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confessio amantis-第67部分

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The goddes fro the hevene above
Behielde; and for the trowthe of love;   3090
Which in this worthi ladi stod;
Thei have upon the salte flod
Hire dreinte lord and hire also
Fro deth to lyve torned so;
That thei ben schapen into briddes
Swimmende upon the wawe amiddes。
And whan sche sih hire lord livende
In liknesse of a bridd swimmende;
And sche was of the same sort;
So as sche mihte do desport;    3100
Upon the joie which sche hadde
Hire wynges bothe abrod sche spradde;
And him; so as sche mai suffise;
Beclipte and keste in such a wise;
As sche was whilom wont to do:
Hire wynges for hire armes tuo
Sche tok; and for hire lippes softe
Hire harde bile; and so fulofte
Sche fondeth in hire briddes forme;
If that sche mihte hirself conforme   3110
To do the plesance of a wif;
As sche dede in that other lif:
For thogh sche hadde hir pouer lore;
Hir will stod as it was tofore;
And serveth him so as sche mai。
Wherof into this ilke day
Togedre upon the See thei wone;
Wher many a dowhter and a Sone
Thei bringen forth of briddes kinde;
And for men scholden take in mynde    3120
This Alceoun the trewe queene;
Hire briddes yit; as it is seene;
Of Alceoun the name bere。
Lo thus; mi Sone; it mai thee stere
Of swevenes forto take kepe;
For ofte time a man aslepe
Mai se what after schal betide。
Forthi it helpeth at som tyde
A man to slepe; as it belongeth;
Bot slowthe no lif underfongeth    3130
Which is to love appourtenant。
Mi fader; upon covenant
I dar wel make this avou;
Of all mi lif that into nou;
Als fer as I can understonde;
Yit tok I nevere Slep on honde;
Whan it was time forto wake;
For thogh myn yhe it wolde take;
Min herte is evere therayein。
Bot natheles to speke it plein;    3140
Al this that I have seid you hiere
Of my wakinge; as ye mai hiere;
It toucheth to mi lady swete;
For otherwise; I you behiete;
In strange place whanne I go;
Me list nothing to wake so。
For whan the wommen listen pleie;
And I hir se noght in the weie;
Of whom I scholde merthe take;
Me list noght longe forto wake;    3150
Bot if it be for pure schame;
Of that I wolde eschuie a name;
That thei ne scholde have cause non
To seie; 〃Ha; lo; wher goth such on;
That hath forlore his contenaunce'〃
And thus among I singe and daunce;
And feigne lust ther as non is。
For ofte sithe I fiele this;
Of thoght; which in mi herte falleth
Whanne it is nyht; myn hed appalleth;    3160
And that is for I se hire noght;
Which is the wakere of mi thoght:
And thus as tymliche as I may;
Fulofte whanne it is brod day;
I take of all these othre leve
And go my weie; and thei beleve;
That sen per cas here loves there;
And I go forth as noght ne were
Unto mi bedd; so that al one
I mai ther ligge and sighe and grone  3170
And wisshen al the longe nyht;
Til that I se the daies lyht。
I not if that be Sompnolence;
Bot upon youre conscience;
Min holi fader; demeth ye。
My Sone; I am wel paid with thee;
Of Slep that thou the Sluggardie
Be nyhte in loves compaignie
Eschuied hast; and do thi peine
So that thi love thar noght pleine:   3180
For love upon his lust wakende
Is evere; and wolde that non ende
Were of the longe nyhtes set。
Wherof that thou be war the bet;
To telle a tale I am bethoght;
Hou love and Slep acorden noght。
For love who that list to wake
Be nyhte; he mai ensample take
Of Cephalus; whan that  he lay
With Aurora that swete may   3190
In armes all the longe nyht。
Bot whanne it drogh toward the liht;
That he withinne his herte sih
The dai which was amorwe nyh;
Anon unto the Sonne he preide
For lust of love; and thus he seide:
〃O Phebus; which the daies liht
Governest; til that it be nyht;
And gladest every creature
After the lawe of thi nature;…  3200
Bot natheles ther is a thing;
Which onli to the knouleching
Belongeth as in privete
To love and to his duete;
Which asketh noght to ben apert;
Bot in cilence and in covert
Desireth forto be beschaded:
And thus whan that thi liht is faded
And Vesper scheweth him alofte;
And that the nyht is long and softe;  3210
Under the cloudes derke and stille
Thanne hath this thing most of his wille。
Forthi unto thi myhtes hyhe;
As thou which art the daies yhe;
Of love and myht no conseil hyde;
Upon this derke nyhtes tyde
With al myn herte I thee beseche
That I plesance myhte seche
With hire which lith in min armes。
Withdrawgh the Banere of thin Armes;  3220
And let thi lyhtes ben unborn;
And in the Signe of Capricorn;
The hous appropred to Satorne;
I preie that thou wolt sojorne;
Wher ben the nihtes derke and longe:
For I mi love have underfonge;
Which lith hier be mi syde naked;
As sche which wolde ben awaked;
And me lest nothing forto slepe。
So were it good to take kepe    3230
Nou at this nede of mi preiere;
And that the like forto stiere
Thi fyri Carte; and so ordeigne;
That thou thi swifte hors restreigne
Lowe under Erthe in Occident;
That thei towardes Orient
Be Cercle go the longe weie。
And ek to thee; Diane; I preie;
Which cleped art of thi noblesse
The nyhtes Mone and the goddesse;  3240
That thou to me be gracious:
And in Cancro thin oghne hous
Ayein Phebus in opposit
Stond al this time; and of delit
Behold Venus with a glad yhe。
For thanne upon Astronomie
Of due constellacion
Thou makst prolificacion;
And dost that children ben begete:
Which grace if that I mihte gete;      3250
With al myn herte I wolde serve
Be nyhte; and thi vigile observe。〃
Lo; thus this lusti Cephalus
Preide unto Phebe and to Phebus
The nyht in lengthe forto drawe;
So that he mihte do the lawe
In thilke point of loves heste;
Which cleped is the nyhtes feste;
Withoute Slep of sluggardie;
Which Venus out of compaignie   3260
Hath put awey; as thilke same;
Which lustles ferr from alle game
In chambre doth fulofte wo
Abedde; whanne it falleth so
That love scholde ben awaited。
But Slowthe; which is evele affaited;
With Slep hath mad his retenue;
That what thing is to love due;
Of all his dette he paieth non:
He wot noght how the nyht is gon   3270
Ne hou the day is come aboute;
Bot onli forto slepe and route
Til hyh midday; that he arise。
Bot Cephalus dede otherwise;
As thou; my Sone; hast herd above。
Mi fader; who that hath his love
Abedde naked be his syde;
And wolde thanne hise yhen hyde
With Slep; I not what man is he:
Bot certes as touchende of me;  3280
That fell me nevere yit er this。
Bot otherwhile; whan so is
That I mai cacche Slep on honde
Liggende al one; thanne I fonde
To dreme a merie swevene er day;
And if so falle that I may
Mi thought with such a swevene plese;
Me thenkth I am somdiel in ese;
For I non other confort have。
So nedeth noght that I schal crave    3290
The Sonnes Carte forto tarie;
Ne yit the Mone; that sche carie
Hire cours along upon the hevene;
For I am noght the more in evene
Towardes love in no degree:
Bot in mi slep yit thanne I se
Somwhat in swevene of that me liketh;
Which afterward min herte entriketh;
Whan that I finde it otherwise。
So wot I noght of what servise  3300
That Slep to mannes ese doth。
Mi Sone; certes thou seist soth;
Bot only that it helpeth kinde
Somtyme; in Phisique as I finde;
Whan it is take be mesure:
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