Beleveth yit; and Peles
He hihte; bot it fell him thus;    3250
That his fortune hir whiel so ladde
That he no child his oghne hadde
To regnen after his decess。
He hadde a brother natheles;
Whos rihte name was Eson;
And he the worthi kniht Jason
Begat; the which in every lond
Alle othre passede of his hond
In Armes; so that he the beste
Was named and the worthieste;   3260
He soghte worschipe overal。
Nou herkne; and I thee telle schal
An aventure that he soghte;
Which afterward ful dere he boghte。
Ther was an yle; which Colchos
Was cleped; and therof aros
Gret speche in every lond aboute;
That such merveile was non oute
In al the wyde world nawhere;
As tho was in that yle there。   3270
Ther was a Schiep; as it was told;
The which his flees bar al of gold;
And so the goddes hadde it set;
That it ne mihte awei be fet
Be pouer of no worldes wiht:
And yit ful many a worthi kniht
It hadde assaied; as thei dorste;
And evere it fell hem to the worste。
Bot he; that wolde it noght forsake;
Bot of his knyhthod undertake   3280
To do what thing therto belongeth;
This worthi Jason; sore alongeth
To se the strange regiouns
And knowe the condiciouns
Of othre Marches; where he wente;
And for that cause his hole entente
He sette Colchos forto seche;
And therupon he made a speche
To Peles his Em the king。
And he wel paid was of that thing;    3290
And schop anon for his passage;
And suche as were of his lignage;
With othre knihtes whiche he ches;
With him he tok; and Hercules;
Which full was of chivalerie;
With Jason wente in compaignie;
And that was in the Monthe of Maii;
Whan colde stormes were away。
The wynd was good; the Schip was yare;
Thei tok here leve; and forth thei fare  3300
Toward Colchos: bot on the weie
What hem befell is long to seie;
Hou Lamedon the king of Troie;
Which oghte wel have mad hem joie。
Whan thei to reste a while him preide;
Out of his lond he hem congeide;
And so fell the dissencion;
Which after was destruccion
Of that Cite; as men mai hiere:
Bot that is noght to mi matiere。   3310
Bot thus this worthi folk Gregeis
Fro that king; which was noght curteis;
And fro his lond with Sail updrawe
Thei wente hem forth; and many a sawe
Thei made and many a gret manace;
Til ate laste into that place
Which as thei soghte thei aryve;
And striken Sail; and forth as blyve
Thei sente unto the king and tolden
Who weren ther and what thei wolden。  3320
Oe5tes; which was thanne king;
Whan that he herde this tyding
Of Jason; which was comen there;
And of these othre; what thei were;
He thoghte don hem gret worschipe:
For thei anon come out of Schipe;
And strawht unto the king thei wente;
And be the hond Jason he hente;
And that was ate paleis gate;
So fer the king cam on his gate    3330
Toward Jason to don him chiere;
And he; whom lacketh no manere;
Whan he the king sih in presence;
Yaf him ayein such reverence
As to a kinges stat belongeth。
And thus the king him underfongeth;
And Jason in his arm he cawhte;
And forth into the halle he strawhte;
And ther they siete and spieke of thinges;
And Jason tolde him tho tidinges;  3340
Why he was come; and faire him preide
To haste his time; and the kyng seide;
〃Jason; thou art a worthi kniht;
Bot it lith in no mannes myht
To don that thou art come fore:
Ther hath be many a kniht forlore
Of that thei wolden it assaie。〃
Bot Jason wolde him noght esmaie;
And seide; 〃Of every worldes cure
Fortune stant in aventure;   3350
Per aunter wel; per aunter wo:
Bot hou as evere that it go;
It schal be with myn hond assaied。〃
The king tho hield him noght wel paied;
For he the Grekes sore dredde;
In aunter; if Jason ne spedde;
He mihte therof bere a blame;
For tho was al the worldes fame
In Grece; as forto speke of Armes。
Forthi he dredde him of his harmes;       3360
And gan to preche him and to preie;
Bot Jason wolde noght obeie;
Bot seide he wolde his porpos holde
For ought that eny man him tolde。
The king; whan he thes wordes herde;
And sih hou that this kniht ansuerde;
Yit for he wolde make him glad;
After Medea gon he bad;
Which was his dowhter; and sche cam。
And Jason; which good hiede nam;   3370
Whan he hire sih; ayein hire goth;
And sche; which was him nothing loth;
Welcomede him into that lond;
And softe tok him be the hond;
And doun thei seten bothe same。
Sche hadde herd spoke of his name
And of his grete worthinesse;
Forthi sche gan hir yhe impresse
Upon his face and his stature;
And thoghte hou nevere creature    3380
Was so wel farende as was he。
And Jason riht in such degre
Ne mihte noght withholde his lok;
Bot so good hiede on hire he tok;
That him ne thoghte under the hevene
Of beaute sawh he nevere hir evene;
With al that fell to wommanhiede。
Thus ech of other token hiede;
Thogh ther no word was of record;
Here hertes bothe of on acord   3390
Ben set to love; bot as tho
Ther mihten be no wordes mo。
The king made him gret joie and feste;
To alle his men he yaf an heste;
So as thei wolde his thonk deserve;
That thei scholde alle Jason serve;
Whil that he wolde there duelle。
And thus the dai; schortly to telle;
With manye merthes thei despente;
Til nyht was come; and tho thei wente;   3400
Echon of other tok his leve;
Whan thei no lengere myhten leve。
I not hou Jason that nyht slep;
Bot wel I wot that of the Schep;
For which he cam into that yle;
He thoghte bot a litel whyle;
Al was Medea that he thoghte;
So that in many a wise he soghte
His witt wakende er it was day;
Som time yee; som time nay;  3410
Som time thus; som time so;
As he was stered to and fro
Of love; and ek of his conqueste
As he was holde of his beheste。
And thus he ros up be the morwe
And tok himself seint John to borwe;
And seide he wolde ferst beginne
At love
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