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confessio amantis-第41部分

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Whan he mot to nature obeie。    350
For it is seid thus overal;
That nedes mot that nede schal
Of that a lif doth after kinde;
Wherof he mai no bote finde。
What nature hath set in hir lawe
Ther mai no mannes miht withdrawe;
And who that worcheth therayein;
Fulofte time it hath be sein;
Ther hath befalle gret vengance;
Wherof I finde a remembrance。   360
Ovide after the time tho
Tolde an ensample and seide so;
How that whilom Tiresias;
As he walkende goth per cas;
Upon an hih Montaine he sih
Tuo Serpentz in his weie nyh;
And thei; so as nature hem tawhte;
Assembled  were; and he tho cawhte
A yerde which he bar on honde;
And thoghte that he wolde fonde    370
To letten hem; and smot hem bothe:
Wherof the goddes weren wrothe;
And for he hath destourbed kinde
And was so to nature unkinde;
Unkindeliche he was transformed;
That he which erst a man was formed
Into a womman was forschape。
That was to him an angri jape;
Bot for that he with Angre wroghte;
Hise Angres angreliche he boghte。  380
Lo thus; my Sone; Ovide hath write;
Wherof thou miht be reson wite;
More is a man than such a beste:
So mihte it nevere ben honeste
A man to wraththen him to sore
Of that an other doth the lore
Of kinde; in which is no malice;
Bot only that it is a vice:
And thogh a man be resonable;
Yit after kinde he is menable   390
To love; wher he wole or non。
Thenk thou; my Sone; therupon
And do Malencolie aweie;
For love hath evere his lust to pleie;
As he which wolde no lif grieve。
Mi fader; that I mai wel lieve;
Al that ye tellen it is skile:
Let every man love as he wile;
Be so it be noght my ladi;
For I schal noght be wroth therby。    400
Bot that I wraththe and fare amis;
Al one upon miself it is;
That I with bothe love and kinde
Am so bestad; that I can finde
No weie how I it mai asterte:
Which stant upon myn oghne herte
And toucheth to non other lif;
Save only to that swete wif
For whom; bot if it be amended;
Mi glade daies ben despended;   410
That I miself schal noght forbere
The Wraththe which that I now bere;
For therof is non other leche。
Now axeth forth; I yow beseche;
Of Wraththe if ther oght elles is;
Wherof to schryve。 Sone; yis。
Of Wraththe the secounde is Cheste;
Which hath the wyndes of tempeste
To kepe; and many a sodein blast
He bloweth; wherof ben agast    420
Thei that desiren pes and reste。
He is that ilke ungoodlieste
Which many a lusti love hath twinned;
For he berth evere his mowth unpinned;
So that his lippes ben unloke
And his corage is al tobroke;
That every thing which he can telle;
It springeth up as doth a welle;
Which mai non of his stremes hyde;
Bot renneth out on every syde。  430
So buillen up the foule sawes
That Cheste wot of his felawes:
For as a Sive kepeth Ale;
Riht so can Cheste kepe a tale;
Al that he wot he wol desclose;
And speke er eny man oppose。
As a Cite withoute wal;
Wher men mai gon out overal
Withouten eny resistence;
So with his croked eloquence    440
He spekth al that he wot withinne:
Wherof men lese mor than winne;
For ofte time of his chidinge
He bringth to house such tidinge;
That makth werre ate beddeshed。
He is the levein of the bred;
Which soureth al the past aboute:
Men oghte wel such on to doute;
For evere his bowe is redi bent;
And whom he hit I telle him schent;   450
If he mai perce him with his tunge。
And ek so lowde his belle is runge;
That of the noise and of the soun
Men feeren hem in al the toun
Welmore than thei don of thonder。
For that is cause of more wonder;
For with the wyndes whiche he bloweth
Fulofte sythe he overthroweth
The Cites and the policie;
That I have herd the poeple crie;  460
And echon seide in his degre;
〃Ha wicke tunge; wo thee be!〃
For men sein that the harde bon;
Althogh himselven have non;
A tunge brekth it al to pieces。
He hath so manye sondri spieces
Of vice; that I mai noght wel
Descrive hem be a thousendel:
Bot whan that he to Cheste falleth;
Ful many a wonder thing befalleth;    470
For he ne can nothing forbere。
Now tell me; Sone; thin ansuere;
If it hath evere so betidd;
That thou at eny time hast chidd
Toward thi love。 Fader; nay:
Such Cheste yit unto this day
Ne made I nevere; god forbede:
For er I sunge such a crede;
I hadde levere to be lewed;
For thanne were I al beschrewed    480
And worthi to be put abak
With al the sorwe upon my bak
That eny man ordeigne cowthe。
Bot I spak nevere yit be mowthe
That unto Cheste mihte touche;
And that I durste riht wel vouche
Upon hirself as for witnesse;
For I wot; of hir gentilesse
That sche me wolde wel excuse;
That I no suche thinges use。    490
And if it scholde so betide
That I algates moste chide;
It myhte noght be to my love:
For so yit was I nevere above;
For al this wyde world to winne
That I dorste eny word beginne;
Be which sche mihte have ben amoeved
And I of Cheste also reproeved。
Bot rathere; if it mihte hir like;
The beste wordes wolde I pike   500
Whiche I cowthe in myn herte chese;
And serve hem forth in stede of chese;
For that is helplich to defie;
And so wolde I my wordes plie;
That mihten Wraththe and Cheste avale
With tellinge of my softe tale。
Thus dar I make a foreward;
That nevere unto my ladiward
Yit spak I word in such a wise;
Wherof that Cheste scholde arise。  510
This seie I noght; that I fulofte
Ne have; whanne I spak most softe;
Per cas seid more thanne ynowh;
Bot so wel halt noman the plowh
That he ne balketh otherwhile;
Ne so wel can noman affile
His tunge; that som time in rape
Him mai som liht word overscape;
And yit ne meneth he no Cheste。
Bot that I have ayein hir heste    520
Fulofte spoke; I am beknowe;
And how my will is; that ye knowe:
For whan my time comth aboute;
That I dar speke and seie al oute
Mi longe love; of which sche wot
That evere in on aliche hot
Me grieveth; thanne al my desese
I telle; and though it hir desplese;
I speke it forth and noght ne leve:
And thogh it be beside hire leve;  530
I hope and trowe natheles
That I do noght ayein the pes;
For thogh I telle hire al my thoght;
Sche wot wel that I chyde noght。
Men mai the hihe god beseche;
And he wol hiere a mannes speche
And be noght wroth of that he seith;
So yifth it me the more feith
And makth me hardi; soth to seie;
That I dar wel the betre preie  540
Mi ladi; which a womman is。
For thogh I telle hire that or this
Of love; which me grieveth sore;
Hire oghte noght be wroth the more;
For I withoute noise or cri
Mi pleignte make al buxomly
To puten alle wraththe away。
Thus dar I seie unto this day
Of Cheste in ernest or in game
Mi ladi schal me nothing blame。    550
Bot ofte time it hath betidd
That with miselven I have chidd;
That noman couthe betre chide:
And that hath ben at every tide;
Whanne I cam to miself al one;
For thanne I made a prive mone;
And every tale by and by;
Which as I spak to my ladi;
I thenke and peise in my balance
And drawe into my remembrance;  560
And thanne; if that I finde a lak
Of eny word that I mispak;
Which was to moche in eny wise;
Anon my wittes I despise
And make a chidinge in myn herte;
That eny word me scholde asterte
Which as I scholde have holden inne。
And so fo
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