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confessio amantis-第22部分

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〃Mi faire Maide; wel thee be!
Of thin ansuere and ek of thee
Me liketh wel; and as thou wilt;
Foryive be thi fader gilt。
And if thou were of such lignage;
That thou to me were of parage;
And that thi fader were a Pier;
As he is now a Bachilier;
So seker as I have a lif;
Thou scholdest thanne be my wif。   3340
Bot this I seie natheles;
That I wol schape thin encress;
What worldes good that thou wolt crave;
Axe of my yifte and thou schalt have。〃
And sche the king with wordes wise
Knelende thonketh in this wise:
〃Mi liege lord; god mot you quite!
Mi fader hier hath bot a lite
Of warison; and that he wende
Hadde al be lost; bot now amende   3350
He mai wel thurgh your noble grace。〃
With that the king riht in his place
Anon forth in that freisshe hete
An  Erldom; which thanne of eschete
Was late falle into his hond;
Unto this knyht with rente and lond
Hath yove and with his chartre sesed;
And thus was all the noise appesed。
This Maiden; which sat on hire knes
Tofore the king; hise charitees    3360
Comendeth; and seide overmore:
〃Mi liege lord; riht now tofore
Ye seide; as it is of record;
That if my fader were a lord
And Pier unto these othre grete;
Ye wolden for noght elles lete;
That I ne scholde be your wif;
And this wot every worthi lif;
A kinges word it mot ben holde。
Forthi; my lord; if that ye wolde  3370
So gret a charite fulfille;
God wot it were wel my wille:
For he which was a Bacheler;
Mi fader; is now mad a Pier;
So whenne as evere that I cam;
An Erles dowhter now I am。〃
This yonge king; which peised al;
Hire beaute and hir wit withal;
As he that was with love hent;
Anon therto yaf his assent。  3380
He myhte noght the maide asterte;
That sche nis ladi of his herte;
So that he tok hire to his wif;
To holde whyl that he hath lif:
And thus the king toward his knyht
Acordeth him; as it is riht。
And over this good is to wite;
In the Cronique as it is write;
This noble king of whom I tolde
Of Spaine be tho daies olde  3390
The kingdom hadde in governance;
And as the bok makth remembrance;
Alphonse was his propre name:
The knyht also; if I schal name;
Danz Petro hihte; and as men telle;
His dowhter wyse Peronelle
Was cleped; which was full of grace:
And that was sene in thilke place;
Wher sche hir fader out of teene
Hath broght and mad hirself a qweene;  3400
Of that sche hath so wel desclosed
The pointz wherof sche was opposed。
Lo now; my Sone; as thou myht hiere;
Of al this thing to my matiere
Bot on I take; and that is Pride;
To whom no grace mai betide:
In hevene he fell out of his stede;
And Paradis him was forbede;
The goode men in Erthe him hate;
So that to helle he mot algate;  3410
Where every vertu schal be weyved
And every vice be received。
Bot Humblesce is al otherwise;
Which most is worth; and no reprise
It takth ayein; bot softe and faire;
If eny thing stond in contraire;
With humble speche it is redresced:
Thus was this yonge Maiden blessed;
The which I spak of now tofore;
Hire fader lif sche gat therfore;   3420
And wan with al the kinges love。
Forthi; my Sone; if thou wolt love;
It sit thee wel to leve Pride
And take Humblesce upon thi side;
The more of grace thou schalt gete。
Mi fader; I woll noght foryete
Of this that ye have told me hiere;
And if that eny such manere
Of humble port mai love appaie;
Hierafterward I thenke assaie:  3430
Bot now forth over I beseche
That ye more of my schrifte seche。
Mi goode Sone; it schal be do:
Now herkne and ley an Ere to;
For as touchende of Prides fare;
Als ferforth as I can declare
In cause of vice; in cause of love;
That hast thou pleinly herd above;
So that ther is nomor to seie
Touchende of that; bot other weie  3440
Touchende Envie I thenke telle;
Which hath the propre kinde of helle;
Withoute cause to misdo
Toward himself and othre also;
Hierafterward as understonde
Thou schalt the spieces; as thei stonde。

Explicit Liber Primus

Incipit Liber Secundus

Inuidie culpa magis est attrita dolore;
     Nam sua mens nullo tempore leta manet:
Quo gaudent alii; dolet ille; nec vnus amicus
     Est; cui de puro comoda velle facit。
Proximitatis honor sua corda veretur; et omnis
     Est sibi leticia sic aliena dolor。
Hoc etenim vicium quam sepe repugnat amanti;
     Non sibi; set reliquis; dum fauet ipsa Venus。
Est amor ex proprio motu fantasticus; et que
     Gaudia fert alius; credit obesse sibi。

Now after Pride the secounde
Ther is; which many a woful stounde
Towardes othre berth aboute
Withinne himself and noght withoute;
For in his thoght he brenneth evere;
Whan that he wot an other levere
Or more vertuous than he;
Which passeth him in his degre;
Therof he takth his maladie:
That vice is cleped hot Envie。   10
Forthi; my Sone; if it be so
Thou art or hast ben on of tho;
As forto speke in loves cas;
If evere yit thin herte was
Sek of an other mannes hele?
So god avance my querele;
Mi fader; ye; a thousend sithe:
Whanne I have sen an other blithe
Of love; and hadde a goodly chiere;
Ethna; which brenneth yer be yere;     20
Was thanne noght so hot as I
Of thilke Sor which prively
Min hertes thoght withinne brenneth。
The Schip which on the wawes renneth;
And is forstormed and forblowe;
Is noght more peined for a throwe
Than I am thanne; whanne I se
An other which that passeth me
In that fortune of loves yifte。
Bot; fader; this I telle in schrifte;     30
That is nowher bot in o place;
For who that lese or finde grace
In other stede; it mai noght grieve:
Bot this ye mai riht wel believe;
Toward mi ladi that I serve;
Thogh that I wiste forto sterve;
Min herte is full of such sotie;
That I myself mai noght chastie。
Whan I the Court se of Cupide
Aproche unto my ladi side     40
Of hem that lusti ben and freisshe;…
Thogh it availe hem noght a reisshe;
Bot only that thei ben in speche;…
My sorwe is thanne noght to seche:
Bot whan thei rounen in hire Ere;
Than groweth al my moste fere;
And namly whan thei talen longe;
My sorwes thanne be so stronge
Of that I se hem wel at ese;
I can noght telle my desese。     50
Bot; Sire; as of my ladi selve;
Thogh sche have wowers ten or twelve;
For no mistrust I have of hire
Me grieveth noght; for certes; Sire;
I trowe; in al this world to seche;
Nis womman that in dede and speche
Woll betre avise hire what sche doth;
Ne betre; forto seie a soth;
Kepe hire honour ate alle tide;
And yit get hire a thank beside。    60
Bot natheles I am beknowe;
That whanne I se at eny throwe;
Or elles if I mai it hiere;
That sche make eny man good chiere;
Thogh I therof have noght to done;
Mi thought wol entermette him sone。
For thogh I be miselve strange;
Envie makth myn herte change;
That I am sorghfully bestad
Of that I se an other glad    70
With hire; bot of other alle;
Of love what so mai befalle;
Or that he faile or that he spede;
Therof take I bot litel heede。
Now have I seid; my fader; al
As of this point in special;
Als ferforthli as I have wist。
Now axeth further what you list。
Mi Sone; er I axe eny more;
I thenke somdiel for thi lore    80
Telle an ensample of this matiere
Touchende Envie; as thou schalt hiere。
Write in Civile
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