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confessio amantis-第75部分

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Whan thei to thyle of Delphos wente;
And that Appollo with hem sente
This Esculapius his Sone;
Among the Romeins forto wone。
And there he duelte for a while;
Til afterward into that yle;
Fro whenne he cam; ayein he torneth;
Where al his lyf that he sojorneth
Among the Greks; til that he deide。
And thei upon him thanne leide  1080
His name; and god of medicine
He hatte after that ilke line。
An other god of Hercules
Thei made; which was natheles
A man; bot that he was so strong;
In al this world that brod and long
So myhti was noman as he。
Merveiles tuelve in his degre;
As it was couth in sondri londes;
He dede with hise oghne hondes  1090
Ayein geantz and Monstres bothe;
The whiche horrible were and lothe;
Bot he with strengthe hem overcam:
Wherof so gret a pris he nam;
That thei him clepe amonges alle
The god of strengthe; and to him calle。
And yit ther is no reson inne;
For he a man was full of sinne;
Which proved was upon his ende;
For in a rage himself he brende;   1100
And such a cruel mannes dede
Acordeth nothing with godhede。
Thei hadde of goddes yit an other;
Which Pluto hihte; and was the brother
Of Jupiter; and he fro youthe
With every word which cam to mouthe;
Of eny thing whan he was wroth;
He wolde swere his commun oth;
Be Lethen and be Flegeton;
Be Cochitum and Acheron;  1110
The whiche; after the bokes telle;
Ben the chief flodes of the helle:
Be Segne and Stige he swor also;
That ben the depe Pettes tuo
Of helle the most principal。
Pluto these othes overal
Swor of his commun custummance;
Til it befell upon a chance;
That he for Jupiteres sake
Unto the goddes let do make  1120
A sacrifice; and for that dede
On of the pettes for his mede
In helle; of which I spak of er;
Was granted him; and thus he ther
Upon the fortune of this thing
The name tok of helle king。
Lo; these goddes and wel mo
Among the Greks thei hadden tho;
And of goddesses manyon;
Whos names thou schalt hiere anon;    1130
And in what wise thei deceiven
The foles whiche here feith receiven。
So as Saturne is soverein
Of false goddes; as thei sein;
So is Sibeles of goddesses
The Moder; whom withoute gesses
The folk Payene honoure and serve;
As thei the whiche hire lawe observe。
Bot forto knowen upon this
Fro when sche cam and what sche is;   1140
Bethincia the contre hihte;
Wher sche cam ferst to mannes sihte;
And after was Saturnes wif;
Be whom thre children in hire lif
Sche bar; and thei were cleped tho
Juno; Neptunus and Pluto;
The whiche of nyce fantasie
The poeple wolde deifie。
And for hire children were so;
Sibeles thanne was also   1150
Mad a goddesse; and thei hire calle
The moder of the goddes alle。
So was that name bore forth;
And yit the cause is litel worth。
A vois unto Saturne tolde
Hou that his oghne Sone him scholde
Out of his regne putte aweie;
And he be cause of thilke weie;
That him was schape such a fate;
Sibele his wif began to hate        1160
And ek hire progenie bothe。
And thus; whil that thei were wrothe;
Be Philerem upon a dai
In his avouterie he lai;
On whom he Jupiter begat;
And thilke child was after that
Which wroghte al that was prophecied;
As it tofore is specefied:
So that whan Jupiter of Crete
Was king; a wif unto him mete   1170
The Dowhter of Sibele he tok;
And that was Juno; seith the bok。
Of his deificacion
After the false oppinion;
That have I told; so as thei meene;
And for this Juno was the queene
Of Jupiter and Soster eke;
The foles unto hire sieke;
And sein that sche is the goddesse
Of Regnes bothe and of richesse:   1180
And ek sche; as thei understonde;
The water Nimphes hath in honde
To leden at hire oghne heste;
And whan hir list the Sky tempeste;
The reinbowe is hir Messager。
Lo; which a misbelieve is hier!
That sche goddesse is of the Sky
I wot non other cause why。
An other goddesse is Minerve;
To whom the Greks obeie and serve:    1190
And sche was nyh the grete lay
Of Triton founde; wher sche lay
A child forcast; bot what sche was
Ther knew noman the sothe cas。
Bot in Aufrique sche was leid
In the manere as I have seid;
And caried fro that ilke place
Into an Yle fer in Trace;
The which Palene thanne hihte;
Wher a Norrice hir kepte and dihte。   1200
And after; for sche was so wys
That sche fond ferst in hire avis
The cloth makinge of wolle and lyn;
Men seiden that sche was divin;
And the goddesse of Sapience
Thei clepen hire in that credence。
Of the goddesse which Pallas
Is cleped sondri speche was。
On seith hire fader was Pallant;
Which in his time was geant;    1210
A cruel man; a bataillous:
An other seith hou in his hous
Sche was the cause why he deide。
And of this Pallas some ek seide
That sche was Martes wif; and so
Among the men that weren tho
Of misbelieve in the riote
The goddesse of batailles hote
She was; and yit sche berth the name。
Now loke; hou they be forto blame。    1220
Saturnus after his exil
Fro Crete cam in gret peril
Into the londes of Ytaile;
And ther he dede gret mervaile;
Wherof his name duelleth yit。
For he fond of his oghne wit
The ferste craft of plowh tilinge;
Of Eringe and of corn sowinge;
And how men scholden sette vines
And of the grapes make wynes;   1230
Al this he tawhte; and it fell so;
His wif; the which cam with him tho;
Was cleped Cereres be name;
And for sche tawhte also the same;
And was his wif that ilke throwe;
As it was to the poeple knowe;
Thei made of Ceres a goddesse;
In whom here tilthe yit thei blesse;
And sein that Tricolonius
Hire Sone goth amonges ous   1240
And makth the corn good chep or dere;
Riht as hire list fro yer to yeere;
So that this wif be cause of this
Goddesse of Cornes cleped is。
King Jupiter; which his likinge
Whilom fulfelde in alle thinge;
So priveliche aboute he ladde
His lust; that he his wille hadde
Of Latona; and on hire that
Diane his dowhter he begat   1250
Unknowen of his wif Juno。
And afterward sche knew it so;
That Latona for drede fledde
Into an Ile; wher sche hedde
Hire wombe; which of childe aros。
Thilke yle cleped was Delos;
In which Diana was forthbroght;
And kept so that hire lacketh noght。
And after; whan sche was of Age;
Sche tok non hiede of mariage;  1260
Bot out of mannes compaignie
Sche tok hire al to venerie
In forest and in wildernesse
For ther was al hire besinesse
Be daie and ek be nyhtes tyde
With arwes brode under the side
And bowe in honde; of which sche slowh
And tok al that hir liste ynowh
Of bestes whiche ben chacable:
Wherof the Cronique of this fable  1270
Seith that the gentils most of alle
Worschipen hire and to hire calle;
And the goddesse of hihe helles;
Of grene trees; of freisshe welles;
They clepen hire in that believe;
Which that no reson mai achieve。
Proserpina; which dowhter was
Of Cereres; befell this cas:
Whil sche was duellinge in Cizile;
Hire moder in that ilke while   1280
Upon hire blessinge and hire heste
Bad that sche scholde ben honeste;
And lerne forto weve and spinne;
And duelle at hom and kepe hire inne。
Bot sche caste al that lore aweie;
And as sche wente hir out to pleie;
To gadre floures in a pleine;
And that was under the monteine
Of Ethna; fell the same tyde
That Plu
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