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confessio amantis-第77部分

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Or speke or do or elles fiele;
And yit the foles to hem knele;
Which is here oghne handes werk。
Ha lord; hou this believe is derk;
And fer fro resonable wit!
And natheles thei don it yit:
That was to day a ragged tre;
To morwe upon his majeste    1510
Stant in the temple wel besein。
How myhte a mannes resoun sein
That such a Stock mai helpe or grieve?
Bot thei that ben of such believe
And unto suche goddes calle;
It schal to hem riht so befalle;
And failen ate moste nede。
Bot if thee list to taken hiede
And of the ferste ymage wite;
Petornius therof hath write  1520
And ek Nigargorus also;
And thei afferme and write so;
That Promothes was tofore
And fond the ferste craft therfore;
And Cirophanes; as thei telle;
Thurgh conseil which was take in helle;
In remembrance of his lignage
Let setten up the ferste ymage。
Of Cirophanes seith the bok;
That he for sorwe; which he tok    1530
Of that he sih his Sone ded;
Of confort knew non other red;
Bot let do make in remembrance
A faire ymage of his semblance
And sette it in the market place;
Which openly tofore his face
Stod every dai to don him ese。
And thei that thanne wolden plese
The fader; scholden it obeie;
Whan that they comen thilke weie。  1540
And of Ninus king of Assire
I rede hou that in his empire
He was next after the secounde
Of hem that ferst ymages founde。
For he riht in semblable cas
Of Belus; which his fader was
Fro Nembroth in the rihte line;
Let make of gold and Stones fine
A precious ymage riche
After his fader evene liche;    1550
And therupon a lawe he sette;
That every man of pure dette
With sacrifice and with truage
Honoure scholde thilke ymage:
So that withinne time it fell;
Of Belus cam the name of Bel;
Of Bel cam Belzebub; and so
The misbelieve wente tho。
The thridde ymage next to this
Was; whan the king of Grece Apis   1560
Was ded; thei maden a figure
In resemblance of his stature。
Of this king Apis seith the bok
That Serapis his name tok;
In whom thurgh long continuance
Of misbelieve a gret creance
Thei hadden; and the reverence
Of Sacrifice and of encence
To him thei made: and as thei telle;
Among the wondres that befelle;    1570
Whan Alisandre fro Candace
Cam ridende; in a wilde place
Undur an hull a Cave he fond;
And Candalus; which in that lond
Was bore; and was Candaces Sone;
Him tolde hou that of commun wone
The goddes were in thilke cave。
And he; that wolde assaie and have
A knowlechinge if it be soth;
Liht of his hors and in he goth;   1580
And fond therinne that he soghte:
For thurgh the fendes sleihte him thoghte;
Amonges othre goddes mo
That Serapis spak to him tho;
Whom he sih there in gret arrai。
And thus the fend fro dai to dai
The worschipe of ydolatrie
Drowh forth upon the fantasie
Of hem that weren thanne blinde
And couthen noght the trouthe finde。  1590
Thus hast thou herd in what degre
Of Grece; Egipte and of Caldee
The misbelieves whilom stode;
And hou so that thei be noght goode
Ne trewe; yit thei sprungen oute;
Wherof the wyde world aboute
His part of misbelieve tok。
Til so befell; as seith the bok;
That god a poeple for himselve
Hath chose of the lignages tuelve;    1600
Wherof the sothe redely;
As it is write in Genesi;
I thenke telle in such a wise
That it schal be to thin apprise。
After the flod; fro which Noe5
Was sauf; the world in his degre
Was mad; as who seith; newe ayein;
Of flour; of fruit; of gras; of grein;
Of beste; of bridd and of mankinde;
Which evere hath be to god unkinde:   1610
For noght withstondende al the fare;
Of that this world was mad so bare
And afterward it was restored;
Among the men was nothing mored
Towardes god of good lyvynge;
Bot al was torned to likinge
After the fleissh; so that foryete
Was he which yaf hem lif and mete;
Of hevene and Erthe creatour。
And thus cam forth the grete errour;  1620
That thei the hihe god ne knewe;
Bot maden othre goddes newe;
As thou hast herd me seid tofore:
Ther was noman that time bore;
That he ne hadde after his chois
A god; to whom he yaf his vois。
Wherof the misbelieve cam
Into the time of Habraham:
Bot he fond out the rihte weie;
Hou only that men scholde obeie    1630
The hihe god; which weldeth al;
And evere hath don and evere schal;
In hevene; in Erthe and ek in helle;
Ther is no tunge his miht mai telle。
This Patriarch to his lignage
Forbad; that thei to non ymage
Encline scholde in none wise;
Bot here offrende and sacrifise
With al the hole hertes love
Unto the mihti god above  1640
Thei scholden yive and to no mo:
And thus in thilke time tho
Began the Secte upon this Erthe;
Which of believes was the ferthe。
Of rihtwisnesse it was conceived;
So moste it nedes be received
Of him that alle riht is inne;
The hihe god; which wolde winne
A poeple unto his oghne feith。
On Habraham the ground he leith;   1650
And made him forto multeplie
Into so gret a progenie;
That thei Egipte al overspradde。
Bot Pharao with wrong hem ladde
In servitute ayein the pes;
Til god let sende Moi5ses
To make the deliverance;
And for his poeple gret vengance
He tok; which is to hiere a wonder。
The king was slain; the lond put under;  1660
God bad the rede See divide;
Which stod upriht on either side
And yaf unto his poeple a weie;
That thei on fote it passe dreie
And gon so forth into desert:
Wher forto kepe hem in covert;
The daies; whan the Sonne brente;
A large cloude hem overwente;
And forto wissen hem be nyhte;
A firy Piler hem alyhte。  1670
And whan that thei for hunger pleigne;
The myhti god began to reyne
Manna fro hevene doun to grounde;
Wherof that ech of hem hath founde
His fode; such riht as him liste;
And for thei scholde upon him triste;
Riht as who sette a tonne abroche;
He percede the harde roche;
And sprong out water al at wille;
That man and beste hath drunke his fille:   1680
And afterward he yaf the lawe
To Moi5ses; that hem withdrawe
Thei scholden noght fro that he bad。
And in this wise thei be lad;
Til thei toke in possession
The londes of promission;
Wher that Caleph and Josue5
The Marches upon such degre
Departen; after the lignage
That ech of hem as Heritage  1690
His porpartie hath underfonge。
And thus stod this believe longe;
Which of prophetes was governed;
And thei hadde ek the poeple lerned
Of gret honour that scholde hem falle;
Bot ate moste nede of alle
Thei faileden; whan Crist was bore。
Bot hou that thei here feith have bore;
It nedeth noght to tellen al;
The matiere is so general:   1700
Whan Lucifer was best in hevene
And oghte moste have stonde in evene;
Towardes god he tok debat;
And for that he was obstinat;
And wolde noght to trouthe encline;
He fell for evere into ruine:
And Adam ek in Paradis;
Whan he stod most in al his pris
After thastat of Innocence;
Ayein the god brak his defence  1710
And fell out of his place aweie:
And riht be such a maner weie
The Jwes in here beste plit;
Whan that thei scholden most parfit
Have stonde upon the prophecie;
Tho fellen thei to most folie;
And him which was fro hevene come;
And of a Maide his fleissh hath nome;
And was among hem bore and fedd;
As men that wolden noght be spedd  1720
Of goddes Sone; 
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