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confessio amantis-第66部分

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Thogh I departe; he wol noght so;
Ther is no lock mai schette him oute;
Him nedeth noght to gon aboute;    2880
That perce mai the harde wall;
Thus is he with hire overall;
That be hire lief; or be hire loth;
Into hire bedd myn herte goth;
And softly takth hire in his arm
And fieleth hou that sche is warm;
And wissheth that his body were
To fiele that he fieleth there。
And thus miselven I tormente;
Til that the dede slep me hente:   2890
Bot thanne be a thousand score
Welmore than I was tofore
I am tormented in mi slep;
Bot that I dreme is noght of schep;
For I ne thenke noght on wulle;
Bot I am drecched to the fulle
Of love; that I have to kepe;
That nou I lawhe and nou I wepe;
And nou I lese and nou I winne;
And nou I ende and nou beginne。    2900
And otherwhile I dreme and mete
That I al one with hire mete
And that Danger is left behinde;
And thanne in slep such joie I finde;
That I ne bede nevere awake。
Bot after; whanne I hiede take;
And schal arise upon the morwe;
Thanne is al torned into sorwe;
Noght for the cause I schal arise;
Bot for I mette in such a wise;    2910
And ate laste I am bethoght
That al is vein and helpeth noght:
Bot yit me thenketh be my wille
I wolde have leie and slepe stille;
To meten evere of such a swevene;
For thanne I hadde a slepi hevene。
Mi Sone; and for thou tellest so;
A man mai finde of time ago
That many a swevene hath be certein;
Al be it so; that som men sein  2920
That swevenes ben of no credence。
Bot forto schewe in evidence
That thei fulofte sothe thinges
Betokne; I thenke in my wrytinges
To telle a tale therupon;
Which fell be olde daies gon。
This finde I write in Poesie:
Cei5x the king of Trocinie
Hadde Alceone to his wif;
Which as hire oghne hertes lif  2930
Him loveth; and he hadde also
A brother; which was cleped tho
Dedalion; and he per cas
Fro kinde of man forschape was
Into a Goshauk of liknesse;
Wherof the king gret hevynesse
Hath take; and thoghte in his corage
To gon upon a pelrinage
Into a strange regioun;
Wher he hath his devocioun   2940
To don his sacrifice and preie;
If that he mihte in eny weie
Toward the goddes finde grace
His brother hele to pourchace;
So that he mihte be reformed
Of that he hadde be transformed。
To this pourpos and to this ende
This king is redy forto wende;
As he which wolde go be Schipe;
And forto don him felaschipe    2950
His wif unto the See him broghte;
With al hire herte and him besoghte;
That he the time hire wolde sein;
Whan that he thoghte come ayein:
〃Withinne;〃 he seith; 〃tuo Monthe day。〃
And thus in al the haste he may
He tok his leve; and forth he seileth
Wepende; and sche hirself beweileth;
And torneth hom; ther sche cam fro。
Bot whan the Monthes were ago;  2960
The whiche he sette of his comynge;
And that sche herde no tydinge;
Ther was no care forto seche:
Wherof the goddes to beseche
Tho sche began in many wise;
And to Juno hire sacrifise
Above alle othre most sche dede;
And for hir lord sche hath so bede
To wite and knowe hou that he ferde;
That Juno the goddesse hire herde;    2970
Anon and upon this matiere
Sche bad Yris hir Messagere
To Slepes hous that sche schal wende;
And bidde him that he make an ende
Be swevene and schewen al the cas
Unto this ladi; hou it was。
This Yris; fro the hihe stage
Which undertake hath the Message;
Hire reyny Cope dede upon;
The which was wonderli begon    2980
With colours of diverse hewe;
An hundred mo than men it knewe;
The hevene lich into a bowe
Sche bende; and so she cam doun lowe;
The god of Slep wher that sche fond。
And that was in a strange lond;
Which marcheth upon Chymerie:
For ther; as seith the Poesie;
The god of Slep hath mad his hous;
Which of entaille is merveilous。   2990
Under an hell ther is a Cave;
Which of the Sonne mai noght have;
So that noman mai knowe ariht
The point betwen the dai and nyht:
Ther is no fyr; ther is no sparke;
Ther is no dore; which mai charke;
Wherof an yhe scholde unschette;
So that inward ther is no lette。
And forto speke of that withoute;
Ther stant no gret Tree nyh aboute    3000
Wher on ther myhte crowe or pie
Alihte; forto clepe or crie:
Ther is no cok to crowe day;
Ne beste non which noise may
The hell; bot al aboute round
Ther is growende upon the ground
Popi; which berth the sed of slep;
With othre herbes suche an hep。
A stille water for the nones
Rennende upon the smale stones;    3010
Which hihte of Lethes the rivere;
Under that hell in such manere
Ther is; which yifth gret appetit
To slepe。 And thus full of delit
Slep hath his hous; and of his couche
Withinne his chambre if I schal touche;
Of hebenus that slepi Tree
The bordes al aboute be;
And for he scholde slepe softe;
Upon a fethrebed alofte   3020
He lith with many a pilwe of doun:
The chambre is strowed up and doun
With swevenes many thousendfold。
Thus cam Yris into this hold;
And to the bedd; which is al blak;
Sche goth; and ther with Slep sche spak;
And in the wise as sche was bede
The Message of Juno sche dede。
Fulofte hir wordes sche reherceth;
Er sche his slepi Eres perceth;    3030
With mochel wo bot ate laste
His slombrende yhen he upcaste
And seide hir that it schal be do。
Wherof among a thousend tho;
Withinne his hous that slepi were;
In special he ches out there
Thre; whiche scholden do this dede:
The ferste of hem; so as I rede;
Was Morphes; the whos nature
Is forto take the figure  3040
Of what persone that him liketh;
Wherof that he fulofte entriketh
The lif which slepe schal be nyhte;
And Ithecus that other hihte;
Which hath the vois of every soun;
The chiere and the condicioun
Of every lif; what so it is:
The thridde suiende after this
Is Panthasas; which may transforme
Of every thing the rihte forme;    3050
And change it in an other kinde。
Upon hem thre; so as I finde;
Of swevenes stant al thapparence;
Which otherwhile is evidence
And otherwhile bot a jape。
Bot natheles it is so schape;
That Morphes be nyht al one
Appiereth until Alceone
In liknesse of hir housebonde
Al naked ded upon the stronde;  3060
And hou he dreynte in special
These othre tuo it schewen al。
The tempeste of the blake cloude;
The wode See; the wyndes loude;
Al this sche mette; and sih him dyen;
Wherof that sche began to crien;
Slepende abedde ther sche lay;
And with that noise of hire affray
Hir wommen sterten up aboute;
Whiche of here ladi were in doute;    3070
And axen hire hou that sche ferde;
And sche; riht as sche syh and herde;
Hir swevene hath told hem everydel。
And thei it halsen alle wel
And sein it is a tokne of goode;
Bot til sche wiste hou that it stode;
Sche hath no confort in hire herte;
Upon the morwe and up sche sterte;
And to the See; wher that sche mette
The bodi lay; withoute lette    3080
Sche drowh; and whan that sche cam nyh;
Stark ded; hise harmes sprad; sche syh
Hire lord flietende upon the wawe。
Wherof hire wittes ben withdrawe;
And sche; which tok of deth no kepe;
Anon forth lepte into the depe
And wolde have cawht him in hire arm。
This infortune of double harm
The goddes fro the hevene above
Behielde; and for the trowthe of love;   3090
Which in this worthi ladi sto
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