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confessio amantis-第79部分

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The which his lordes besant hedde  1930
And therupon gat non encress。
Bot at this time natheles;
What other man his thonk deserve;
The world so lusti is to serve;
That we with him ben all acorded;
And that is wist and wel recorded
Thurghout this Erthe in alle londes
Let knyhtes winne with here hondes;
For oure tunge schal be stille
And stonde upon the fleisshes wille。  1940
It were a travail forto preche
The feith of Crist; as forto teche
The folk Paiene; it wol noght be;
Bot every Prelat holde his See
With al such ese as he mai gete
Of lusti drinke and lusti mete;
Wherof the bodi fat and full
Is unto gostli labour dull
And slowh to handle thilke plowh。
Bot elles we ben swifte ynowh   1950
Toward the worldes Avarice;
And that is as a sacrifice;
Which; after that thapostel seith;
Is openly ayein the feith
Unto thidoles yove and granted:
Bot natheles it is nou haunted;
And vertu changed into vice;
So that largesce is Avarice;
In whos chapitre now we trete。
Mi fader; this matiere is bete  1960
So fer; that evere whil I live
I schal the betre hede yive
Unto miself be many weie:
Bot over this nou wolde I preie
To wite what the branches are
Of Avarice; and hou thei fare
Als wel in love as otherwise。
Mi Sone; and I thee schal devise
In such a manere as thei stonde;
So that thou schalt hem understonde。          1970
Dame Avarice is noght soleine;
Which is of gold the Capiteine;
Bot of hir Court in sondri wise
After the Scole of hire aprise
Sche hath of Servantz manyon;
Wherof that Covoitise is on;
Which goth the large world aboute;
To seche thavantages oute;
Wher that he mai the profit winne
To Avarice; and bringth it inne。   1980
That on hald and that other draweth;
Ther is no day which hem bedaweth;
No mor the Sonne than the Mone;
Whan ther is eny thing to done;
And namely with Covoitise;
For he stant out of al assisse
Of resonable mannes fare。
Wher he pourposeth him to fare
Upon his lucre and his beyete;
The smale path; the large Strete;  1990
The furlong and the longe Mile;
Al is bot on for thilke while:
And for that he is such on holde;
Dame Avarice him hath withholde;
As he which is the principal
Outward; for he is overal
A pourveour and an aspie。
For riht as of an hungri Pie
The storve bestes ben awaited;
Riht so is Covoitise afaited    2000
To loke where he mai pourchace;
For be his wille he wolde embrace
Al that this wyde world beclippeth;
Bot evere he somwhat overhippeth;
That he ne mai noght al fulfille
The lustes of his gredi wille。
Bot where it falleth in a lond;
That Covoitise in myhti hond
Is set; it is ful hard to fiede;
For thanne he takth non other hiede;  2010
Bot that he mai pourchace and gete;
His conscience hath al foryete;
And not what thing it mai amonte
That he schal afterward acompte。
Bote as the Luce in his degre
Of tho that lasse ben than he
The fisshes griedeli devoureth;
So that no water hem socoureth;
Riht so no lawe mai rescowe
Fro him that wol no riht allowe;   2020
For wher that such on is of myht;
His will schal stonde in stede of riht。
Thus be the men destruid fulofte;
Til that the grete god alofte
Ayein so gret a covoitise
Redresce it in his oghne wise:
And in ensample of alle tho
I finde a tale write so;
The which; for it is good to liere;
Hierafterward thou schalt it hiere。   2030
Whan Rome stod in noble plit;
Virgile; which was tho parfit;
A Mirour made of his clergie
And sette it in the tounes ije
Of marbre on a piler withoute;
That thei be thritty Mile aboute
Be daie and ek also be nyhte
In that Mirour beholde myhte
Here enemys; if eny were;
With al here ordinance there;   2040
Which thei ayein the Cite caste:
So that; whil thilke Mirour laste;
Ther was no lond which mihte achieve
With werre Rome forto grieve;
Wherof was gret envie tho。
And fell that ilke time so;
That Rome hadde werres stronge
Ayein Cartage; and stoden longe
The tuo Cites upon debat。
Cartage sih the stronge astat   2050
Of Rome in thilke Mirour stonde;
And thoghte al prively to fonde
To overthrowe it be som wyle。
And Hanybal was thilke while
The Prince and ledere of Cartage;
Which hadde set al his corage
Upon knihthod in such a wise;
That he be worthi and be wise
And be non othre was conseiled;
Wherof the world is yit merveiled  2060
Of the maistries that he wroghte
Upon the marches whiche he soghte。
And fell in thilke time also;
The king of Puile; which was tho;
Thoghte ayein Rome to rebelle;
And thus was take the querele;
Hou to destruie this Mirour。
Of Rome tho was Emperour
Crassus; which was so coveitous;
That he was evere desirous   2070
Of gold to gete the pilage;
Wherof that Puile and ek Cartage
With Philosophres wise and grete
Begunne of this matiere trete;
And ate laste in this degre
Ther weren Philosophres thre;
To do this thing whiche undertoke;
And therupon thei with hem toke
A gret tresor of gold in cophres;
To Rome and thus these philisophres   2080
Togedre in compainie wente;
Bot noman wiste what thei mente。
Whan thei to Rome come were;
So prively thei duelte there;
As thei that thoghten to deceive:
Was non that mihte of hem perceive;
Til thei in sondri stedes have
Here gold under the ground begrave
In tuo tresors; that to beholde
Thei scholden seme as thei were olde。    2090
And so forth thanne upon a day
Al openly in good arai
To themperour thei hem presente;
And tolden it was here entente
To duellen under his servise。
And he hem axeth in what wise;
And thei him tolde in such a plit;
That ech of hem hadde a spirit;
The which slepende a nyht appiereth
And hem be sondri dremes lereth    2100
After the world that hath betid。
Under the ground if oght be hid
Of old tresor at eny throwe;
They schull it in here swevenes knowe;
And upon this condicioun;
Thei sein; what gold under the toun
Of Rome is hid; thei wole it finde;
Ther scholde noght be left behinde;
Be so that he the halvendel
Hem grante; and he assenteth wel;  2110
And thus cam sleighte forto duelle
With Covoitise; as I thee telle。
This Emperour bad redily
That thei be logged faste by
Where he his oghne body lay;
And whan it was amorwe day;
That on of hem seith that he mette
Wher he a goldhord scholde fette:
Wherof this Emperour was glad;
And therupon anon he bad  2120
His Mynours forto go and myne;
And he himself of that covine
Goth forth withal; and at his hond
The tresor redi there he fond;
Where as thei seide it scholde be;
And who was thanne glad bot he?
Upon that other dai secounde
Thei have an other goldhord founde;
Which the seconde maister tok
Upon his swevene and undertok。  2130
And thus the sothe experience
To themperour yaf such credence;
That al his trist and al his feith
So sikerliche on hem he leith;
Of that he fond him so relieved;
That thei ben parfitli believed;
As thogh thei were goddes thre。
Nou herkne the soutilete。
The thridde maister scholde mete;
Which; as thei seiden; was unmete  2140
Above hem alle; and couthe most;
And he withoute noise or bost
Al priveli; so as he wolde;
Upon the morwe his swevene tolde
To themperour riht in his Ere;
And seide him that he wiste where
A tresor was so plentivous
Of gold and ek so preciou
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