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confessio amantis-第7部分

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Some wele after my longe wo。〃
And sche began to loure tho;
And seide; 〃Ther is manye of yow
Faitours; and so may be that thow
Art riht such on; and be feintise
Seist that thou hast me do servise。〃
And natheles sche wiste wel;
Mi world stod on an other whiel
Withouten eny faiterie:
Bot algate of my maladie   180
Sche bad me telle and seie hir trowthe。
〃Ma dame; if ye wolde have rowthe;〃
Quod I; 〃than wolde I telle yow。〃
〃Sey forth;〃 quod sche; 〃and tell me how;
Schew me thi seknesse everydiel。〃
〃Ma dame; that can I do wel;
Be so my lif therto wol laste。〃
With that hir lok on me sche caste;
And seide: 〃In aunter if thou live;
Mi will is ferst that thou be schrive;    190
And natheles how that it is
I wot miself; bot for al this
Unto my prest; which comth anon;
I woll thou telle it on and on;
Bothe all thi thoght and al thi werk。
O Genius myn oghne Clerk;
Com forth and hier this mannes schrifte;〃
Quod Venus tho; and I uplifte
Min hefd with that; and gan beholde
The selve Prest; which as sche wolde   200
Was redy there and sette him doun
To hiere my confessioun。
This worthi Prest; this holy man
To me spekende thus began;
And seide: 〃Benedicite;
Mi Sone; of the felicite
Of love and ek of all the wo
Thou schalt thee schrive of bothe tuo。
What thou er this for loves sake
Hast felt; let nothing be forsake;   210
Tell pleinliche as it is befalle。〃
And with that word I gan doun falle
On knees; and with devocioun
And with full gret contricioun
I seide thanne: 〃Dominus;
Min holi fader Genius;
So as thou hast experience
Of love; for whos reverence
Thou schalt me schriven at this time;
I prai the let me noght mistime     220
Mi schrifte; for I am destourbed
In al myn herte; and so contourbed;
That I ne may my wittes gete;
So schal I moche thing foryete:
Bot if thou wolt my schrifte oppose
Fro point to point; thanne I suppose;
Ther schal nothing be left behinde。
Bot now my wittes ben so blinde;
That I ne can miselven teche。〃
Tho he began anon to preche;   230
And with his wordes debonaire
He seide tome softe and faire:
〃Thi schrifte to oppose and hiere;
My Sone; I am assigned hiere
Be Venus the godesse above;
Whos Prest I am touchende of love。
Bot natheles for certein skile
I mot algate and nedes wile
Noght only make my spekynges
Of love; bot of othre thinges;    240
That touchen to the cause of vice。
For that belongeth to thoffice
Of Prest; whos ordre that I bere;
So that I wol nothing forbere;
That I the vices on and on
Ne schal thee schewen everychon;
Wherof thou myht take evidence
To reule with thi conscience。
Bot of conclusion final
Conclude I wol in special     250
For love; whos servant I am;
And why the cause is that I cam。
So thenke I to don bothe tuo;
Ferst that myn ordre longeth to;
The vices forto telle arewe;
Bot next above alle othre schewe
Of love I wol the propretes;
How that thei stonde be degrees
After the disposicioun
Of Venus; whos condicioun     260
I moste folwe; as I am holde。
For I with love am al withholde;
So that the lasse I am to wyte;
Thogh I ne conne bot a lyte
Of othre thinges that ben wise:
I am noght tawht in such a wise;
For it is noght my comun us
To speke of vices and vertus;
Bot al of love and of his lore;
For Venus bokes of nomore     270
Me techen nowther text ne glose。
Bot for als moche as I suppose
It sit a prest to be wel thewed;
And schame it is if he be lewed;
Of my Presthode after the forme
I wol thi schrifte so enforme;
That ate leste thou schalt hiere
The vices; and to thi matiere
Of love I schal hem so remene;
That thou schalt knowe what thei mene。    280
For what a man schal axe or sein
Touchende of schrifte; it mot be plein;
It nedeth noght to make it queinte;
For trowthe hise wordes wol noght peinte:
That I wole axe of the forthi;
My Sone; it schal be so pleinly;
That thou schalt knowe and understonde
The pointz of schrifte how that thei stonde。〃
Betwen the lif and deth I herde
This Prestes tale er I answerde;     290
And thanne I preide him forto seie
His will; and I it wolde obeie
After the forme of his apprise。
Tho spak he tome in such a wise;
And bad me that I scholde schrive
As touchende of my wittes fyve;
And schape that thei were amended
Of that I hadde hem misdispended。
For tho be proprely the gates;
Thurgh whiche as to the herte algates     300
Comth alle thing unto the feire;
Which may the mannes Soule empeire。
And now this matiere is broght inne;
Mi Sone; I thenke ferst beginne
To wite how that thin yhe hath stonde;
The which is; as I understonde;
The moste principal of alle;
Thurgh whom that peril mai befalle。
And forto speke in loves kinde;
Ful manye suche a man mai finde;     310
Whiche evere caste aboute here yhe;
To loke if that thei myhte aspie
Fulofte thing which hem ne toucheth;
Bot only that here herte soucheth
In hindringe of an other wiht;
And thus ful many a worthi knyht
And many a lusti lady bothe
Have be fulofte sythe wrothe。
So that an yhe is as a thief
To love; and doth ful gret meschief;   320
And also for his oghne part
Fulofte thilke firy Dart
Of love; which that evere brenneth;
Thurgh him into the herte renneth:
And thus a mannes yhe ferst
Himselve grieveth alther werst;
And many a time that he knoweth
Unto his oghne harm it groweth。
Mi Sone; herkne now forthi
A tale; to be war therby   330
Thin yhe forto kepe and warde;
So that it passe noght his warde。
Ovide telleth in his bok
Ensample touchende of mislok;
And seith hou whilom ther was on;
A worthi lord; which Acteon
Was hote; and he was cousin nyh
To him that Thebes ferst on hyh
Up sette; which king Cadme hyhte。
This Acteon; as he wel myhte;     340
Above alle othre caste his chiere;
And used it fro yer to yere;
With Houndes and with grete Hornes
Among the wodes and the thornes
To make his hunting and his chace:
Where him best thoghte in every place
To finde gamen in his weie;
Ther rod he forto hunte and pleie。
So him befell upon a tide
On his hunting as he cam ride;    350
In a Forest al one he was:
He syh upon the grene gras
The faire freisshe floures springe;
He herde among the leves singe
The Throstle with the nyhtingale:
Thus er he wiste into a Dale
He cam; wher was a litel plein;
All round aboute wel besein
With buisshes grene and Cedres hyhe;
And ther withinne he caste his yhe。    360
Amidd the plein he syh a welle;
So fair ther myhte noman telle;
In which Diana naked stod
To bathe and pleie hire in the flod
With many a Nimphe; which hire serveth。
Bot he his yhe awey ne swerveth
Fro hire; which was naked al;
And sche was wonder wroth withal;
And him; as sche which was godesse;
Forschop anon; and the liknesse     370
Sche made him taken of an Hert;
Which was tofore hise houndes stert;
That ronne besiliche aboute
With many an horn and many a route;
That maden mochel noise and cry:
And ate laste unhappely
This Hert his oghne houndes slowhe
And him for vengance al todrowhe。
Lo now; my Sone; what it is
A man to caste his yhe amis;   380
Which Acteon hath dere aboght;
Be war forthi and do it noght。
For ofte; who that hiede toke;
Betre is to winke than to loke。
And forto proven it is so;
Ovide the Poe
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