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confessio amantis-第157部分

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So were he wel the more nyce。   2770
And thus desputen some of tho;
And some seiden nothing so;
Bot that the wylde loves rage
In mannes lif forberth non Age;
Whil ther is oyle forto fyre;
The lampe is lyhtly set afyre;
And is fulhard er it be queynt;
Bot only if it be som seint;
Which god preserveth of his grace。
And thus me thoghte; in sondri place  2780
Of hem that walken up and doun
Ther was diverse opinioun:
And for a while so it laste;
Til that Cupide to the laste;
Forth with his moder full avised;
Hath determined and devised
Unto what point he wol descende。
And al this time I was liggende
Upon the ground tofore his yhen;
And thei that my desese syhen   2790
Supposen noght I scholde live;
Bot he; which wolde thanne yive
His grace; so as it mai be;
This blinde god which mai noght se;
Hath groped til that he me fond;
And as he pitte forth his hond
Upon my body; wher I lay;
Me thoghte a fyri Lancegay;
Which whilom thurgh myn herte he caste;
He pulleth oute; and also faste    2800
As this was do; Cupide nam
His weie; I not where he becam;
And so dede al the remenant
Which unto him was entendant;
Of hem that in Avision
I hadde a revelacion;
So as I tolde now tofore。
Bot Venus wente noght therfore;
Ne Genius; whiche thilke time
Abiden bothe faste byme。  2810
And sche which mai the hertes bynde
In loves cause and ek unbinde;
Er I out of mi trance aros;
Venus; which hield a boiste clos;
And wolde noght I scholde deie;
Tok out mor cold than eny keie
An oignement; and in such point
Sche hath my wounded herte enoignt;
My temples and my Reins also。
And forth withal sche tok me tho   2820
A wonder Mirour forto holde;
In which sche bad me to beholde
And taken hiede of that I syhe;
Wherinne anon myn hertes yhe
I caste; and sih my colour fade;
Myn yhen dymme and al unglade;
Mi chiekes thinne; and al my face
With Elde I myhte se deface;
So riveled and so wo besein;
That ther was nothing full ne plein;  2830
I syh also myn heres hore。
Mi will was tho to se nomore
Outwith; for ther was no plesance;
And thanne into my remembrance
I drowh myn olde daies passed;
And as reson it hath compassed;
I made a liknesse of miselve
Unto the sondri Monthes twelve;
Wherof the yeer in his astat
Is mad; and stant upon debat;   2840
That lich til other non acordeth。
For who the times wel recordeth;
And thanne at Marche if he beginne;
Whan that the lusti yeer comth inne;
Til Augst be passed and Septembre;
The myhty youthe he may remembre
In which the yeer hath his deduit
Of gras; of lef; of flour; of fruit;
Of corn and of the wyny grape。
And afterward the time is schape   2850
To frost; to Snow; to Wind; to Rein;
Til eft that Mars be come ayein:
The Wynter wol no Somer knowe;
The grene lef is overthrowe;
The clothed erthe is thanne bare;
Despuiled is the Somerfare;
That erst was hete is thanne chele。
And thus thenkende thoghtes fele;
I was out of mi swoune affraied;
Wherof I sih my wittes straied;    2860
And gan to clepe hem hom ayein。
And whan Resoun it herde sein
That loves rage was aweie;
He cam to me the rihte weie;
And hath remued the sotie
Of thilke unwise fantasie;
Wherof that I was wont to pleigne;
So that of thilke fyri peine
I was mad sobre and hol ynowh。
Venus behield me than and lowh;    2870
And axeth; as it were in game;
What love was。 And I for schame
Ne wiste what I scholde ansuere;
And natheles I gan to swere
That be my trouthe I knew him noght;
So ferr it was out of mi thoght;
Riht as it hadde nevere be。
〃Mi goode Sone;〃 tho quod sche;
〃Now at this time I lieve it wel;
So goth the fortune of my whiel;   2880
Forthi mi conseil is thou leve。〃
〃Ma dame;〃 I seide; 〃be your leve;
Ye witen wel; and so wot I;
That I am unbehovely
Your Court fro this day forth to serve:
And for I may no thonk deserve;
And also for I am refused;
I preie you to ben excused。
And natheles as for the laste;
Whil that my wittes with me laste;    2890
Touchende mi confession
I axe an absolucion
Of Genius; er that I go。〃
The Prest anon was redy tho;
And seide; 〃Sone; as of thi schrifte
Thou hast ful pardoun and foryifte;
Foryet it thou; and so wol I。〃
〃Min holi fader; grant mercy;〃
Quod I to him; and to the queene
I fell on knes upon the grene;  2900
And tok my leve forto wende。
Bot sche; that wolde make an ende;
As therto which I was most able;
A Peire of Bedes blak as Sable
Sche tok and heng my necke aboute;
Upon the gaudes al withoute
Was write of gold; Por reposer。
〃Lo;〃 thus sche seide; 〃John Gower;
Now thou art ate laste cast;
This have I for thin ese cast;  2910
That thou nomore of love sieche。
Bot my will is that thou besieche
And preie hierafter for the pes;
And that thou make a plein reles
To love; which takth litel hiede
Of olde men upon the nede;
Whan that the lustes ben aweie:
Forthi to thee nys bot o weie;
In which let reson be thi guide;
For he may sone himself misguide;  2920
That seth noght the peril tofore。
Mi Sone; be wel war therfore;
And kep the sentence of my lore
And tarie thou mi Court nomore;
Bot go ther vertu moral duelleth;
Wher ben thi bokes; as men telleth;
Whiche of long time thou hast write。
For this I do thee wel to wite;
If thou thin hele wolt pourchace;
Thou miht noght make suite and chace;  2930
Wher that the game is nought pernable;
It were a thing unresonable;
A man to be so overseie。
Forthi tak hiede of that I seie;
For in the lawe of my comune
We be noght schape to comune;
Thiself and I; nevere after this。
Now have y seid al that ther is
Of love as for thi final ende:
Adieu; for y mot fro the wende。〃   2940
And with that word al sodeinly;
Enclosid in a sterred sky;
Venus; which is the qweene of love;
Was take in to hire place above;
More wiste y nought wher sche becam。
And thus my leve of hire y nam;
And forth with al the same tide
Hire prest; which wolde nought abide;
Or be me lief or be me loth;
Out of my sighte forth he goth;    2950
And y was left with outen helpe。
So wiste I nought wher of to yelpe;
Bot only that y hadde lore
My time; and was sori ther fore。
And thus bewhapid in my thought;
Whan al was turnyd in to nought;
I stod amasid for a while;
And in my self y gan to smyle
Thenkende uppon the bedis blake;
And how they weren me betake;   2960
For that y schulde bidde and preie。
And whanne y sigh non othre weie
Bot only that y was refusid;
Unto the lif which y hadde usid
I thoughte nevere torne ayein:
And in this wise; soth to seyn;
Homward a softe pas y wente;
Wher that with al myn hol entente
Uppon the point that y am schryve
I thenke bidde whil y live。  2970
He which withinne daies sevene
This large world forth with the hevene
Of his eternal providence
Hath mad; and thilke intelligence
In mannys soule resonable
Hath schape to be perdurable;
Wherof the man of his feture
Above alle erthli creature
Aftir the soule is immortal;
To thilke lord in special;   2980
As he which is of alle thinges
The creatour; and of the kynges
Hath the fortunes uppon honde;
His grace and mercy forto fonde
Uppon my bare knes y preie;
That he this lond in siker weie
Wol sette uppon good governance。
For if men takyn remembrance
What is to 
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