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confessio amantis-第21部分

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Bot after his entendement
The more he caste his wit aboute;
The more he stant therof in doute。
Tho wiste he wel the kinges herte;
That he the deth ne scholde asterte;
And such a sorwe hath to him take;
That gladschipe he hath al forsake。
He thoghte ferst upon his lif;
And after that upon his wif;  3130
Upon his children ek also;
Of whiche he hadde dowhtres tuo;
The yongest of hem hadde of age
Fourtiene yer; and of visage
Sche was riht fair; and of stature
Lich to an hevenely figure;
And of manere and goodli speche;
Thogh men wolde alle Londes seche;
Thei scholden noght have founde hir like。
Sche sih hire fader sorwe and sike;    3140
And wiste noght the cause why;
So cam sche to him prively;
And that was where he made his mone
Withinne a Gardin al him one;
Upon hire knes sche gan doun falle
With humble herte and to him calle;
And seide: 〃O goode fader diere;
Why make ye thus hevy chiere;
And I wot nothing how it is?
And wel ye knowen; fader; this;  3150
What aventure that you felle
Ye myhte it saufly to me telle;
For I have ofte herd you seid;
That ye such trust have on me leid;
That to my soster ne my brother;
In al this world ne to non other;
Ye dorste telle a privite
So wel; my fader; as to me。
Forthi; my fader; I you preie;
Ne casteth noght that herte aweie;  3160
For I am sche that wolde kepe
Youre honour。〃 And with that to wepe
Hire yhe mai noght be forbore;
Sche wissheth forto ben unbore;
Er that hire fader so mistriste
To tellen hire of that he wiste:
And evere among merci sche cride;
That he ne scholde his conseil hide
From hire that so wolde him good
And was so nyh his fleissh and blod。  3170
So that with wepinge ate laste
His chiere upon his child he caste;
And sorwfulli to that sche preide
He tolde his tale and thus he seide:
〃The sorwe; dowhter; which I make
Is noght al only for my sake;
Bot for thee bothe and for you alle:
For such a chance is me befalle;
That I schal er this thridde day
Lese al that evere I lese may;   3180
Mi lif and al my good therto:
Therfore it is I sorwe so。〃
〃What is the cause; helas!〃 quod sche;
〃Mi fader; that ye scholden be
Ded and destruid in such a wise?〃
And he began the pointz devise;
Whiche as the king told him be mowthe;
And seid hir pleinly that he cowthe
Ansuere unto no point of this。
And sche; that hiereth how it is;   3190
Hire conseil yaf and seide tho:
〃Mi fader; sithen it is so;
That ye can se non other weie;
Bot that ye moste nedes deie;
I wolde preie of you a thing:
Let me go with you to the king;
And ye schull make him understonde
How ye; my wittes forto fonde;
Have leid your ansuere upon me;
And telleth him; in such degre  3200
Upon my word ye wole abide
To lif or deth; what so betide。
For yit par chaunce I may pourchace
With som good word the kinges grace;
Your lif and ek your good to save;
For ofte schal a womman have
Thing which a man mai noght areche。〃
The fader herde his dowhter speche;
And thoghte ther was resoun inne;
And sih his oghne lif to winne  3210
He cowthe don himself no cure;
So betre him thoghte in aventure
To put his lif and al his good;
Than in the maner as it stod
His lif in certein forto lese。
And thus thenkende he gan to chese
To do the conseil of this Maide;
And tok the pourpos which sche saide。
The dai was come and forth thei gon;
Unto the Court thei come anon;   3220
Wher as the king in juggement
Was set and hath this knyht assent。
Arraied in hire beste wise
This Maiden with hire wordes wise
Hire fader ladde be the hond
Into the place; wher he fond
The king with othre whiche he wolde;
And to the king knelende he tolde
As he enformed was tofore;
And preith the king that he therfore  3230
His dowhtres wordes wolde take;
And seith that he wol undertake
Upon hire wordes forto stonde。
Tho was ther gret merveile on honde;
That he; which was so wys a knyht;
His lif upon so yong a wyht
Besette wolde in jeupartie;
And manye it hielden for folie:
Bot ate laste natheles
The king comandeth ben in pes;   3240
And to this Maide he caste his chiere;
And seide he wolde hire tale hiere;
He bad hire speke; and sche began:
〃Mi liege lord; so as I can;〃
Quod sche; 〃the pointz of whiche I herde;
Thei schul of reson ben ansuerde。
The ferste I understonde is this;
What thing of al the world it is;
Which men most helpe and hath lest nede。
Mi liege lord; this wolde I rede:  3250
The Erthe it is; which everemo
With mannes labour is bego;
Als wel in wynter as in Maii
The mannes hond doth what he mai
To helpe it forth and make it riche;
And forthi men it delve and dyche
And eren it with strengthe of plowh;
Wher it hath of himself ynowh;
So that his nede is ate leste。
For every man and bridd and beste;  3260
And flour and gras and rote and rinde;
And every thing be weie of kynde
Schal sterve; and Erthe it schal become;
As it was out of Erthe nome;
It schal to therthe torne ayein:
And thus I mai be resoun sein
That Erthe is the most nedeles;
And most men helpe it natheles。
So that; my lord; touchende of this
I have ansuerd hou that it is。  3270
That other point I understod;
Which most is worth and most is good;
And costeth lest a man to kepe:
Mi lord; if ye woll take kepe;
I seie it is Humilite;
Thurgh which the hihe trinite
As for decerte of pure love
Unto Marie from above;
Of that he knew hire humble entente;
His oghne Sone adoun he sente;   3280
Above alle othre and hire he ches
For that vertu which bodeth pes:
So that I may be resoun calle
Humilite most worth of alle。
And lest it costeth to maintiene;
In al the world as it is sene;
For who that hath humblesce on honde;
He bringth no werres into londe;
For he desireth for the beste
To setten every man in reste。   3290
Thus with your hihe reverence
Me thenketh that this evidence
As to this point is sufficant。
And touchende of the remenant;
Which is the thridde of youre axinges;
What leste is worth of alle thinges;
And costeth most; I telle it; Pride;
Which mai noght in the hevene abide;
For Lucifer with hem that felle
Bar Pride with him into helle。  3300
Ther was Pride of to gret a cost;
Whan he for Pride hath hevene lost;
And after that in Paradis
Adam for Pride loste his pris:
In Midelerthe and ek also
Pride is the cause of alle wo;
That al the world ne may suffise
To stanche of Pride the reprise:
Pride is the heved of alle Sinne;
Which wasteth al and mai noght winne;    3310
Pride is of every mis the pricke;
Pride is the werste of alle wicke;
And costneth most and lest is worth
In place where he hath his forth。
Thus have I seid that I wol seie
Of myn answere; and to you preie;
Mi liege lord; of youre office
That ye such grace and such justice
Ordeigne for mi fader hiere;
That after this; whan men it hiere;    3320
The world therof mai speke good。〃
The king; which reson understod
And hath al herd how sche hath said;
Was inly glad and so wel paid
That al his wraththe is overgo:
And he began to loke tho
Upon this Maiden in the face;
In which he fond so mochel grace;
That al his pris on hire he leide;
In audience and thus he seide:  3330
〃Mi faire Maide; wel thee be!
Of thin ansuere and ek of thee
Me liketh wel; and as t
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