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confessio amantis-第60部分

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As thou hast understonde above。
Mi fader; as toward the Love
Of Maidens forto telle trowthe;
Ye have thilke vice of Slowthe;
Me thenkth; riht wonder wel declared;
That ye the wommen have noght spared  1600
Of hem that tarien so behinde。
Bot yit it falleth in my minde;
Toward the men hou that ye spieke
Of hem that wole no travail sieke
In cause of love upon decerte:
To speke in wordes so coverte;
I not what travaill that ye mente。
Mi Sone; and after min entente
I woll thee telle what I thoghte;
Hou whilom men here loves boghte   1610
Thurgh gret travaill in strange londes;
Wher that thei wroghten with here hondes
Of armes many a worthi dede;
In sondri place as men mai rede。
That every love of pure kinde
Is ferst forthdrawe; wel I finde:
Bot natheles yit overthis
Decerte doth so that it is
The rather had in mani place。
Forthi who secheth loves grace;    1620
Wher that these worthi wommen are;
He mai noght thanne himselve spare
Upon his travail forto serve;
Wherof that he mai thonk deserve;
There as these men of Armes be;
Somtime over the grete Se:
So that be londe and ek be Schipe
He mot travaile for worschipe
And make manye hastyf rodes;
Somtime in Prus; somtime in Rodes;    1630
And somtime into Tartarie;
So that these heraldz on him crie;
〃Vailant; vailant; lo; wher he goth'〃
And thanne he yifth hem gold and cloth;
So that his fame mihte springe;
And to his ladi Ere bringe
Som tidinge of his worthinesse;
So that sche mihte of his prouesce
Of that sche herde men recorde;
The betre unto his love acorde  1640
And danger pute out of hire mod;
Whanne alle men recorden good;
And that sche wot wel; for hir sake
That he no travail wol forsake。
Mi Sone; of this travail I meene:
Nou schrif thee; for it schal be sene
If thou art ydel in this cas。
My fader ye; and evere was:
For as me thenketh trewely
That every man doth mor than I  1650
As of this point; and if so is
That I have oght so don er this;
It is so litel of acompte;
As who seith; it mai noght amonte
To winne of love his lusti yifte。
For this I telle you in schrifte;
That me were levere hir love winne
Than Kaire and al that is ther inne:
And forto slen the hethen alle;
I not what good ther mihte falle;  1660
So mochel blod thogh ther be schad。
This finde I writen; hou Crist bad
That noman other scholde sle。
What scholde I winne over the Se;
If I mi ladi loste at hom?
Bot passe thei the salte fom;
To whom Crist bad thei scholden preche
To al the world and his feith teche:
Bot now thei rucken in here nest
And resten as hem liketh best   1670
In all the swetnesse of delices。
Thus thei defenden ous the vices;
And sitte hemselven al amidde;
To slen and feihten thei ous bidde
Hem whom thei scholde; as the bok seith;
Converten unto Cristes feith。
Bot hierof have I gret mervaile;
Hou thei wol bidde me travaile:
A Sarazin if I sle schal;
I sle the Soule forth withal;   1680
And that was nevere Cristes lore。
Bot nou ho ther; I seie nomore。
Bot I wol speke upon mi schrifte;
And to Cupide I make a yifte;
That who as evere pris deserve
Of armes; I wol love serve;
And thogh I scholde hem bothe kepe;
Als wel yit wolde I take kepe
Whan it were time to abide;
As forto travaile and to ryde:  1690
For how as evere a man laboure;
Cupide appointed hath his houre。
For I have herd it telle also;
Achilles lefte hise armes so
Bothe of himself and of his men
At Troie for Polixenen;
Upon hire love whanne he fell;
That for no chance that befell
Among the Grecs or up or doun;
He wolde noght ayein the toun   1700
Ben armed; for the love of hire。
And so me thenketh; lieve Sire;
A man of armes mai him reste
Somtime in hope for the beste;
If he mai finde a weie nerr。
What scholde I thanne go so ferr
In strange londes many a mile
To ryde; and lese at hom therwhile
Mi love? It were a schort beyete
To winne chaf and lese whete。   1710
Bot if mi ladi bidde wolde;
That I for hire love scholde
Travaile; me thenkth trewely
I mihte fle thurghout the Sky;
And go thurghout the depe Se;
For al ne sette I at a stre
What thonk that I mihte elles gete。
What helpeth it a man have mete;
Wher drinke lacketh on the bord?
What helpeth eny mannes word    1720
To seie hou I travaile faste;
Wher as me faileth ate laste
That thing which I travaile fore?
O in good time were he bore;
That mihte atteigne such a mede。
Bot certes if I mihte spede
With eny maner besinesse
Of worldes travail; thanne I gesse;
Ther scholde me non ydelschipe
Departen fro hir ladischipe。    1730
Bot this I se; on daies nou
The blinde god; I wot noght hou;
Cupido; which of love is lord;
He set the thinges in discord;
That thei that lest to love entende
Fulofte he wole hem yive and sende
Most of his grace; and thus I finde
That he that scholde go behinde;
Goth many a time ferr tofore:
So wot I noght riht wel therfore;  1740
On whether bord that I schal seile。
Thus can I noght miself conseile;
Bot al I sette on aventure;
And am; as who seith; out of cure
For ought that I can seie or do:
For everemore I finde it so;
The more besinesse I leie;
The more that I knele and preie
With goode wordes and with softe;
The more I am refused ofte;  1750
With besinesse and mai noght winne。
And in good feith that is gret Sinne;
For I mai seie; of dede and thoght
That ydel man have I be noght;
For hou as evere I be deslaied;
Yit evermore I have assaied。
Bot thogh my besinesse laste;
Al is bot ydel ate laste;
For whan theffect is ydelnesse;
I not what thing is besinesse。  1760
Sei; what availeth al the dede;
Which nothing helpeth ate nede?
For the fortune of every fame
Schal of his ende bere a name。
And thus for oght is yit befalle;
An ydel man I wol me calle
As after myn entendement:
Bot upon youre amendement;
Min holi fader; as you semeth;
Mi reson and my cause demeth。   1770
Mi Sone; I have herd thi matiere;
Of that thou hast thee schriven hiere:
And forto speke of ydel fare;
Me semeth that thou tharst noght care;
Bot only that thou miht noght spede。
And therof; Sone; I wol thee rede;
Abyd; and haste noght to faste;
Thi dees ben every dai to caste;
Thou nost what chance schal betyde。
Betre is to wayte upon the tyde    1780
Than rowe ayein the stremes stronge:
For thogh so be thee thenketh longe;
Per cas the revolucion
Of hevene and thi condicion
Ne be noght yit of on acord。
Bot I dar make this record
To Venus; whos Prest that I am;
That sithen that I hidir cam
To hiere; as sche me bad; thi lif;
Wherof thou elles be gultif;    1790
Thou miht hierof thi conscience
Excuse; and of gret diligence;
Which thou to love hast so despended;
Thou oghtest wel to be comended。
Bot if so be that ther oght faile;
Of that thou slowthest to travaile
In armes forto ben absent;
And for thou makst an argument
Of that thou seidest hiere above;
Hou Achilles thurgh strengthe of love        1800
Hise armes lefte for a throwe;
Thou schalt an other tale knowe;
Which is contraire; as thou schalt wite。
For this a man mai finde write;
Whan that knyhthode schal be werred;
Lust mai noght thanne be preferred;
The bedd mot thanne be forsake
And Schield and spere on honde take;
Which thing schal make hem af
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