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confessio amantis-第30部分

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Of sorwe and queint was al the smoke;
Tho tok his leve Allee the king;
And with full many a riche thing;
Which themperour him hadde yive;
He goth a glad lif forto live;   1560
For he Constance hath in his hond;
Which was the confort of his lond。
For whan that he cam hom ayein;
Ther is no tunge it mihte sein
What joie was that ilke stounde
Of that he hath his qweene founde;
Which ferst was sent of goddes sonde;
Whan sche was drive upon the Stronde;
Be whom the misbelieve of Sinne
Was left; and Cristes feith cam inne   1570
To hem that whilom were blinde。
Bot he which hindreth every kinde
And for no gold mai be forboght;
The deth comende er he be soght;
Tok with this king such aqueintance;
That he with al his retenance
Ne mihte noght defende his lif;
And thus he parteth from his wif;
Which thanne made sorwe ynowh。
And therupon hire herte drowh        1580
To leven Engelond for evere
And go wher that sche hadde levere;
To Rome; whenne that sche cam:
And thus of al the lond sche nam
Hir leve; and goth to Rome ayein。
And after that the bokes sein;
She was noght there bot a throwe;
Whan deth of kinde hath overthrowe
Hir worthi fader; which men seide
That he betwen hire armes deide。    1590
And afterward the yer suiende
The god hath mad of hire an ende;
And fro this worldes faierie
Hath take hire into compaignie。
Moris hir Sone was corouned;
Which so ferforth was abandouned
To Cristes feith; that men him calle
Moris the cristeneste of alle。
And thus the wel meninge of love
Was ate laste set above;   1600
And so as thou hast herd tofore;
The false tunges weren lore;
Whiche upon love wolden lie。
Forthi touchende of this Envie
Which longeth unto bacbitinge;
Be war thou make no lesinge
In hindringe of an other wiht:
And if thou wolt be tawht ariht
What meschief bakbitinge doth
Be other weie; a tale soth    1610
Now miht thou hiere next suiende;
Which to this vice is acordende。
In a Cronique; as thou schalt wite;
A gret ensample I finde write;
Which I schal telle upon this thing。
Philippe of Macedoyne kyng
Two Sones hadde be his wif;
Whos fame is yit in Grece rif:
Demetrius the ferste brother
Was hote; and Perses that other。     1620
Demetrius men seiden tho
The betre knyht was of the tuo;
To whom the lond was entendant;
As he which heir was apparant
To regne after his fader dai:
Bot that thing which no water mai
Quenche in this world; bot evere brenneth;
Into his brother herte it renneth;
The proude Envie of that he sih
His brother scholde clymbe on hih;     1630
And he to him mot thanne obeie:
That may he soffre be no weie。
With strengthe dorst he nothing fonde;
So tok he lesinge upon honde;
Whan he sih time and spak therto。
For it befell that time so;
His fader grete werres hadde
With Rome; whiche he streite ladde
Thurgh mihty hond of his manhode;
As he which hath ynowh knihthode;   1640
And ofte hem hadde sore grieved。
Bot er the werre were achieved;
As he was upon ordinance
At hom in Grece; it fell per chance;
Demetrius; which ofte aboute
Ridende was; stod that time oute;
So that this Perse in his absence;
Which bar the tunge of pestilence;
With false wordes whiche he feigneth
Upon his oghne brother pleigneth    1650
In privete behinde his bak;
And to his fader thus he spak:
〃Mi diere fader; I am holde
Be weie of kinde; as resoun wolde;
That I fro yow schal nothing hide;
Which mihte torne in eny side
Of youre astat into grevance:
Forthi myn hertes obeissance
Towardes you I thenke kepe;
For it is good ye take kepe   1660
Upon a thing which is me told。
Mi brother hath ous alle sold
To hem of Rome; and you also;
For thanne they behote him so;
That he with hem schal regne in pes。
Thus hath he cast for his encress
That youre astat schal go to noght;
And this to proeve schal be broght
So ferforth; that I undertake
It schal noght wel mow be forsake。〃    1670
The king upon this tale ansuerde
And seide; if this thing which he herde
Be soth and mai be broght to prove;
〃It schal noght be to his behove;
Which so hath schapen ous the werste;
For he himself schal be the ferste
That schal be ded; if that I mai。〃
Thus afterward upon a dai;
Whan that Demetrius was come;
Anon his fader hath him nome;    1680
And bad unto his brother Perse
That he his tale schal reherse
Of thilke tresoun which he tolde。
And he; which al untrowthe wolde;
Conseileth that so hih a nede
Be treted wher as it mai spede;
In comun place of juggement。
The king therto yaf his assent;
Demetrius was put in hold;
Wherof that Perses was bold。       1690
Thus stod the trowthe under the charge;
And the falshede goth at large;
Which thurgh beheste hath overcome
The greteste of the lordes some;
That privelich of his acord
Thei stonde as witnesse of record:
The jugge was mad favorable:
Thus was the lawe deceivable
So ferforth that the trowthe fond
Rescousse non; and thus the lond    1700
Forth with the king deceived were。
The gulteles was dampned there
And deide upon accusement:
Bot such a fals conspirement;
Thogh it be prive for a throwe;
Godd wolde noght it were unknowe;
And that was afterward wel proved
In him which hath the deth controved。
Of that his brother was so slain
This Perses was wonder fain;   1710
As he that tho was apparant;
Upon the Regne and expectant;
Wherof he wax so proud and vein;
That he his fader in desdeign
Hath take and set of non acompte;
As he which thoghte him to surmonte;
That wher he was ferst debonaire;
He was tho rebell and contraire;
And noght as heir bot as a king
He tok upon him alle thing    1720
Of malice and of tirannie
In contempt of the Regalie;
Livende his fader; and so wroghte;
That whan the fader him bethoghte
And sih to whether side it drowh;
Anon he wiste well ynowh
How Perse after his false tunge
Hath so thenvious belle runge;
That he hath slain his oghne brother。
Wherof as thanne he knew non other;    1730
Bot sodeinly the jugge he nom;
Which corrupt sat upon the dom;
In such a wise and hath him pressed;
That he the sothe him hath confessed
Of al that hath be spoke and do。
Mor sori than the king was tho
Was nevere man upon this Molde;
And thoghte in certain that he wolde
Vengance take upon this wrong。
Bot thother parti was so strong;    1740
That for the lawe of no statut
Ther mai no riht ben execut;
And upon this division
The lond was torned up so doun:
Wherof his herte is so distraght;
That he for pure sorwe hath caght
The maladie of which nature
Is queint in every creature。
And whan this king was passed thus;
This false tunged Perses    1750
The regiment hath underfonge。
Bot ther mai nothing stonde longe
Which is noght upon trowthe grounded;
For god; which alle thing hath bounded
And sih the falshod of his guile;
Hath set him bot a litel while;
That he schal regne upon depos;
For sodeinliche as he aros
So sodeinliche doun he fell。
In thilke time it so befell;     1760
This newe king of newe Pride
With strengthe schop him forto ride;
And seide he wolde Rome waste;
Wherof he made a besi haste;
And hath assembled him an host
In al that evere he mihte most:
What man that mihte wepne bere
Of alle he wolde non forbere;
So that it mihte
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