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confessio amantis-第52部分

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The Grecs unto the chace falle;
And for the moste part of alle
Of that contre the lordes grete
Thei toke; and wonne a gret beyete。   2680
And anon after this victoire
The king; which hadde good memoire;
Upon the grete merci thoghte;
Which Telaphus toward him wroghte;
And in presence of al the lond
He tok him faire be the hond;
And in this wise he gan to seie:
〃Mi Sone; I mot be double weie
Love and desire thin encress;
Ferst for thi fader Achilles    2690
Whilom ful many dai er this;
Whan that I scholde have fare amis;
Rescousse dede in mi querele
And kepte al myn astat in hele:
How so ther falle now distance
Amonges ous; yit remembrance
I have of merci which he dede
As thanne: and thou now in this stede
Of gentilesce and of franchise
Hast do mercy the same wise。    2700
So wol I noght that eny time
Be lost of that thou hast do byme;
For hou so this fortune falle;
Yit stant mi trust aboven alle;
For the mercy which I now finde;
That thou wolt after this be kinde:
And for that such is myn espeir;
As for my Sone and for myn Eir
I thee receive; and al my lond
I yive and sese into thin hond。〃   2710
And in this wise thei acorde;
The cause was Misericorde:
The lordes dede here obeissance
To Thelaphus; and pourveance
Was mad so that he was coroned:
And thus was merci reguerdoned;
Which he to Theucer dede afore。
Lo; this ensample is mad therfore;
That thou miht take remembrance;
Mi Sone; and whan thou sest a chaunce;   2720
Of other mennes passioun
Tak pite and compassioun;
And let nothing to thee be lief;
Which to an other man is grief。
And after this if thou desire
To stonde ayein the vice of Ire;
Consaile thee with Pacience;
And tak into thi conscience
Merci to be thi governour。
So schalt thou fiele no rancour;   2730
Wherof thin herte schal debate
With homicide ne with hate
For Cheste or for Malencolie:
Thou schalt be soft in compaignie
Withoute Contek or Folhaste:
For elles miht thou longe waste
Thi time; er that thou have thi wille
Of love; for the weder stille
Men preise; and blame the tempestes。
Mi fader; I wol do youre hestes;   2740
And of this point ye have me tawht;
Toward miself the betre sawht
I thenke be; whil that I live。
Bot for als moche as I am schrive
Of Wraththe and al his circumstance;
Yif what you list to my penance;
And asketh forthere of my lif;
If otherwise I be gultif
Of eny thing that toucheth Sinne。
Mi Sone; er we departe atwinne;    2750
I schal behinde nothing leve。
Mi goode fader; be your leve
Thanne axeth forth what so you list;
For I have in you such a trist;
As ye that be my Soule hele;
That ye fro me wol nothing hele;
For I schal telle you the trowthe。
Mi Sone; art thou coupable of Slowthe
In eny point which to him longeth?
My fader; of tho pointz me longeth    2760
To wite pleinly what thei meene;
So that I mai me schrive cleene。
Now herkne; I schal the pointz devise;
And understond wel myn aprise:
For schrifte stant of no value
To him that wol him noght vertue
To leve of vice the folie:
For word is wynd; bot the maistrie
Is that a man himself defende
Of thing which is noght to comende;   2770
Wherof ben fewe now aday。
And natheles; so as I may
Make unto thi memoire knowe;
The pointz of Slowthe thou schalt knowe。

Explicit Liber Tercius

Incipit Liber Quartus

Dicunt accidiam fore nutricem viciorum;
     Torpet et in cunctis tarda que lenta bonis:
Que fieri possent hodie transfert piger in cras;
     Furatoque prius ostia claudit equo。
Poscenti tardo negat emolumenta Cupido;
     Set Venus in celeri ludit amore viri。

Upon the vices to procede
After the cause of mannes dede;
The ferste point of Slowthe I calle
Lachesce; and is the chief of alle;
And hath this propreliche of kinde;
To leven alle thing behinde。
Of that he mihte do now hier
He tarieth al the longe yer;
And everemore he seith; 〃Tomorwe〃;
And so he wol his time borwe;   10
And wissheth after 〃God me sende;〃
That whan he weneth have an ende;
Thanne is he ferthest to beginne。
Thus bringth he many a meschief inne
Unwar; til that he be meschieved;
And may noght thanne be relieved。
And riht so nowther mor ne lesse
It stant of love and of lachesce:
Som time he slowtheth in a day
That he nevere after gete mai。  20
Now; Sone; as of this ilke thing;
If thou have eny knowleching;
That thou to love hast don er this;
Tell on。 Mi goode fader; yis。
As of lachesce I am beknowe
That I mai stonde upon his rowe;
As I that am clad of his suite:
For whanne I thoghte mi poursuite
To make; and therto sette a day
To speke unto the swete May;    30
Lachesce bad abide yit;
And bar on hond it was no wit
Ne time forto speke as tho。
Thus with his tales to and fro
Mi time in tariinge he drowh:
Whan ther was time good ynowh;
He seide; 〃An other time is bettre;
Thou schalt mowe senden hire a lettre;
And per cas wryte more plein
Than thou be Mowthe durstest sein。〃   40
Thus have I lete time slyde
For Slowthe; and kepte noght my tide;
So that lachesce with his vice
Fulofte hath mad my wit so nyce;
That what I thoghte speke or do
With tariinge he hield me so;
Til whanne I wolde and mihte noght。
I not what thing was in my thoght;
Or it was drede; or it was schame;
Bot evere in ernest and in game    50
I wot ther is long time passed。
Bot yit is noght the love lassed;
Which I unto mi ladi have;
For thogh my tunge is slowh to crave
At alle time; as I have bede;
Min herte stant evere in o stede
And axeth besiliche grace;
The which I mai noght yit embrace。
And god wot that is malgre myn;
For this I wot riht wel a fin;  60
Mi grace comth so selde aboute;
That is the Slowthe of which I doute
Mor than of al the remenant
Which is to love appourtenant。
And thus as touchende of lachesce;
As I have told; I me confesse
To you; mi fader; and beseche
That furthermor ye wol me teche;
And if ther be to this matiere
Som goodly tale forto liere  70
How I mai do lachesce aweie;
That ye it wolden telle I preie。
To wisse thee; my Sone; and rede;
Among the tales whiche I rede;
An old ensample therupon
Now herkne; and I wol tellen on。
Ayein Lachesce in loves cas
I finde how whilom Eneas;
Whom Anchises to Sone hadde;
With gret navie; which he ladde    80
Fro Troie; aryveth at Cartage;
Wher for a while his herbergage
He tok; and it betidde so;
With hire which was qweene tho
Of the Cite his aqueintance
He wan; whos name in remembrance
Is yit; and Dido sche was hote;
Which loveth Eneas so hote
Upon the wordes whiche he seide;
That al hire herte on him sche leide  90
And dede al holi what he wolde。
Bot after that; as it be scholde;
Fro thenne he goth toward Ytaile
Be Schipe; and there his arivaile
Hath take; and schop him forto ryde。
Bot sche; which mai noght longe abide
The hote peine of loves throwe;
Anon withinne a litel throwe
A lettre unto hir kniht hath write;
And dede him pleinly forto wite;     100
If he made eny tariinge;
To drecche of his ayeincomynge;
That sche ne mihte him fiele and se;
Sche scholde stonde in such degre
As whilom stod a Swan tofore;
Of that sche hadde hire make lore;
For sorwe a fethere into hire brain
Sche schof and hath hireselve slain;
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