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confessio amantis-第32部分

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Whan that he weneth best to stonde。
Bot this I do you understonde;
If that a man love elles where;
So that my ladi be noght there;     1980
And he me telle; I wole it hide;
Ther schal no word ascape aside;
For with deceipte of no semblant
To him breke I no covenant;
Me liketh noght in other place
To lette noman of his grace;
Ne forto ben inquisitif
To knowe an other mannes lif:
Wher that he love or love noght;
That toucheth nothing to my thoght;    1990
Bot al it passeth thurgh myn Ere
Riht as a thing that nevere were;
And is foryete and leid beside。
Bot if it touche on eny side
Mi ladi; as I have er spoken;
Myn Eres ben noght thanne loken;
For certes; whanne that betitt;
My will; myn herte and al my witt
Ben fully set to herkne and spire
What eny man wol speke of hire。     2000
Thus have I feigned compaignie
Fulofte; for I wolde aspie
What thing it is that eny man
Telle of mi worthi lady can:
And for tuo causes I do this;
The ferste cause wherof is;…
If that I myhte ofherkne and seke
That eny man of hire mispeke;
I wolde excuse hire so fully;
That whan sche wist in inderly;     2010
Min hope scholde be the more
To have hir thank for everemore。
That other cause; I you assure;
Is; why that I be coverture
Have feigned semblant ofte time
To hem that passen alday byme
And ben lovers als wel as I;
For this I weene trewely;
That ther is of hem alle non;
That thei ne loven everich on        2020
Mi ladi: for sothliche I lieve
And durste setten it in prieve;
Is non so wys that scholde asterte;
Bot he were lustles in his herte;
Forwhy and he my ladi sihe;
Hir visage and hir goodlych yhe;
Bot he hire lovede; er he wente。
And for that such is myn entente;
That is the cause of myn aspie;
Why that I feigne compaignie     2030
And make felawe overal;
For gladly wolde I knowen al
And holde me covert alway;
That I fulofte ye or nay
Ne liste ansuere in eny wise;
Bot feigne semblant as the wise
And herkne tales; til I knowe
Mi ladi lovers al arowe。
And whanne I hiere how thei have wroght;
I fare as thogh I herde it noght    2040
And as I no word understode;
Bot that is nothing for here goode:
For lieveth wel; the sothe is this;
That whanne I knowe al how it is;
I wol bot forthren hem a lite;
Bot al the worste I can endite
I telle it to my ladi plat
In forthringe of myn oghne astat;
And hindre hem al that evere I may。
Bot for al that yit dar I say;   2050
I finde unto miself no bote;
Althogh myn herte nedes mote
Thurgh strengthe of love al that I hiere
Discovere unto my ladi diere:
For in good feith I have no miht
To hele fro that swete wiht;
If that it touche hire eny thing。
Bot this wot wel the hevene king;
That sithen ferst this world began;
Unto non other strange man    2060
Ne feigned I semblant ne chiere;
To wite or axe of his matiere;
Thogh that he lovede ten or tuelve;
Whanne it was noght my ladi selve:
Bot if he wolde axe eny red
Al onlich of his oghne hed;
How he with other love ferde;
His tales with myn Ere I herde;
Bot to myn herte cam it noght
Ne sank no deppere in my thoght;    2070
Bot hield conseil; as I was bede;
And tolde it nevere in other stede;
Bot let it passen as it com。
Now; fader; say what is thi dom;
And hou thou wolt that I be peined
For such Semblant as I have feigned。
Mi Sone; if reson be wel peised;
Ther mai no vertu ben unpreised
Ne vice non be set in pris。
Forthi; my Sone; if thou be wys;    2080
Do no viser upon thi face;
Which as wol noght thin herte embrace:
For if thou do; withinne a throwe
To othre men it schal be knowe;
So miht thou lihtli falle in blame
And lese a gret part of thi name。
And natheles in this degree
Fulofte time thou myht se
Of suche men that now aday
This vice setten in a say:    2090
I speke it for no mannes blame;
Bot forto warne thee the same。
Mi Sone; as I mai hiere talke
In every place where I walke;
I not if it be so or non;
Bot it is manye daies gon
That I ferst herde telle this;
How Falssemblant hath ben and is
Most comunly fro yer to yere
With hem that duelle among ous here;   2100
Of suche as we Lombardes calle。
For thei ben the slyeste of alle;
So as men sein in toune aboute;
To feigne and schewe thing withoute
Which is revers to that withinne:
Wherof that thei fulofte winne;
Whan thei be reson scholden lese;
Thei ben the laste and yit thei chese;
And we the ferste; and yit behinde
We gon; there as we scholden finde     2110
The profit of oure oghne lond:
Thus gon thei fre withoute bond
To don her profit al at large;
And othre men bere al the charge。
Of Lombardz unto this covine;
Whiche alle londes conne engine;
Mai Falssemblant in special
Be likned; for thei overal;
Wher as they thenken forto duelle;
Among hemself; so as thei telle;    2120
Ferst ben enformed forto lere
A craft which cleped is Fa crere:
For if Fa crere come aboute;
Thanne afterward hem stant no doute
To voide with a soubtil hond
The beste goodes of the lond
And bringe chaf and take corn。
Where as Fa crere goth toforn;
In all his weie he fynt no lette;
That Dore can non huissher schette     2130
In which him list to take entre:
And thus the conseil most secre
Of every thing Fa crere knoweth;
Which into strange place he bloweth;
Where as he wot it mai most grieve。
And thus Fa crere makth believe;
So that fulofte he hath deceived;
Er that he mai ben aperceived。
Thus is this vice forto drede;

For who these olde bokes rede    2140
Of suche ensamples as were ar;
Him oghte be the more war
Of alle tho that feigne chiere;
Wherof thou schalt a tale hiere。
Of Falssemblant which is believed
Ful many a worthi wiht is grieved;
And was long time er we wer bore。
To thee; my Sone; I wol therfore
A tale telle of Falssemblant;
Which falseth many a covenant;   2150
And many a fraude of fals conseil
Ther ben hangende upon his Seil:
And that aboghten gulteles
Bothe Deianire and Hercules;
The whiche in gret desese felle
Thurgh Falssemblant; as I schal telle。
Whan Hercules withinne a throwe
Al only hath his herte throwe
Upon this faire Deianire;
It fell him on a dai desire;     2160
Upon a Rivere as he stod;
That passe he wolde over the flod
Withoute bot; and with him lede
His love; bot he was in drede
For tendresce of that swete wiht;
For he knew noght the forde ariht。
Ther was a Geant thanne nyh;
Which Nessus hihte; and whanne he sih
This Hercules and Deianyre;
Withinne his herte he gan conspire;    2170
As he which thurgh his tricherie
Hath Hercules in gret envie;
Which he bar in his herte loke;
And thanne he thoghte it schal be wroke。
Bot he ne dorste natheles
Ayein this worthi Hercules
Falle in debat as forto feihte;
Bot feigneth Semblant al be sleihte
Of frendschipe and of alle goode;
And comth where as thei bothe stode;   2180
And makth hem al the chiere he can;
And seith that as here oghne man
He is al redy forto do
What thing he mai; and it fell so
That thei upon his Semblant triste;
And axen him if that he wiste
What thing hem were best to done;
So that thei mihten sauf and sone
The water passe; he and sche。
And whan Nessus the privete   2190
Knew of here herte what it mente;
As he that was of double entente;
He made
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