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confessio amantis-第74部分

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And kutte of with his oghne hond
Hise genitals; whiche als so faste
Into the depe See he caste;
Wherof the Greks afferme and seie;
Thus whan thei were caste aweie;
Cam Venus forth be weie of kinde。
And of Saturne also I finde  860
How afterward into an yle
This Jupiter him dede exile;
Wher that he stod in gret meschief。
Lo; which a god thei maden chief!
And sithen that such on was he;
Which stod most hihe in his degre
Among the goddes; thou miht knowe;
These othre; that ben more lowe;
Ben litel worth; as it is founde。
For Jupiter was the secounde;   870
Which Juno hadde unto his wif;
And yit a lechour al his lif
He was; and in avouterie
He wroghte many a tricherie;
And for he was so full of vices;
Thei cleped him god of delices:
Of whom; if thou wolt more wite;
Ovide the Poete hath write。
Bot yit here Sterres bothe tuo;
Saturne and Jupiter also;    880
Thei have; althogh thei be to blame;
Attitled to here oghne name。
Mars was an other in that lawe;
The which in Dace was forthdrawe;
Of whom the clerk Vegecius
Wrot in his bok; and tolde thus;
Hou he into Ytaile cam;
And such fortune ther he nam
That he a Maiden hath oppressed;
Which in hire ordre was professed;    890
As sche which was the Prioresse
In Vestes temple the goddesse;
So was sche wel the mor to blame。
Dame Ylia this ladi name
Men clepe; and ek sche was also
The kinges dowhter that was tho;
Which Mynitor be name hihte。
So that ayein the lawes ryhte
Mars thilke time upon hire that
Remus and Romulus begat;  900
Whiche after; whan thei come in Age;
Of knihthode and of vassellage
Ytaile al hol thei overcome
And foundeden the grete Rome;
In Armes and of such emprise
Thei weren; that in thilke wise
Here fader Mars for the mervaile
The god was cleped of bataille。
Thei were his children bothe tuo;
Thurgh hem he tok his name so;  910
Ther was non other cause why:
And yit a Sterre upon the Sky
He hath unto his name applied;
In which that he is signified。
An other god thei hadden eke;
To whom for conseil thei beseke;
The which was brother to Venus;
Appollo men him clepe thus。
He was an Hunte upon the helles;
Ther was with him no vertu elles;  920
Wherof that enye bokes karpe;
Bot only that he couthe harpe;
Which whanne he walked over londe;
Fulofte time he tok on honde;
To gete him with his sustienance;
For lacke of other pourveance。
And otherwhile of his falshede
He feignede him to conne arede
Of thing which after scholde falle;
Wherof among hise sleyhtes alle    930
He hath the lewed folk deceived;
So that the betre he was received。
Lo now; thurgh what creacion
He hath deificacion;
And cleped is the god of wit
To suche as be the foles yit。

An other god; to whom thei soghte;
Mercurie hihte; and him ne roghte
What thing he stal; ne whom he slowh。
Of Sorcerie he couthe ynowh;    940
That whanne he wolde himself transforme;
Fulofte time he tok the forme
Of womman and his oghne lefte;
So dede he wel the more thefte。
A gret spekere in alle thinges
He was also; and of lesinges
An Auctour; that men wiste non
An other such as he was on。
And yit thei maden of this thief
A god; which was unto hem lief;    950
And clepede him in tho believes
The god of Marchantz and of thieves。
Bot yit a sterre upon the hevene
He hath of the planetes sevene。
But Vulcanus; of whom I spak;
He hadde a courbe upon the bak;
And therto he was hepehalt:
Of whom thou understonde schalt;
He was a schrewe in al his youthe;
And he non other vertu couthe   960
Of craft to helpe himselve with;
Bot only that he was a Smith
With Jupiter; which in his forge
Diverse thinges made him forge;
So wot I noght for what desir
Thei clepen him the god of fyr。
King of Cizile Ypolitus
A Sone hadde; and Eolus
He hihte; and of his fader grant
He hield be weie of covenant    970
The governance of every yle
Which was longende unto Cizile;
Of hem that fro the lond forein
Leie open to the wynd al plein。
And fro thilke iles to the londe
Fulofte cam the wynd to honde:
After the name of him forthi
The wyndes cleped Eoli
Tho were; and he the god of wynd。
Lo nou; hou this believe is blynd!    980
The king of Crete Jupiter;
The same which I spak of er;
Unto his brother; which Neptune
Was hote; it list him to comune
Part of his good; so that be Schipe
He mad him strong of the lordschipe
Of al the See in tho parties;
Wher that he wroghte his tyrannyes;
And the strange yles al aboute
He wan; that every man hath doute  990
Upon his marche forto saile;
For he anon hem wolde assaile
And robbe what thing that thei ladden;
His sauf conduit bot if thei hadden。
Wherof the comun vois aros
In every lond; that such a los
He cawhte; al nere it worth a stre;
That he was cleped of the See
The god be name; and yit he is
With hem that so believe amis。  1000
This Neptune ek was thilke also;
Which was the ferste foundour tho
Of noble Troie; and he forthi
Was wel the more lete by。
The loresman of the Schepherdes;
And ek of hem that ben netherdes;
Was of Archade and hihte Pan:
Of whom hath spoke many a man;
For in the wode of Nonarcigne;
Enclosed with the tres of Pigne;   1010
And on the Mont of Parasie
He hadde of bestes the baillie;
And ek benethe in the valleie;
Wher thilke rivere; as men seie;
Which Ladon hihte; made his cours;
He was the chief of governours
Of hem that kepten tame bestes;
Wherof thei maken yit the festes
In the Cite Stinfalides。
And forth withal yit natheles   1020
He tawhte men the forthdrawinge
Of bestaile; and ek the makinge
Of Oxen; and of hors the same;
Hou men hem scholde ryde and tame:
Of foules ek; so as we finde;
Ful many a soubtiel craft of kinde
He fond; which noman knew tofore。
Men dede him worschipe ek therfore;
That he the ferste in thilke lond
Was which the melodie fond   1030
Of Riedes; whan thei weren ripe;
With double pipes forto pipe;
Therof he yaf the ferste lore;
Til afterward men couthe more。
To every craft for mannes helpe
He hadde a redi wit to helpe
Thurgh naturel experience:
And thus the nyce reverence
Of foles; whan that he was ded;
The fot hath torned to the hed;    1040
And clepen him god of nature;
For so thei maden his figure。
An other god; so as thei fiele;
Which Jupiter upon Samele
Begat in his avouterie;
Whom; forto hide his lecherie;
That non therof schal take kepe;
In a Montaigne forto kepe;
Which Dyon hihte and was in Ynde;
He sende; in bokes as I finde:  1050
And he be name Bachus hihte;
Which afterward; whan that he mihte;
A wastour was; and al his rente
In wyn and bordel he despente。
Bot yit; al were he wonder badde;
Among the Greks a name he hadde;
Thei cleped him the god of wyn;
And thus a glotoun was dyvyn。
Ther was yit Esculapius
A godd in thilke time as thus。  1060
His craft stod upon Surgerie;
Bot for the lust of lecherie;
That he to Daires dowhter drowh;
It felle that Jupiter him slowh:
And yit thei made him noght forthi
A god; and was no cause why。
In Rome he was long time also
A god among the Romeins tho;
For; as he seide; of his presence
Ther was destruid a pestilence;    1070
Whan thei to thyle of Delphos wente;
And that Appollo with hem sente
This Esculapius his Sone;
Among the R
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