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confessio amantis-第35部分

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With al the pouer of his lond
Unto the Marche; where he fond
His enemy full embatailled。
The Soldan hath the feld assailed:     2620
Thei that ben hardy sone assemblen;
Wherof the dredfull hertes tremblen:
That on sleth; and that other sterveth;
Bot above all his pris deserveth
This knihtly Romein; where he rod;
His dedly swerd noman abod;
Ayein the which was no defence;
Egipte fledde in his presence;
And thei of Perse upon the chace
Poursuien: bot I not what grace     2630
Befell; an Arwe out of a bowe
Al sodeinly that ilke throwe
The Soldan smot; and ther he lay:
The chace is left for thilke day;
And he was bore into a tente。
The Soldan sih how that it wente;
And that he scholde algate die;
And to this knyht of Romanie;
As unto him whom he most triste;
His Dowhter Ring; that non it wiste;   2640
He tok; and tolde him al the cas;
Upon hire oth what tokne it was
Of that sche scholde ben his wif。
Whan this was seid; the hertes lif
Of this Soldan departeth sone;
And therupon; as was to done;
The dede body wel and faire
Thei carie til thei come at Kaire;
Wher he was worthily begrave。
The lordes; whiche as wolden save       2650
The Regne which was desolat;
To bringe it into good astat
A parlement thei sette anon。
Now herkne what fell therupon:
This yonge lord; this worthi kniht
Of Rome; upon the same niht
That thei amorwe trete scholde;
Unto his Bacheler he tolde
His conseil; and the Ring with al
He scheweth; thurgh which that he schal;     2660
He seith; the kinges Dowhter wedde;
For so the Ring was leid to wedde;
He tolde; into hir fader hond;
That with what man that sche it fond
Sche scholde him take to hire lord。
And this; he seith; stant of record;
Bot noman wot who hath this Ring。
This Bacheler upon this thing
His Ere and his entente leide;
And thoghte more thanne he seide;   2670
And feigneth with a fals visage
That he was glad; bot his corage
Was al set in an other wise。
These olde Philosophres wise
Thei writen upon thilke while;
That he mai best a man beguile
In whom the man hath most credence;
And this befell in evidence
Toward this yonge lord of Rome。
His Bacheler; which hadde tome;     2680
Whan that his lord be nihte slepte;
This Ring; the which his maister kepte;
Out of his Pours awey he dede;
And putte an other in the stede。
Amorwe; whan the Court is set;
The yonge ladi was forth fet;
To whom the lordes don homage;
And after that of Mariage
Thei trete and axen of hir wille。
Bot sche; which thoghte to fulfille    2690
Hire fader heste in this matiere;
Seide openly; that men mai hiere;
The charge which hire fader bad。
Tho was this Lord of Rome glad
And drowh toward his Pours anon;
Bot al for noght; it was agon:
His Bacheler it hath forthdrawe;
And axeth ther upon the lawe
That sche him holde covenant。
The tokne was so sufficant    2700
That it ne mihte be forsake;
And natheles his lord hath take
Querelle ayein his oghne man;
Bot for nothing that evere he can
He mihte as thanne noght ben herd;
So that his cleym is unansuerd;
And he hath of his pourpos failed。
This Bacheler was tho consailed
And wedded; and of thilke Empire
He was coroned Lord and Sire;    2710
And al the lond him hath received;
Wherof his lord; which was deceived;
A seknesse er the thridde morwe
Conceived hath of dedly sorwe:
And as he lay upon his deth;
Therwhile him lasteth speche and breth;
He sende for the worthieste
Of al the lond and ek the beste;
And tolde hem al the sothe tho;
That he was Sone and Heir also   2720
Of themperour of grete Rome;
And how that thei togedre come;
This kniht and he; riht as it was;
He tolde hem al the pleine cas;
And for that he his conseil tolde;
That other hath al that he wolde;
And he hath failed of his mede:
As for the good he takth non hiede;
He seith; bot only of the love;
Of which he wende have ben above。   2730
And therupon be lettre write
He doth his fader forto wite
Of al this matiere as it stod;
And thanne with an hertly mod
Unto the lordes he besoghte
To telle his ladi how he boghte
Hire love; of which an other gladeth;
And with that word his hewe fadeth;
And seide; 〃A dieu; my ladi swete。〃
The lif hath lost his kindly hete;     2740
And he lay ded as eny ston;
Wherof was sory manyon;
Bot non of alle so as sche。
This false knyht in his degree
Arested was and put in hold:
For openly whan it was told
Of the tresoun which is befalle;
Thurghout the lond thei seiden alle;
If it be soth that men suppose;
His oghne untrowthe him schal depose。     2750
And forto seche an evidence;
With honour and gret reverence;
Wherof they mihten knowe an ende;
To themperour anon thei sende
The lettre which his Sone wrot。
And whan that he the sothe wot;
To telle his sorwe is endeles;
Bot yit in haste natheles
Upon the tale which he herde
His Stieward into Perse ferde    2760
With many a worthi Romein eke;
His liege tretour forto seke;
And whan thei thider come were;
This kniht him hath confessed there
How falsly that he hath him bore;
Wherof his worthi lord was lore。
Tho seiden some he scholde deie;
Bot yit thei founden such a weie
That he schal noght be ded in Perse;
And thus the skiles ben diverse。    2770
Be cause that he was coroned;
And that the lond was abandoned
To him; althogh it were unriht;
Ther is no peine for him diht;
Bot to this point and to this ende
Thei granten wel that he schal wende
With the Romeins to Rome ayein。
And thus acorded ful and plein;
The qwike body with the dede
With leve take forth thei lede;     2780
Wher that Supplant hath his juise。
Wherof that thou thee miht avise
Upon this enformacioun
Touchende of Supplantacioun;
That thou; my Sone; do noght so:
And forto take hiede also
What Supplant doth in other halve;
Ther is noman can finde a salve
Pleinly to helen such a Sor;
It hath and schal ben everemor;     2790
Whan Pride is with Envie joint;
He soffreth noman in good point;
Wher that he mai his honour lette。
And therupon if I schal sette
Ensample; in holy cherche I finde
How that Supplant is noght behinde;
God wot if that it now be so:
For in Cronique of time ago
I finde a tale concordable
Of Supplant; which that is no fable;   2800
In the manere as I schal telle;
So as whilom the thinges felle。
At Rome; as it hath ofte falle;
The vicair general of alle
Of hem that lieven Cristes feith
His laste day; which non withseith;
Hath schet as to the worldes ije;
Whos name if I schal specefie;
He hihte Pope Nicolas。
And thus whan that he passed was;   2810
The Cardinals; that wolden save
The forme of lawe; in the conclave
Gon forto chese a newe Pope;
And after that thei cowthe agrope
Hath ech of hem seid his entente:
Til ate laste thei assente
Upon an holy clerk reclus;
Which full was of gostli vertus;
His pacience and his simplesse
Hath set him into hih noblesse。     2820
Thus was he Pope canonized;
With gret honour and intronized;
And upon chance as it is falle;
His name Celestin men calle;
Which notefied was be bulle
To holi cherche and to the fulle
In alle londes magnified。
Bot every worschipe is envied;
And that was thilke time sene:
For whan this Pope of whom I meene     2830
Was chose; and ot
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