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confessio amantis-第48部分

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To se the wilde beste wone
Wher whilom duelte a mannes Sone:  1830
And for that cause he bad hem trete;
And stinte of the manaces grete。
Betre is to winne be fair speche;
He seith; than such vengance seche;
For whanne a man is most above;
Him nedeth most to gete him love。
Whan Nestor hath his tale seid;
Ayein him was no word withseid;
It thoghte hem alle he seide wel:
And thus fortune hire dedly whiel  1840
Fro werre torneth into pes。
Bot forth thei wenten natheles;
And whan the Contres herde sein
How that here kinges be besein
Of such a pouer as thei ladde;
Was non so bold that hem ne dradde;
And forto seche pes and grith
Thei sende and preide anon forthwith;
So that the kinges ben appesed;
And every mannes herte is esed;    1850
Al was foryete and noght recorded。
And thus thei ben togedre acorded;
The kinges were ayein received;
And pes was take and wraththe weived;
And al thurgh conseil which was good
Of him that reson understod。
Be this ensample; Sone; attempre
Thin herte and let no will distempre
Thi wit; and do nothing be myht
Which mai be do be love and riht。  1860
Folhaste is cause of mochel wo;
Forthi; mi Sone; do noght so。
And as touchende of Homicide
Which toucheth unto loves side;
Fulofte it falleth unavised
Thurgh will; which is noght wel assised;
Whan wit and reson ben aweie
And that Folhaste is in the weie;
Wherof hath falle gret vengance。
Forthi tak into remembrance  1870
To love in such a maner wise
That thou deserve no juise:
For wel I wot; thou miht noght lette;
That thou ne schalt thin herte sette
To love; wher thou wolt or non;
Bot if thi wit be overgon;
So that it torne into malice;
Ther wot noman of thilke vice;
What peril that ther mai befalle:
Wherof a tale amonges alle;  1880
Which is gret pite forto hiere;
I thenke forto tellen hiere;
That thou such moerdre miht withstonde;
Whan thou the tale hast understonde。
Of Troie at thilke noble toun;
Whos fame stant yit of renoun
And evere schal to mannes Ere;
The Siege laste longe there;
Er that the Greks it mihten winne;
Whil Priamus was king therinne;    1890
Bot of the Greks that lyhe aboute
Agamenon ladde al the route。
This thing is knowen overal;
Bot yit I thenke in special
To my matiere therupon
Telle in what wise Agamenon;
Thurgh chance which mai noght be weived;
Of love untrewe was deceived。
An old sawe is; 〃Who that is slyh
In place where he mai be nyh;   1900
He makth the ferre Lieve loth〃:
Of love and thus fulofte it goth。
Ther while Agamenon batailleth
To winne Troie; and it assailleth;
Fro home and was long time ferr;
Egistus drowh his qweene nerr;
And with the leiser which he hadde
This ladi at his wille he ladde:
Climestre was hire rihte name;
Sche was therof gretli to blame;   1910
To love there it mai noght laste。
Bot fell to meschief ate laste;
For whan this noble worthi kniht
Fro Troie cam; the ferste nyht
That he at home abedde lay;
Egistus; longe er it was day;
As this Climestre him hadde asent;
And weren bothe of on assent;
Be treson slowh him in his bedd。
Bot moerdre; which mai noght ben hedd;   1920
Sprong out to every mannes Ere;
Wherof the lond was full of fere。
Agamenon hath be this qweene
A Sone; and that was after sene;
Bot yit as thanne he was of yowthe;
A babe; which no reson cowthe;
And as godd wolde; it fell him thus。
A worthi kniht Taltabius
This yonge child hath in kepinge;
And whan he herde of this tidinge;    1930
Of this treson; of this misdede;
He gan withinne himself to drede;
In aunter if this false Egiste
Upon him come; er he it wiste;
To take and moerdre of his malice
This child; which he hath to norrice:
And for that cause in alle haste
Out of the lond he gan him haste
And to the king of Crete he strawhte
And him this yonge lord betawhte;  1940
And preide him for his fader sake
That he this child wolde undertake
And kepe him til he be of Age;
So as he was of his lignage;
And tolde him over al the cas;
How that his fadre moerdred was;
And hou Egistus; as men seide;
Was king; to whom the lond obeide。
And whanne Ydomeneux the king
Hath understondinge of this thing;    1950
Which that this kniht him hadde told;
He made sorwe manyfold;
And tok this child into his warde;
And seide he wolde him kepe and warde;
Til that he were of such a myht
To handle a swerd and ben a knyht;
To venge him at his oghne wille。
And thus Horestes duelleth stille;
Such was the childes rihte name;
Which after wroghte mochel schame  1960
In vengance of his fader deth。
The time of yeres overgeth;
That he was man of brede and lengthe;
Of wit; of manhod and of strengthe;
A fair persone amonges alle。
And he began to clepe and calle;
As he which come was to manne;
Unto the King of Crete thanne;
Preiende that he wolde him make
A kniht and pouer with him take;   1970
For lengere wolde he noght beleve;
He seith; bot preith the king of leve
To gon and cleyme his heritage
And vengen him of thilke oultrage
Which was unto his fader do。
The king assenteth wel therto;
With gret honour and knyht him makth;
And gret pouer to him betakth;
And gan his journe forto caste:
So that Horestes ate laste   1980
His leve tok and forth he goth。
As he that was in herte wroth;
His ferste pleinte to bemene;
Unto the Cite of Athene
He goth him forth and was received;
So there was he noght deceived。
The Duc and tho that weren wise
Thei profren hem to his servise;
And he hem thonketh of here profre
And seith himself he wol gon offre    1990
Unto the goddes for his sped;
As alle men him yeven red。
So goth he to the temple forth:
Of yiftes that be mochel worth
His sacrifice and his offringe
He made; and after his axinge
He was ansuerd; if that he wolde
His stat recovere; thanne he scholde
Upon his Moder do vengance
So cruel; that the remembrance  2000
Therof mihte everemore abide;
As sche that was an homicide
And of hire oghne lord Moerdrice。
Horestes; which of thilke office
Was nothing glad; as thanne he preide
Unto the goddes there and seide
That thei the juggement devise;
How sche schal take the juise。
And therupon he hadde ansuere;
That he hire Pappes scholde of tere   2010
Out of hire brest his oghne hondes;
And for ensample of alle londes
With hors sche scholde be todrawe;
Til houndes hadde hire bones gnawe
Withouten eny sepulture:
This was a wofull aventure。
And whan Horestes hath al herd;
How that the goddes have ansuerd;
Forth with the strengthe which he ladde
The Duc and his pouer he hadde;    2020
And to a Cite forth thei gon;
The which was cleped Cropheon;
Where as Phoieus was lord and Sire;
Which profreth him withouten hyre
His help and al that he mai do;
As he that was riht glad therto;
To grieve his mortiel enemy:
And tolde hem certein cause why;
How that Egiste in Mariage
His dowhter whilom of full Age  2030
Forlai; and afterward forsok;
Whan he Horestes Moder tok。
Men sein; 〃Old Senne newe schame〃:
Thus more and more aros the blame
Ayein Egiste on every side。
Horestes with his host to ride
Began; and Phoieus with hem wente;
I trowe Egiste him schal repente。
Thei riden forth unto Micene;
Wher lay Climestre thilke qweene;  2040
The which Horestes moder is:
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