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confessio amantis-第29部分

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Was come; and Couste upon his tale
With herte clos and colour pale
Aswoune fell; and he merveileth
So sodeinly what thing hire eyleth;
And cawhte hire up; and whan sche wok;
Sche syketh with a pitous lok    1350
And feigneth seknesse of the See;
Bot it was for the king Allee;
For joie which fell in hire thoght
That god him hath to toune broght。
This king hath spoke with the Pope
And told al that he cowthe agrope;
What grieveth in his conscience;
And thanne he thoghte in reverence
Of his astat; er that he wente;
To make a feste; and thus he sente     1360
Unto the Senatour to come
Upon the morwe and othre some;
To sitte with him at the mete。
This tale hath Couste noght foryete;
Bot to Moris hire Sone tolde
That he upon the morwe scholde
In al that evere he cowthe and mihte
Be present in the kinges sihte;
So that the king him ofte sihe。
Moris tofore the kinges yhe   1370
Upon the morwe; wher he sat;
Fulofte stod; and upon that
The king his chiere upon him caste;
And in his face him thoghte als faste
He sih his oghne wif Constance;
For nature as in resemblance
Of face hem liketh so to clothe;
That thei were of a suite bothe。
The king was moeved in his thoght
Of that he seth; and knoweth it noght;    1380
This child he loveth kindely;
And yit he wot no cause why。
Bot wel he sih and understod
That he toward Arcenne stod;
And axeth him anon riht there;
If that this child his Sone were。
He seide; 〃Yee; so I him calle;
And wolde it were so befalle;
Bot it is al in other wise。〃
And tho began he to devise    1390
How he the childes Moder fond
Upon the See from every lond
Withinne a Schip was stiereles;
And how this ladi helpeles
Forth with hir child he hath forthdrawe。
The king hath understonde his sawe;
The childes name and axeth tho;
And what the Moder hihte also
That he him wolde telle he preide。
〃Moris this child is hote;〃 he seide;     1400
〃His Moder hatte Couste; and this
I not what maner name it is。〃
But Allee wiste wel ynowh;
Wherof somdiel smylende he lowh;
For Couste in Saxoun is to sein
Constance upon the word Romein。
Bot who that cowthe specefie
What tho fell in his fantasie;
And how his wit aboute renneth
Upon the love in which he brenneth;    1410
It were a wonder forto hiere:
For he was nouther ther ne hiere;
Bot clene out of himself aweie;
That he not what to thenke or seie;
So fain he wolde it were sche。
Wherof his hertes privete
Began the werre of yee and nay;
The which in such balance lay;
That contenance for a throwe
He loste; til he mihte knowe     1420
The sothe: bot in his memoire
The man which lith in purgatoire
Desireth noght the hevene more;
That he ne longeth al so sore
To wite what him schal betide。
And whan the bordes were aside
And every man was rise aboute;
The king hath weyved al the route;
And with the Senatour al one
He spak and preide him of a bone;   1430
To se this Couste; wher sche duelleth
At hom with him; so as he telleth。
The Senatour was wel appaied;
This thing no lengere is delaied;
To se this Couste goth the king;
And sche was warned of the thing;
And with Heleine forth sche cam
Ayein the king; and he tho nam
Good hiede; and whan he sih his wif;
Anon with al his hertes lif   1440
He cawhte hire in his arm and kiste。
Was nevere wiht that sih ne wiste
A man that more joie made;
Wherof thei weren alle glade
Whiche herde tellen of this chance。
This king tho with his wif Constance;
Which hadde a gret part of his wille;
In Rome for a time stille
Abod and made him wel at ese:
Bot so yit cowthe he nevere plese   1450
His wif; that sche him wolde sein
Of hire astat the trowthe plein;
Of what contre that sche was bore;
Ne what sche was; and yit therfore
With al his wit he hath don sieke。
Thus as they lihe abedde and spieke;
Sche preide him and conseileth bothe;
That for the worschipe of hem bothe;
So as hire thoghte it were honeste;
He wolde an honourable feste     1460
Make; er he wente; in the Cite;
Wher themperour himself schal be:
He graunteth al that sche him preide。
Bot as men in that time seide;
This Emperour fro thilke day
That ferst his dowhter wente away
He was thanne after nevere glad;
Bot what that eny man him bad
Of grace for his dowhter sake;
That grace wolde he noght forsake;     1470
And thus ful gret almesse he dede;
Wherof sche hadde many a bede。
This Emperour out of the toun
Withinne a ten mile enviroun;
Where as it thoghte him for the beste;
Hath sondry places forto reste;
And as fortune wolde tho;
He was duellende at on of tho。
The king Allee forth with thassent
Of Couste his wif hath thider sent     1480
Moris his Sone; as he was taght;
To themperour and he goth straght;
And in his fader half besoghte;
As he which his lordschipe soghte;
That of his hihe worthinesse
He wolde do so gret meknesse;
His oghne toun to come and se;
And yive a time in the cite;
So that his fader mihte him gete
That he wolde ones with him ete。    1490
This lord hath granted his requeste;
And whan the dai was of the feste;
In worschipe of here Emperour
The king and ek the Senatour
Forth with here wyves bothe tuo;
With many a lord and lady mo;
On horse riden him ayein;
Til it befell; upon a plein
Thei sihen wher he was comende。
With that Constance anon preiende   1500
Spak to hir lord that he abyde;
So that sche mai tofore ryde;
To ben upon his bienvenue
The ferste which schal him salue;
And thus after hire lordes graunt
Upon a Mule whyt amblaunt
Forth with a fewe rod this qweene。
Thei wondren what sche wolde mene;
And riden after softe pas;
Bot whan this ladi come was   1510
To themperour; in his presence
Sche seide alowd in audience;
〃Mi lord; mi fader; wel you be!
And of this time that I se
Youre honour and your goode hele;
Which is the helpe of my querele;
I thonke unto the goddes myht。〃
For joie his herte was affliht
Of that sche tolde in remembrance;
And whanne he wiste it was Constance;     1520
Was nevere fader half so blithe。
Wepende he keste hire ofte sithe;
So was his herte al overcome;
For thogh his Moder were come
Fro deth to lyve out of the grave;
He mihte nomor wonder have
Than he hath whan that he hire sih。
With that hire oghne lord cam nyh
And is to themperour obeied;
Bot whan the fortune is bewreied;   1530
How that Constance is come aboute;
So hard an herte was non oute;
That he for pite tho ne wepte。
Arcennus; which hire fond and kepte;
Was thanne glad of that is falle;
So that with joie among hem alle
Thei riden in at Rome gate。
This Emperour thoghte al to late;
Til that the Pope were come;
And of the lordes sende some     1540
To preie him that he wolde haste:
And he cam forth in alle haste;
And whan that he the tale herde;
How wonderly this chance ferde;
He thonketh god of his miracle;
To whos miht mai be non obstacle:
The king a noble feste hem made;
And thus thei weren alle glade。
A parlement; er that thei wente;
Thei setten unto this entente;   1550
To puten Rome in full espeir
That Moris was apparant heir
And scholde abide with hem stille;
For such was al the londes wille。
Whan every thing was fulli spoke;
Of sorwe and queint was al the smoke;
Tho tok his leve Allee the king;
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