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confessio amantis-第18部分

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Of pes; of worschipe and of helthe;
And felte him on no side grieved;
As he that hath his world achieved;
Tho thoghte he wolde a feste make;
And that was for his wyves sake;    2500
That sche the lordes ate feste;
That were obeissant to his heste;
Mai knowe: and so forth therupon
He let ordeine; and sende anon
Be lettres and be messagiers;
And warnede alle hise officiers
That every thing be wel arraied:
The grete Stiedes were assaied
For joustinge and for tornement;
And many a perled garnement  2510
Embroudred was ayein the dai。
The lordes in here beste arrai
Be comen ate time set;
On jousteth wel; an other bet;
And otherwhile thei torneie;
And thus thei casten care aweie
And token lustes upon honde。
And after; thou schalt understonde;
To mete into the kinges halle
Thei come; as thei be beden alle:  2520
And whan thei were set and served;
Thanne after; as it was deserved;
To hem that worthi knyhtes were;
So as thei seten hiere and there;
The pris was yove and spoken oute
Among the heraldz al aboute。
And thus benethe and ek above
Al was of armes and of love;
Wherof abouten ate bordes
Men hadde manye sondri wordes;   2530
That of the merthe which thei made
The king himself began to glade
Withinne his herte and tok a pride;
And sih the Cuppe stonde aside;
Which mad was of Gurmoundes hed;
As ye have herd; whan he was ded;
And was with gold and riche Stones
Beset and bounde for the nones;
And stod upon a fot on heihte
Of burned gold; and with gret sleihte    2540
Of werkmanschipe it was begrave
Of such werk as it scholde have;
And was policed ek so clene
That no signe of the Skulle is sene;
Bot as it were a Gripes Ey。
The king bad bere his Cuppe awey;
Which stod tofore him on the bord;
And fette thilke。 Upon his word
This Skulle is fet and wyn therinne;
Wherof he bad his wif beginne:  2550
〃Drink with thi fader; Dame;〃 he seide。
And sche to his biddinge obeide;
And tok the Skulle; and what hire liste
Sche drank; as sche which nothing wiste
What Cuppe it was: and thanne al oute
The kyng in audience aboute
Hath told it was hire fader Skulle;
So that the lordes knowe schulle
Of his bataille a soth witnesse;
And made avant thurgh what prouesse   2560
He hath his wyves love wonne;
Which of the Skulle hath so begonne。
Tho was ther mochel Pride alofte;
Thei speken alle; and sche was softe;
Thenkende on thilke unkynde Pride;
Of that hire lord so nyh hire side
Avanteth him that he hath slain
And piked out hire fader brain;
And of the Skulle had mad a Cuppe。
Sche soffreth al til thei were uppe;   2570
And tho sche hath seknesse feigned;
And goth to chambre and hath compleigned
Unto a Maide which sche triste;
So that non other wyht it wiste。
This Mayde Glodeside is hote;
To whom this lady hath behote
Of ladischipe al that sche can;
To vengen hire upon this man;
Which dede hire drinke in such a plit
Among hem alle for despit    2580
Of hire and of hire fader bothe;
Wherof hire thoghtes ben so wrothe;
Sche seith; that sche schal noght be glad;
Til that sche se him so bestad
That he nomore make avant。
And thus thei felle in covenant;
That thei acorden ate laste;
With suche wiles as thei caste
That thei wol gete of here acord
Som orped knyht to sle this lord:  2590
And with this sleihte thei beginne;
How thei Helmege myhten winne;
Which was the kinges Boteler;
A proud a lusti Bacheler;
And Glodeside he loveth hote。
And sche; to make him more assote;
Hire love granteth; and be nyhte
Thei schape how thei togedre myhte
Abedde meete: and don it was
This same nyht; and in this cas    2600
The qwene hirself the nyht secounde
Wente in hire stede; and there hath founde
A chambre derk withoute liht;
And goth to bedde to this knyht。
And he; to kepe his observance;
To love doth his obeissance;
And weneth it be Glodeside;
And sche thanne after lay aside;
And axeth him what he hath do;
And who sche was sche tolde him tho;   2610
And seide: 〃Helmege; I am thi qwene;
Now schal thi love wel be sene
Of that thou hast thi wille wroght:
Or it schal sore ben aboght;
Or thou schalt worche as I thee seie。
And if thou wolt be such a weie
Do my plesance and holde it stille;
For evere I schal ben at thi wille;
Bothe I and al myn heritage。〃
Anon the wylde loves rage;    2620
In which noman him can governe;
Hath mad him that he can noght werne;
Bot fell al hol to hire assent:
And thus the whiel is al miswent;
The which fortune hath upon honde;
For how that evere it after stonde;
Thei schope among hem such a wyle;
The king was ded withinne a whyle。
So slihly cam it noght aboute
That thei ne ben descoevered oute;  2630
So that it thoghte hem for the beste
To fle; for there was no reste:
And thus the tresor of the king
Thei trusse and mochel other thing;
And with a certein felaschipe
Thei fledde and wente awey be schipe;
And hielde here rihte cours fro thenne;
Til that thei come to Ravenne;
Wher thei the Dukes helpe soghte。
And he; so as thei him besoghte;    2640
A place granteth forto duelle;
Bot after; whan he herde telle
Of the manere how thei have do;
This Duk let schape for hem so;
That of a puison which thei drunke
Thei hadden that thei have beswunke。
And al this made avant of Pride:
Good is therfore a man to hide
His oghne pris; for if he speke;
He mai lihtliche his thonk tobreke。   2650
In armes lith non avantance
To him which thenkth his name avance
And be renomed of his dede:
And also who that thenkth to spede
Of love; he mai him noght avaunte;
For what man thilke vice haunte;
His pourpos schal fulofte faile。
In armes he that wol travaile
Or elles loves grace atteigne;
His lose tunge he mot restreigne;   2660
Which berth of his honour the keie。
Forthi; my Sone; in alle weie
Tak riht good hiede of this matiere。
I thonke you; my fader diere;
This scole is of a gentil lore;
And if ther be oght elles more
Of Pride; which I schal eschuie;
Now axeth forth; and I wol suie
What thing that ye me wole enforme。
Mi Sone; yit in other forme  2670
Ther is a vice of Prides lore;
Which lich an hauk whan he wol sore;
Fleith upon heihte in his delices
After the likynge of his vices;
And wol no mannes resoun knowe;
Till he doun falle and overthrowe。
This vice veine gloire is hote;
Wherof; my Sone; I thee behote
To trete and speke in such a wise;
That thou thee myht the betre avise。  2680
The proude vice of veine gloire
Remembreth noght of purgatoire;
Hise worldes joyes ben so grete;
Him thenkth of hevene no beyete;
This lives Pompe is al his pes:
Yit schal he deie natheles;
And therof thenkth he bot a lite;
For al his lust is to delite
In newe thinges; proude and veine;
Als ferforth as he mai atteigne。   2690
I trowe; if that he myhte make
His body newe; he wolde take
A newe forme and leve his olde:
For what thing that he mai beholde;
The which to comun us is strange;
Anon his olde guise change
He wole and falle therupon;
Lich unto the Camelion;
Which upon every sondri hewe
That he beholt he moste newe    2700
His colour; and thus unavised
Fulofte time he stant desguised。
Mor jolif than the brid in Maii
He makth him evere freissh and gay;
And doth al his array desguise;
So that of 
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