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confessio amantis-第62部分

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Aboven al the remenant
That unto loves court poursuie。
Bot who that wol no Slowthe eschuie;  2020
Upon knihthode and noght travaile;
I not what love him scholde availe;
Bot every labour axeth why
Of som reward; wherof that I
Ensamples couthe telle ynowe
Of hem that toward love drowe
Be olde daies; as thei scholde。
Mi fader; therof hiere I wolde。
Mi Sone; it is wel resonable;
In place which is honorable  2030
If that a man his herte sette;
That thanne he for no Slowthe lette
To do what longeth to manhede。
For if thou wolt the bokes rede
Of Lancelot and othre mo;
Ther miht thou sen hou it was tho
Of armes; for thei wolde atteigne
To love; which withoute peine
Mai noght be gete of ydelnesse。
And that I take to witnesse  2040
An old Cronique in special;
The which into memorial
Is write; for his loves sake
Hou that a kniht schal undertake。
Ther was a king; which Oe5nes
Was hote; and he under his pes
Hield Calidoyne in his Empire;
And hadde a dowhter Deianire。
Men wiste in thilke time non
So fair a wiht as sche was on;  2050
And as sche was a lusti wiht;
Riht so was thanne a noble kniht;
To whom Mercurie fader was。
This kniht the tuo pilers of bras;
The whiche yit a man mai finde;
Sette up in the desert of Ynde;
That was the worthi Hercules;
Whos name schal ben endeles
For the merveilles whiche he wroghte。
This Hercules the love soghte       2060
Of Deianire; and of this thing
Unto hir fader; which was king;
He spak touchende of Mariage。
The king knowende his hih lignage;
And dradde also hise mihtes sterne;
To him ne dorste his dowhter werne;
And natheles this he him seide;
How Achelons er he ferst preide
To wedden hire; and in accord
Thei stode; as it was of record:   2070
Bot for al that this he him granteth;
That which of hem that other daunteth
In armes; him sche scholde take;
And that the king hath undertake。
This Achelons was a Geant;
A soubtil man; a deceivant;
Which thurgh magique and sorcerie
Couthe al the world of tricherie:
And whan that he this tale herde;
Hou upon that the king ansuerde    2080
With Hercules he moste feighte;
He tristeth noght upon his sleighte
Al only; whan it comth to nede;
Bot that  which voydeth alle drede
And every noble herte stereth;
The love; that no lif forbereth;
For his ladi; whom he desireth;
With hardiesse his herte fyreth;
And sende him word withoute faile
That he wol take the bataille。  2090
Thei setten day; they chosen field;
The knihtes coevered under Schield
Togedre come at time set;
And echon is with other met。
It fell thei foghten bothe afote;
Ther was no ston; ther was no rote;
Which mihte letten hem the weie;
But al was voide and take aweie。
Thei smyten strokes bot a fewe;
For Hercules; which wolde schewe   2100
His grete strengthe as for the nones;
He sterte upon him al at ones
And cawhte him in hise armes stronge。
This Geant wot he mai noght longe
Endure under so harde bondes;
And thoghte he wolde out of hise hondes
Be sleyhte in som manere ascape。
And as he couthe himself forschape;
In liknesse of an Eddre he slipte
Out of his hond; and forth he skipte;    2110
And efte; as he that feighte wole;
He torneth him into a Bole;
And gan to belwe of such a soun;
As thogh the world scholde al go doun:
The ground he sporneth and he tranceth;
Hise large hornes he avanceth
And caste hem here and there aboute。
Bot he; which stant of him no doute;
Awaiteth wel whan that he cam;
And him be bothe hornes nam  2120
And al at ones he him caste
Unto the ground; and hield him faste;
That he ne mihte with no sleighte
Out of his hond gete upon heighte;
Til he was overcome and yolde;
And Hercules hath what he wolde。
The king him granteth to fulfille
His axinge at his oghne wille;
And sche for whom he hadde served;
Hire thoghte he hath hire wel deserved。  2130
And thus with gret decerte of Armes
He wan him forto ligge in armes;
As he which hath it dere aboght;
For otherwise scholde he noght。
And overthis if thou wolt hiere
Upon knihthode of this matiere;
Hou love and armes ben aqueinted;
A man mai se bothe write and peinted
So ferforth that Pantasilee;
Which was the queene of Feminee;   2140
The love of Hector forto sieke
And for thonour of armes eke;
To Troie cam with Spere and Schield;
And rod hirself into the field
With Maidens armed al a route
In rescouss of the toun aboute;
Which with the Gregois was belein。
Fro Pafagoine and as men sein;
Which stant upon the worldes ende;
That time it likede ek to wende    2150
To Philemenis; which was king;
To Troie; and come upon this thing
In helpe of thilke noble toun;
And al was that for the renoun
Of worschipe and of worldes fame;
Of which he wolde bere a name:
And so he dede; and forth withal
He wan of love in special
A fair tribut for everemo。
For it fell thilke time so;  2160
Pirrus the Sone of Achilles
This worthi queene among the press
With dedli swerd soghte out and fond;
And slowh hire with his oghne hond;
Wherof this king of Pafagoine
Pantasilee of Amazoine;
Wher sche was queene; with him ladde;
With suche Maidens as sche hadde
Of hem that were left alyve;
Forth in his Schip; til thei aryve;   2170
Wher that the body was begrave
With worschipe; and the wommen save。
And for the goodschipe of this dede
Thei granten him a lusti mede;
That every yeer as for truage
To him and to his heritage
Of Maidens faire he schal have thre。
And in this wise spedde he;
Which the fortune of armes soghte;
With his travail his ese he boghte;   2180
For otherwise he scholde have failed;
If that he hadde noght travailed。
Eneas ek withinne Ytaile;
Ne hadde he wonne the bataille
And don his miht so besily
Ayein king Turne his enemy;
He hadde noght Lavine wonne;
Bot for he hath him overronne
And gete his pris; he gat hire love。
Be these ensamples here above;  2190
Lo; now; mi Sone; as I have told;
Thou miht wel se; who that is bold
And dar travaile and undertake
The cause of love; he schal be take
The rathere unto loves grace;
For comunliche in worthi place
The wommen loven worthinesse
Of manhode and of gentilesse;
For the gentils ben most desired。
Mi fader; bot I were enspired   2200
Thurgh lore of you; I wot no weie
What gentilesce is forto seie;
Wherof to telle I you beseche。
The ground; Mi Sone; forto seche
Upon this diffinicion;
The worldes constitucion
Hath set the name of gentilesse
Upon the fortune of richesse
Which of long time is falle in age。
Thanne is a man of hih lignage  2210
After the forme; as thou miht hiere;
Bot nothing after the matiere。
For who that resoun understonde;
Upon richesse it mai noght stonde;
For that is thing which faileth ofte:
For he that stant to day alofte
And al the world hath in hise wones;
Tomorwe he falleth al at ones
Out of richesse into poverte;
So that therof is no decerte;   2220
Which gentilesce makth abide。
And forto loke on other side
Hou that a gentil man is bore;
Adam; which alle was tofore
With Eve his wif; as of hem tuo;
Al was aliche gentil tho;
So that of generacion
To make declaracion;
Ther mai no gentilesce be。
For to the reson if we se;   2230
Of mannes berthe the mesure;
It is so comun to nature;
That it yifth ev
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