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confessio amantis-第2部分

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Which Simon hath in his office;
Wherof he takth the gold in honde。
For thilke tyme I understonde
The Lumbard made non eschange
The bisschopriches forto change;
Ne yet a lettre for to sende
For dignite ne for Provende;   210
Or cured or withoute cure。
The cherche keye in aventure
Of armes and of brygantaille
Stod nothing thanne upon bataille;
To fyhte or for to make cheste
It thoghte hem thanne noght honeste;
Bot of simplesce and pacience
Thei maden thanne no defence:
The Court of worldly regalie
To hem was thanne no baillie;   220
The vein honour was noght desired;
Which hath the proude herte fyred;
Humilite was tho withholde;
And Pride was a vice holde。
Of holy cherche the largesse
Yaf thanne and dede gret almesse
To povere men that hadden nede:
Thei were ek chaste in word and dede;
Wherof the poeple ensample tok;
Her lust was al upon the bok;   230
Or forto preche or forto preie;
To wisse men the ryhte weie
Of suche as stode of trowthe unliered。
Lo; thus was Petres barge stiered
Of hem that thilke tyme were;
And thus cam ferst to mannes Ere
The feith of Crist and alle goode
Thurgh hem that thanne weren goode
And sobre and chaste and large and wyse。
Bot now men sein is otherwise;   240
Simon the cause hath undertake;
The worldes swerd on honde is take;
And that is wonder natheles;
Whan Crist him self hath bode pes
And set it in his testament;
How now that holy cherche is went;
Of that here lawe positif
Hath set to make werre and strif
For worldes good; which may noght laste。
God wot the cause to the laste   250
Of every right and wrong also;
But whil the lawe is reuled so
That clerkes to the werre entende;
I not how that thei scholde amende
The woful world in othre thinges;
To make pes betwen the kynges
After the lawe of charite;
Which is the propre duete
Belongende unto the presthode。
Bot as it thenkth to the manhode;   260
The hevene is ferr; the world is nyh;
And veine gloire is ek so slyh;
Which coveitise hath now withholde;
That thei non other thing beholde;
Bot only that thei myhten winne。
And thus the werres thei beginne;
Wherof the holi cherche is taxed;
That in the point as it is axed
The disme goth to the bataille;
As thogh Crist myhte noght availe   270
To don hem riht be other weie。
In to the swerd the cherche keie
Is torned; and the holy bede
Into cursinge; and every stede
Which scholde stonde upon the feith
And to this cause an Ere leyth;
Astoned is of the querele。
That scholde be the worldes hele
Is now; men sein; the pestilence
Which hath exiled pacience   280
Fro the clergie in special:
And that is schewed overal;
In eny thing whan thei ben grieved。
Bot if Gregoire be believed;
As it is in the bokes write;
He doth ous somdel forto wite
The cause of thilke prelacie;
Wher god is noght of compaignie:
For every werk as it is founded
Schal stonde or elles be confounded;   290
Who that only for Cristes sake
Desireth cure forto take;
And noght for pride of thilke astat;
To bere a name of a prelat;
He schal be resoun do profit
In holy cherche upon the plit
That he hath set his conscience;
Bot in the worldes reverence
Ther ben of suche manie glade;
Whan thei to thilke astat ben made;   300
Noght for the merite of the charge;
Bot for thei wolde hemself descharge
Of poverte and become grete;
And thus for Pompe and for beyete
The Scribe and ek the Pharisee
Of Moises upon the See
In the chaiere on hyh ben set;
Wherof the feith is ofte let;
Which is betaken hem to kepe。
In Cristes cause alday thei slepe;   310
Bot of the world is noght foryete;
For wel is him that now may gete
Office in Court to ben honoured。
The stronge coffre hath al devoured
Under the keye of avarice
The tresor of the benefice;
Wherof the povere schulden clothe
And ete and drinke and house bothe;
The charite goth al unknowe;
For thei no grein of Pite sowe:   320
And slouthe kepeth the libraire
Which longeth to the Saintuaire;
To studie upon the worldes lore
Sufficeth now withoute more;
Delicacie his swete toth
Hath fostred so that it fordoth
Of abstinence al that ther is。
And forto loken over this;
If Ethna brenne in the clergie;
Al openly to mannes ije   330
At Avynoun thexperience
Therof hath yove an evidence;
Of that men sen hem so divided。
And yit the cause is noght decided;
Bot it is seid and evere schal;
Betwen tuo Stoles lyth the fal;
Whan that men wenen best to sitte:
In holy cherche of such a slitte
Is for to rewe un to ous alle;
God grante it mote wel befalle   340
Towardes him which hath the trowthe。
Bot ofte is sen that mochel slowthe;
Whan men ben drunken of the cuppe;
Doth mochel harm; whan fyr is uppe;
Bot if somwho the flamme stanche;
And so to speke upon this branche;
Which proud Envie hath mad to springe;
Of Scisme; causeth forto bringe
This newe Secte of Lollardie;
And also many an heresie   350
Among the clerkes in hemselve。
It were betre dike and delve
And stonde upon the ryhte feith;
Than knowe al that the bible seith
And erre as somme clerkes do。
Upon the hond to were a Schoo
And sette upon the fot a Glove
Acordeth noght to the behove
Of resonable mannes us:
If men behielden the vertus   360
That Crist in Erthe taghte here;
Thei scholden noght in such manere;
Among hem that ben holden wise;
The Papacie so desguise
Upon diverse eleccioun;
Which stant after thaffeccioun
Of sondry londes al aboute:
Bot whan god wole; it schal were oute;
For trowthe mot stonde ate laste。
Bot yet thei argumenten faste   370
Upon the Pope and his astat;
Wherof thei falle in gret debat;
This clerk seith yee; that other nay;
And thus thei dryve forth the day;
And ech of hem himself amendeth
Of worldes good; bot non entendeth
To that which comun profit were。
Thei sein that god is myhti there;
And schal ordeine what he wile;
Ther make thei non other skile   380
Where is the peril of the feith;
Bot every clerk his herte leith
To kepe his world in special;
And of the cause general;
Which unto holy cherche longeth;
Is non of hem that underfongeth
To schapen eny resistence:
And thus the riht hath no defence;
Bot ther I love; ther I holde。
Lo; thus tobroke is Cristes folde;   390
Wherof the flock withoute guide
Devoured is on every side;
In lacke of hem that ben unware
Schepherdes; whiche her wit beware
Upon the world in other halve。
The scharpe pricke in stede of salve
Thei usen now; wherof the hele
Thei hurte of that thei scholden hele;
And what Schep that is full of wulle
Upon his back; thei toose and pulle;   400
Whil ther is eny thing to pile:
And thogh ther be non other skile
Bot only for thei wolden wynne;
Thei leve noght; whan thei begynne;
Upon her acte to procede;
Which is no good schepherdes dede。
And upon this also men sein;
That fro the leese which is plein
Into the breres thei forcacche
Her Orf; for that thei wolden lacche   410
With such duresce; and so bereve
That schal upon the thornes leve
Of wulle; which the brere hath tore;
Wherof the Schep ben al totore
Of that the hierdes make hem lese。
Lo; how thei feignen chalk for chese;
For though thei speke and teche wel;
Thei don hemself therof no del:
For if the wolf come in the weie;
Her gos
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