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confessio amantis-第25部分

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For certes thogh I scholde feigne;
And telle that was nevere thoght;
For al this world I myhte noght     510
To soffre an othre fully winne;
Ther as I am yit to beginne。
For be thei goode; or be thei badde;
I wolde non my ladi hadde;
And that me makth fulofte aspie
And usen wordes of Envie;
Al forto make hem bere a blame。
And that is bot of thilke same;
The whiche unto my ladi drawe;
For evere on hem I rounge and gknawe   520
And hindre hem al that evere I mai;
And that is; sothly forto say;
Bot only to my lady selve:
I telle it noght to ten ne tuelve;
Therof I wol me wel avise;
To speke or jangle in eny wise
That toucheth to my ladi name;
The which in ernest and in game
I wolde save into my deth;
For me were levere lacke breth   530
Than speken of hire name amis。
Now have ye herd touchende of this;
Mi fader; in confessioun:
And therfor of Detraccioun
In love; of that I have mispoke;
Tel how ye wole it schal be wroke。
I am al redy forto bere
Mi peine; and also to forbere
What thing that ye wol noght allowe;
For who is bounden; he mot bowe。    540
So wol I bowe unto youre heste;
For I dar make this beheste;
That I to yow have nothing hid;
Bot told riht as it is betid;
And otherwise of no mispeche;
Mi conscience forto seche;
I can noght of Envie finde;
That I mispoke have oght behinde
Wherof love owhte be mispaid。
Now have ye herd and I have said;   550
What wol ye; fader; that I do?
Mi Sone; do nomore so;
Bot evere kep thi tunge stille;
Thou miht the more have of thi wille。
For as thou saist thiselven here;
Thi ladi is of such manere;
So wys; so war in alle thinge;
It nedeth of no bakbitinge
That thou thi ladi mis enforme:
For whan sche knoweth al the forme;    560
How that thiself art envious;
Thou schalt noght be so gracious
As thou peraunter scholdest elles。
Ther wol noman drinke of tho welles
Whiche as he wot is puyson inne;
And ofte swich as men beginne
Towardes othre; swich thei finde;
That set hem ofte fer behinde;
Whan that thei wene be before。
Mi goode Sone; and thou therfore    570
Bewar and lef thi wicke speche;
Wherof hath fallen ofte wreche
To many a man befor this time。
For who so wole his handes lime;
Thei mosten be the more unclene;
For many a mote schal be sene;
That wolde noght cleve elles there;
And that schold every wys man fere:
For who so wol an other blame;
He secheth ofte his oghne schame;   580
Which elles myhte be riht stille。
Forthi if that it be thi wille
To stonde upon amendement;
A tale of gret entendement
I thenke telle for thi sake;
Wherof thou miht ensample take。
A worthi kniht in Cristes lawe
Of grete Rome; as is the sawe;
The Sceptre hadde forto rihte;
Tiberie Constantin he hihte;     590
Whos wif was cleped Ytalie:
Bot thei togedre of progenie
No children hadde bot a Maide;
And sche the god so wel apaide;
That al the wide worldes fame
Spak worschipe of hire goode name。
Constance; as the Cronique seith;
Sche hihte; and was so ful of feith;
That the greteste of Barbarie;
Of hem whiche usen marchandie;   600
Sche hath converted; as thei come
To hire upon a time in Rome;
To schewen such thing as thei broghte;
Whiche worthili of hem sche boghte;
And over that in such a wise
Sche hath hem with hire wordes wise
Of Cristes feith so full enformed;
That thei therto ben all conformed;
So that baptesme thei receiven
And alle here false goddes weyven。     610
Whan thei ben of the feith certein;
Thei gon to Barbarie ayein;
And ther the Souldan for hem sente
And axeth hem to what entente
Thei have here ferste feith forsake。
And thei; whiche hadden undertake
The rihte feith to kepe and holde;
The matiere of here tale tolde
With al the hole circumstance。
And whan the Souldan of Constance   620
Upon the point that thei ansuerde
The beaute and the grace herde;
As he which thanne was to wedde;
In alle haste his cause spedde
To sende for the mariage。
And furthermor with good corage
He seith; be so he mai hire have;
That Crist; which cam this world to save;
He woll believe: and this recorded;
Thei ben on either side acorded;    630
And therupon to make an ende
The Souldan hise hostages sende
To Rome; of Princes Sones tuelve:
Wherof the fader in himselve
Was glad; and with the Pope avised
Tuo Cardinals he hath assissed
With othre lordes many mo;
That with his doghter scholden go;
To se the Souldan be converted。
Bot that which nevere was wel herted;     640
Envie; tho began travaile
In destourbance of this spousaile
So prively that non was war。
The Moder which this Souldan bar
Was thanne alyve; and thoghte this
Unto hirself: 〃If it so is
Mi Sone him wedde in this manere;
Than have I lost my joies hiere;
For myn astat schal so be lassed。〃
Thenkende thus sche hath compassed     650
Be sleihte how that sche may beguile
Hire Sone; and fell withinne a while;
Betwen hem two whan that thei were;
Sche feigneth wordes in his Ere;
And in this wise gan to seie:
〃Mi Sone; I am be double weie
With al myn herte glad and blithe;
For that miself have ofte sithe
Desired thou wolt; as men seith;
Receive and take a newe feith;   660
Which schal be forthringe of thi lif:
And ek so worschipful a wif;
The doughter of an Emperour;
To wedde it schal be gret honour。
Forthi; mi Sone; I you beseche
That I such grace mihte areche;
Whan that my doughter come schal;
That I mai thanne in special;
So as me thenkth it is honeste;
Be thilke which the ferste feste    670
Schal make unto hire welcominge。〃
The Souldan granteth hire axinge;
And sche therof was glad ynowh:
For under that anon sche drowh
With false wordes that sche spak
Covine of deth behinde his bak。
And therupon hire ordinance
She made so; that whan Constance
Was come forth with the Romeins;
Of clerkes and of Citezeins;         680
A riche feste sche hem made:
And most whan that thei weren glade;
With fals covine which sche hadde
Hire clos Envie tho sche spradde;
And alle tho that hadden be
Or in apert or in prive
Of conseil to the mariage;
Sche slowh hem in a sodein rage
Endlong the bord as thei be set;
So that it myhte noght be let;   690
Hire oghne Sone was noght quit;
Bot deide upon the same plit。
Bot what the hihe god wol spare
It mai for no peril misfare:
This worthi Maiden which was there
Stod thanne; as who seith; ded for feere;
To se the feste how that it stod;
Which al was torned into blod:
The Dissh forthwith the Coppe and al
Bebled thei weren overal;     700
Sche sih hem deie on every side;
No wonder thogh sche wepte and cride
Makende many a wofull mone。
Whan al was slain bot sche al one;
This olde fend; this Sarazine;
Let take anon this Constantine
With al the good sche thider broghte;
And hath ordeined; as sche thoghte;
A nakid Schip withoute stiere;
In which the good and hire in fiere;   710
Vitailed full for yeres fyve;
Wher that the wynd it wolde dryve;
Sche putte upon the wawes wilde。
Bot he which alle thing mai schilde;
Thre yer; til that sche cam to londe;
Hire Schip to stiere hath take in honde;
And in Northumberlond aryveth;
And happeth thanne that sche dryveth
Under a Castel with the flod;
Which upon Humber banke stod     720
And was the kynges oghne also;
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