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confessio amantis-第3部分

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For though thei speke and teche wel;
Thei don hemself therof no del:
For if the wolf come in the weie;
Her gostly Staf is thanne aweie;   420
Wherof thei scholde her flock defende;
Bot if the povere Schep offende
In eny thing; thogh it be lyte;
They ben al redy forto smyte;
And thus; how evere that thei tale;
The strokes falle upon the smale;
And upon othre that ben grete
Hem lacketh herte forto bete。
So that under the clerkes lawe
Men sen the Merel al mysdrawe;   430
I wol noght seie in general;
For ther ben somme in special
In whom that alle vertu duelleth;
And tho ben; as thapostel telleth;
That god of his eleccioun
Hath cleped to perfeccioun
In the manere as Aaron was:
Thei ben nothing in thilke cas
Of Simon; which the foldes gate
Hath lete; and goth in othergate;   440
Bot thei gon in the rihte weie。
Ther ben also somme; as men seie;
That folwen Simon ate hieles;
Whos carte goth upon the whieles
Of coveitise and worldes Pride;
And holy cherche goth beside;
Which scheweth outward a visage
Of that is noght in the corage。
For if men loke in holy cherche;
Betwen the word and that thei werche   450
Ther is a full gret difference:
Thei prechen ous in audience
That noman schal his soule empeire;
For al is bot a chirie feire
This worldes good; so as thei telle;
Also thei sein ther is an helle;
Which unto mannes sinne is due;
And bidden ous therfore eschue
That wikkid is; and do the goode。
Who that here wordes understode;   460
It thenkth thei wolden do the same;
Bot yet betwen ernest and game
Ful ofte it torneth other wise。
With holy tales thei devise
How meritoire is thilke dede
Of charite; to clothe and fede
The povere folk and forto parte
The worldes good; bot thei departe
Ne thenken noght fro that thei have。
Also thei sein; good is to save   470
With penance and with abstinence
Of chastite the continence;
Bot pleinly forto speke of that;
I not how thilke body fat;
Which thei with deynte metes kepe
And leyn it softe forto slepe;
Whan it hath elles al his wille;
With chastite schal stonde stille:
And natheles I can noght seie;
In aunter if that I misseye。   480
Touchende of this; how evere it stonde;
I here and wol noght understonde;
For therof have I noght to done:
Bot he that made ferst the Mone;
The hyhe god; of his goodnesse;
If ther be cause; he it redresce。
Bot what as eny man accuse;
This mai reson of trowthe excuse;
The vice of hem that ben ungoode

Is no reproef unto the goode:   490
For every man hise oghne werkes
Schal bere; and thus as of the clerkes
The goode men ben to comende;
And alle these othre god amende:
For thei ben to the worldes ije
The Mirour of ensamplerie;
To reulen and to taken hiede
Betwen the men and the godhiede。
Now forto speke of the comune;
It is to drede of that fortune   500
Which hath befalle in sondri londes:
Bot often for defalte of bondes
Al sodeinliche; er it be wist;
A Tonne; whanne his lye arist;
Tobrekth and renneth al aboute;
Which elles scholde noght gon oute;
And ek fulofte a litel Skar
Upon a Banke; er men be war;
Let in the Strem; which with gret peine;
If evere man it schal restreigne。   510
Wher lawe lacketh; errour groweth;
He is noght wys who that ne troweth;
For it hath proeved ofte er this;
And thus the comun clamour is
In every lond wher poeple dwelleth;
And eche in his compleignte telleth
How that the world is al miswent;
And ther upon his jugement
Yifth every man in sondry wise。
Bot what man wolde himself avise;   520
His conscience and noght misuse;
He may wel ate ferste excuse
His god; which evere stant in on:
In him ther is defalte non;
So moste it stonde upon ousselve
Nought only upon ten ne twelve;
Bot plenerliche upon ous alle;
For man is cause of that schal falle。
And natheles yet som men wryte
And sein that fortune is to wyte;   530
And som men holde oppinion
That it is constellacion;
Which causeth al that a man doth:
God wot of bothe which is soth。
The world as of his propre kynde
Was evere untrewe; and as the blynde
Improprelich he demeth fame;
He blameth that is noght to blame
And preiseth that is noght to preise:
Thus whan he schal the thinges peise;   540
Ther is deceipte in his balance;
And al is that the variance
Of ous; that scholde ous betre avise;
For after that we falle and rise;
The world arist and falth withal;
So that the man is overal
His oghne cause of wel and wo。
That we fortune clepe so
Out of the man himself it groweth;
And who that other wise troweth;   550
Behold the poeple of Irael:
For evere whil thei deden wel;
Fortune was hem debonaire;
And whan thei deden the contraire;
Fortune was contrariende。
So that it proeveth wel at ende
Why that the world is wonderfull
And may no while stonde full;
Though that it seme wel besein;
For every worldes thing is vein;   560
And evere goth the whiel aboute;
And evere stant a man in doute;
Fortune stant no while stille;
So hath ther noman al his wille。
Als fer as evere a man may knowe;
Ther lasteth nothing bot a throwe;
The world stant evere upon debat;
So may be seker non astat;
Now hier now ther; now to now fro;
Now up now down; this world goth so;   570
And evere hath don and evere schal:
Wherof I finde in special
A tale writen in the Bible;
Which moste nedes be credible;
And that as in conclusioun
Seith that upon divisioun
Stant; why no worldes thing mai laste;
Til it be drive to the laste。
And fro the ferste regne of alle
Into this day; hou so befalle;   580
Of that the regnes be muable
The man himself hath be coupable;
Which of his propre governance
Fortuneth al the worldes chance。
The hyhe almyhti pourveance;
In whos eterne remembrance
Fro ferst was every thing present;
He hath his prophecie sent;
In such a wise as thou schalt hiere;
To Daniel of this matiere;   590
Hou that this world schal torne and wende;
Till it be falle to his ende;
Wherof the tale telle I schal;
In which it is betokned al。
As Nabugodonosor slepte;
A swevene him tok; the which he kepte
Til on the morwe he was arise;
For he therof was sore agrise。
To Daniel his drem he tolde;
And preide him faire that he wolde   600
Arede what it tokne may;
And seide: 〃Abedde wher I lay;
Me thoghte I syh upon a Stage
Wher stod a wonder strange ymage。
His hed with al the necke also
Thei were of fin gold bothe tuo;
His brest; his schuldres and his armes
Were al of selver; bot the tharmes;
The wombe and al doun to the kne;
Of bras thei were upon to se;   610
The legges were al mad of Stiel;
So were his feet also somdiel;
And somdiel part to hem was take
Of Erthe which men Pottes make;
The fieble meynd was with the stronge;
So myhte it wel noght stonde longe。
And tho me thoghte that I sih
A gret ston from an hull on hyh
Fel doun of sodein aventure
Upon the feet of this figure;   620
With which Ston al tobroke was
Gold; Selver; Erthe; Stiel and Bras;
That al was in to pouldre broght;
And so forth torned into noght。〃
This was the swevene which he hadde;
That Daniel anon aradde;
And seide him that figure strange
Betokneth how the world schal change
And waxe lasse worth and lasse;
Til it to noght al overpasse。   630
The necke and hed; that weren 
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