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confessio amantis-第17部分

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As toward his condicioun。
This yonge lord Narcizus hihte:
No strengthe of love bowe mihte
His herte; which is unaffiled;
Bot ate laste he was beguiled:
For of the goddes pourveance
It fell him on a dai par chance;    2290
That he in all his proude fare
Unto the forest gan to fare;
Amonges othre that ther were
To hunte and to desporte him there。
And whanne he cam into the place
Wher that he wolde make his chace;
The houndes weren in a throwe
Uncoupled and the hornes blowe:
The grete hert anon was founde;
Which swifte feet sette upon grounde;  2300
And he with spore in horse side
Him hasteth faste forto ride;
Til alle men be left behinde。
And as he rod; under a linde
Beside a roche; as I thee telle;
He syh wher sprong a lusty welle:
The day was wonder hot withalle;
And such a thurst was on him falle;
That he moste owther deie or drinke;
And doun he lihte and be the brinke   2310
He teide his Hors unto a braunche;
And leide him lowe forto staunche
His thurst: and as he caste his lok
Into the welle and hiede tok;
He sih the like of his visage;
And wende ther were an ymage
Of such a Nimphe as tho was faie;
Wherof that love his herte assaie
Began; as it was after sene;
Of his sotie and made him wene  2320
It were a womman that he syh。
The more he cam the welle nyh;
The nerr cam sche to him ayein;
So wiste he nevere what to sein;
For whanne he wepte; he sih hire wepe;
And whanne he cride; he tok good kepe;
The same word sche cride also:
And thus began the newe wo;
That whilom was to him so strange;

Tho made him love an hard eschange;    2330
To sette his herte and to beginne
Thing which he mihte nevere winne。
And evere among he gan to loute;
And preith that sche to him come oute;
And otherwhile he goth a ferr;
And otherwhile he draweth nerr;
And evere he fond hire in o place。
He wepth; he crith; he axeth grace;
There as he mihte gete non;
So that ayein a Roche of Ston;   2340
As he that knew non other red;
He smot himself til he was ded。
Wherof the Nimphes of the welles;
And othre that ther weren elles
Unto the wodes belongende;
The body; which was ded ligende;
For pure pite that thei have
Under the grene thei begrave。
And thanne out of his sepulture
Ther sprong anon par aventure   2350
Of floures such a wonder syhte;
That men ensample take myhte
Upon the dedes whiche he dede;
As tho was sene in thilke stede;
For in the wynter freysshe and faire
The floures ben; which is contraire
To kynde; and so was the folie
Which fell of his Surquiderie。
Thus he; which love hadde in desdeign;
Worste of all othre was besein;  2360
And as he sette his pris most hyhe;
He was lest worth in loves yhe
And most bejaped in his wit:
Wherof the remembrance is yit;
So that thou myht ensample take;
And ek alle othre for his sake。
Mi fader; as touchende of me;
This vice I thenke forto fle;
Which of his wenynge overtroweth;
And nameliche of thing which groweth  2370
In loves cause or wel or wo
Yit pryded I me nevere so。
Bot wolde god that grace sende;
That toward me my lady wende
As I towardes hire wene!
Mi love scholde so be sene;
Ther scholde go no pride a place。
Bot I am ferr fro thilke grace;
As forto speke of tyme now;
So mot I soffre; and preie yow  2380
That ye wole axe on other side
If ther be eny point of Pride;
Wherof it nedeth to be schrive。
Mi Sone; godd it thee foryive;
If thou have eny thing misdo
Touchende of this; bot overmo
Ther is an other yit of Pride;
Which nevere cowthe hise wordes hide;
That he ne wole himself avaunte;
Ther mai nothing his tunge daunte;  2390
That he ne clappeth as a Belle:
Wherof if thou wolt that I telle;
It is behovely forto hiere;
So that thou myht thi tunge stiere;
Toward the world and stonde in grace;
Which lacketh ofte in many place
To him that can noght sitte stille;
Which elles scholde have al his wille。
The vice cleped Avantance
With Pride hath take his aqueintance;  2400
So that his oghne pris he lasseth;
When he such mesure overpasseth
That he his oghne Herald is。
That ferst was wel is thanne mis;
That was thankworth is thanne blame;
And thus the worschipe of his name
Thurgh pride of his avantarie
He torneth into vilenie。
I rede how that this proude vice
Hath thilke wynd in his office;  2410
Which thurgh the blastes that he bloweth
The mannes fame he overthroweth
Of vertu; which scholde elles springe
Into the worldes knowlechinge;
Bot he fordoth it alto sore。
And riht of such a maner lore
Ther ben lovers: forthi if thow
Art on of hem; tell and sei how。
Whan thou hast taken eny thing
Of loves yifte; or Nouche or ring;  2420
Or tok upon thee for the cold
Som goodly word that thee was told;
Or frendly chiere or tokne or lettre;
Wherof thin herte was the bettre;
Or that sche sende the grietinge;
Hast thou for Pride of thi likinge
Mad thin avant wher as the liste?
I wolde; fader; that ye wiste;
Mi conscience lith noght hiere:
Yit hadde I nevere such matiere;    2430
Wherof min herte myhte amende;
Noght of so mochel that sche sende
Be mowthe and seide; 〃Griet him wel:〃
And thus for that ther is no diel
Wherof to make myn avant;
It is to reson acordant
That I mai nevere; bot I lye;
Of love make avanterie。
I wot noght what I scholde have do;
If that I hadde encheson so;  2440
As ye have seid hier manyon;
Bot I fond cause nevere non:
Bot daunger; which welnyh me slowh;
Therof I cowthe telle ynowh;
And of non other Avantance:
Thus nedeth me no repentance。
Now axeth furthere of my lif;
For hierof am I noght gultif。
Mi Sone; I am wel paid withal;
For wite it wel in special   2450
That love of his verrai justice
Above alle othre ayein this vice
At alle times most debateth;
With al his herte and most it hateth。
And ek in alle maner wise
Avantarie is to despise;
As be ensample thou myht wite;
Which I finde in the bokes write。
Of hem that we Lombars now calle
Albinus was the ferste of alle  2460
Which bar corone of Lombardie;
And was of gret chivalerie
In werre ayein diverse kinges。
So fell amonges othre thinges;
That he that time a werre hadde
With Gurmond; which the Geptes ladde;
And was a myhti kyng also:
Bot natheles it fell him so;
Albinus slowh him in the feld;
Ther halp him nowther swerd ne scheld;    2470
That he ne smot his hed of thanne;
Wherof he tok awey the Panne;
Of which he seide he wolde make
A Cuppe for Gurmoundes sake;
To kepe and drawe into memoire
Of his bataille the victoire。
And thus whan he the feld hath wonne;
The lond anon was overronne
And sesed in his oghne hond;
Wher he Gurmondes dowhter fond;  2480
Which Maide Rosemounde hihte;
And was in every mannes sihte
A fair; a freissh; a lusti on。
His herte fell to hire anon;
And such a love on hire he caste;
That he hire weddeth ate laste;
And after that long time in reste
With hire he duelte; and to the beste
Thei love ech other wonder wel。
Bot sche which kepth the blinde whel;  2490
Venus; whan thei be most above;
In al the hoteste of here love;
Hire whiel sche torneth; and thei felle
In the manere as I schal telle。
This king; which stod in al his welthe
Of pes; of worschipe and of helthe;
And felte him on no side grieved;
As he that hath his wor
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