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confessio amantis-第55部分

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In thing which he to kepe is holde;
Wherof fulofte himself he grieveth:
And who that most upon him lieveth;
Whan that hise wittes ben so weyved;
He mai full lihtly be deceived。
To serve Accidie in his office;
Ther is of Slowthe an other vice;  540
Which cleped is Foryetelnesse;
That noght mai in his herte impresse
Of vertu which reson hath sett;
So clene his wittes he foryet。
For in the tellinge of his tale
Nomore his herte thanne his male
Hath remembrance of thilke forme;
Wherof he scholde his wit enforme
As thanne; and yit ne wot he why。
Thus is his pourpos noght forthi   550
Forlore of that he wolde bidde;
And skarsly if he seith the thridde
To love of that he hadde ment:
Thus many a lovere hath be schent。
Tell on therfore; hast thou be oon
Of hem that Slowthe hath so begon?
Ye; fader; ofte it hath be so;
That whanne I am mi ladi fro
And thenke untoward hire drawe;
Than cast I many a newe lawe    560
And al the world torne up so doun;
And so recorde I mi lecoun
And wryte in my memorial
What I to hire telle schal;
Riht al the matiere of mi tale:
Bot al nys worth a note schale;
For whanne I come ther sche is;
I have it al foryete ywiss;
Of that I thoghte forto telle
I can noght thanne unethes spelle  570
That I wende altherbest have rad;
So sore I am of hire adrad。
For as a man that sodeinli
A gost behelde; so fare I;
So that for feere I can noght gete
Mi witt; bot I miself foryete;
That I wot nevere what I am;
Ne whider I schal; ne whenne I cam;
Bot muse as he that were amased。
Lich to the bok in which is rased  580
The lettre; and mai nothing be rad;
So ben my wittes overlad;
That what as evere I thoghte have spoken;
It is out fro myn herte stoken;
And stonde; as who seith; doumb and def;
That all nys worth an yvy lef;
Of that I wende wel have seid。
And ate laste I make abreid;
Caste up myn hed and loke aboute;
Riht as a man that were in doute   590
And wot noght wher he schal become。
Thus am I ofte al overcome;
Ther as I wende best to stonde:
Bot after; whanne I understonde;
And am in other place al one;
I make many a wofull mone
Unto miself; and speke so:
〃Ha fol; wher was thin herte tho;
Whan thou thi worthi ladi syhe?
Were thou afered of hire yhe?   600
For of hire hand ther is no drede:
So wel I knowe hir wommanhede;
That in hire is nomore oultrage
Than in a child of thre yeer age。
Whi hast thou drede of so good on;
Whom alle vertu hath begon;
That in hire is no violence
Bot goodlihiede and innocence
Withouten spot of eny blame?
Ha; nyce herte; fy for schame'  610
Ha; couard herte of love unlered;
Wherof art thou so sore afered;
That thou thi tunge soffrest frese;
And wolt thi goode wordes lese;
Whan thou hast founde time and space?
How scholdest thou deserve grace;
Whan thou thiself darst axe non;
Bot al thou hast foryete anon?〃
And thus despute I loves lore;
Bot help ne finde I noght the more;   620
Bot stomble upon myn oghne treine
And make an ekinge of my peine。
For evere whan I thenke among
How al is on miself along;
I seie; 〃O fol of alle foles;
Thou farst as he betwen tuo stoles
That wolde sitte and goth to grounde。
It was ne nevere schal be founde;
Betwen foryetelnesse and drede
That man scholde any cause spede。〃    630
And thus; myn holi fader diere;
Toward miself; as ye mai hiere;
I pleigne of my foryetelnesse;
Bot elles al the besinesse;
That mai be take of mannes thoght;
Min herte takth; and is thorghsoght
To thenken evere upon that swete
Withoute Slowthe; I you behete。
For what so falle; or wel or wo;
That thoght foryete I neveremo;    640
Wher so I lawhe or so I loure:
Noght half the Minut of an houre
Ne mihte I lete out of my mende;
Bot if I thoghte upon that hende。
Therof me schal no Slowthe lette;
Til deth out of this world me fette;
Althogh I hadde on such a Ring;
As Moises thurgh his enchanting
Som time in Ethiope made;
Whan that he Tharbis weddid hade。  650
Which Ring bar of Oblivion
The name; and that was be resoun
That where it on a finger sat;
Anon his love he so foryat;
As thogh he hadde it nevere knowe:
And so it fell that ilke throwe;
Whan Tharbis hadde it on hire hond;
No knowlechinge of him sche fond;
Bot al was clene out of memoire;
As men mai rede in his histoire;   660
And thus he wente quit away;
That nevere after that ilke day
Sche thoghte that ther was such on;
Al was foryete and overgon。
Bot in good feith so mai noght I:
For sche is evere faste by;
So nyh that sche myn herte toucheth;
That for nothing that Slowthe voucheth
I mai foryete hire; lief ne loth;
For overal; where as sche goth;    670
Min herte folwith hire aboute。
Thus mai I seie withoute doute;
For bet; for wers; for oght; for noght;
Sche passeth nevere fro my thoght;
Bot whanne I am ther as sche is;
Min herte; as I you saide er this;
Som time of hire is sore adrad;
And som time it is overglad;
Al out of reule and out of space。
For whan I se hir goodli face   680
And thenke upon hire hihe pris;
As thogh I were in Paradis;
I am so ravisht of the syhte;
That speke unto hire I ne myhte
As for the time; thogh I wolde:
For I ne mai my wit unfolde
To finde o word of that I mene;
Bot al it is foryete clene;
And thogh I stonde there a myle;
Al is foryete for the while;    690
A tunge I have and wordes none。
And thus I stonde and thenke al one
Of thing that helpeth ofte noght;
Bot what I hadde afore thoght
To speke; whanne I come there;
It is foryete; as noght ne were;
And stonde amased and assoted;
That of nothing which I have noted
I can noght thanne a note singe;
Bot al is out of knowlechinge:  700
Thus; what for joie and what for drede;
Al is foryeten ate nede。
So that; mi fader; of this Slowthe
I have you said the pleine trowthe;
Ye mai it as you list redresce:
For thus stant my foryetelnesse
And ek my pusillamite。
Sey now forth what you list to me;
For I wol only do be you。
Mi Sone; I have wel herd how thou  710
Hast seid; and that thou most amende:
For love his grace wol noght sende
To that man which dar axe non。
For this we knowen everichon;
A mannes thoght withoute speche
God wot; and yit that men beseche
His will is; for withoute bedes
He doth his grace in fewe stedes:
And what man that foryet himselve;
Among a thousand be noght tuelve;  720
That wol him take in remembraunce;
Bot lete him falle and take his chaunce。
Forthi pull up a besi herte;
Mi Sone; and let nothing asterte
Of love fro thi besinesse:
For touchinge of foryetelnesse;
Which many a love hath set behinde;
A tale of gret ensample I finde;
Wherof it is pite to wite
In the manere as it is write。   730
King Demephon; whan he be Schipe
To Troieward with felaschipe
Sailende goth; upon his weie
It hapneth him at Rodopeie;
As Eolus him hadde blowe;
To londe; and rested for a throwe。
And fell that ilke time thus;
The dowhter of Ligurgius;
Which qweene was of the contre;
Was sojournende in that Cite    740
Withinne a Castell nyh the stronde;
Wher Demephon cam up to londe。
Phillis sche hihte; and of yong age
And of stature and of visage
Sche hadde al that hire best besemeth。
Of Demephon riht wel hire qwemeth;
Whan he was come; and made him chiere;
And he; that w
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