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confessio amantis-第154部分

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For I can do to thee nomore
Bot teche thee the rihte weie:
Now ches if thou wolt live or deie。
Mi fader; so as I have herd
Your tale; bot it were ansuerd;    2150
I were mochel forto blame。
Mi wo to you is bot a game;
That fielen noght of that I fiele;
The fielinge of a mannes Hiele
Mai noght be likned to the Herte:
I mai noght; thogh I wolde; asterte;
And ye be fre from al the peine
Of love; wherof I me pleigne。
It is riht esi to comaunde;
The hert which fre goth on the launde    2160
Not of an Oxe what him eileth;
It falleth ofte a man merveileth
Of that he seth an other fare;
Bot if he knewe himself the fare;
And felt it as it is in soth;
He scholde don riht as he doth;
Or elles werse in his degre:
For wel I wot; and so do ye;
That love hath evere yit ben used;
So mot I nedes ben excused。  2170
Bot; fader; if ye wolde thus
Unto Cupide and to Venus
Be frendlich toward mi querele;
So that myn herte were in hele
Of love which is in mi briest;
I wot wel thanne a betre Prest
Was nevere mad to my behove。
Bot al the whiles that I hove
In noncertein betwen the tuo;
And not if I to wel or wo    2180
Schal torne; that is al my drede;
So that I not what is to rede。
Bot for final conclusion
I thenke a Supplicacion
With pleine wordes and expresse
Wryte unto Venus the goddesse;
The which I preie you to bere
And bringe ayein a good ansuere。
Tho was betwen mi Prest and me
Debat and gret perplexete:   2190
Mi resoun understod him wel;
And knew it was sothe everydel
That he hath seid; bot noght forthi
Mi will hath nothing set therby。
For techinge of so wis a port
Is unto love of no desport;
Yit myhte nevere man beholde
Reson; wher love was withholde;
Thei be noght of o governance。
And thus we fellen in distance;    2200
Mi Prest and I; bot I spak faire;
And thurgh mi wordes debonaire
Thanne ate laste we acorden;
So that he seith he wol recorden
To speke and stonde upon mi syde
To Venus bothe and to Cupide;
And bad me wryte what I wolde;
And seith me trewly that he scholde
Mi lettre bere unto the queene。
And I sat doun upon the grene    2210
Fulfilt of loves fantasie;
And with the teres of myn ije
In stede of enke I gan to wryte
The wordes whiche I wolde endite
Unto Cupide and to Venus;
And in mi lettre I seide thus。
The wofull peine of loves maladie;
Ayein the which mai no phisique availe;
Min herte hath so bewhaped with sotie;
That wher so that I reste or I travaile;    2220
I finde it evere redy to assaile
Mi resoun; which that can him noght defende:
Thus seche I help; wherof I mihte amende。
Ferst to Nature if that I me compleigne;
Ther finde I hou that every creature
Som time ayer hath love in his demeine;
So that the litel wrenne in his mesure
Hath yit of kinde a love under his cure;
And I bot on desire; of which I misse:
And thus; bot I; hath every kinde his blisse。  2230
The resoun of my wit it overpasseth;
Of that Nature techeth me the weie
To love; and yit no certein sche compasseth
Hou I schal spede; and thus betwen the tweie
I stonde; and not if I schal live or deie。
For thogh reson ayein my will debate;
I mai noght fle; that I ne love algate。
Upon miself is thilke tale come;
Hou whilom Pan; which is the god of kinde;
With love wrastlede and was overcome:    2240
For evere I wrastle and evere I am behinde;
That I no strengthe in al min herte finde;
Wherof that I mai stonden eny throwe;
So fer mi wit with love is overthrowe。
Whom nedeth help; he mot his helpe crave;
Or helpeles he schal his nede spille:
Pleinly thurghsoght my wittes alle I have;
Bot non of hem can helpe after mi wille;
And als so wel I mihte sitte stille;
As preie unto mi lady eny helpe:   2250
Thus wot I noght wherof miself to helpe。
Unto the grete Jove and if I bidde;
To do me grace of thilke swete tunne;
Which under keie in his celier amidde
Lith couched; that fortune is overrunne;
Bot of the bitter cuppe I have begunne;
I not hou ofte; and thus finde I no game;
For evere I axe and evere it is the same。
I se the world stonde evere upon eschange;
Nou wyndes loude; and nou the weder softe;  2260
I mai sen ek the grete mone change;
And thing which nou is lowe is eft alofte;
The dredfull werres into pes fulofte
Thei torne; and evere is Danger in o place;
Which wol noght change his will to do me grace。
Bot upon this the grete clerc Ovide;
Of love whan he makth his remembrance;
He seith ther is the blinde god Cupide;
The which hath love under his governance;
And in his hond with many a fyri lance   2270
He woundeth ofte; ther he wol noght hele;
And that somdiel is cause of mi querele。
Ovide ek seith that love to parforne
Stant in the hond of Venus the goddesse;
Bot whan sche takth hir conseil with Satorne;
Ther is no grace; and in that time; I gesse;
Began mi love; of which myn hevynesse
Is now and evere schal; bot if I spede:
So wot I noght miself what is to rede。
Forthi to you; Cupide and Venus bothe;   2280
With al myn hertes obeissance I preie;
If ye were ate ferste time wrothe;
Whan I began to love; as I you seie;
Nou stynt; and do thilke infortune aweie;
So that Danger; which stant of retenue
With my ladi; his place mai remue。
O thou Cupide; god of loves lawe;
That with thi Dart brennende hast set afyre
Min herte; do that wounde be withdrawe;
Or yif me Salve such as I desire:  2290
For Service in thi Court withouten hyre
To me; which evere yit have kept thin heste;
Mai nevere be to loves lawe honeste。
O thou; gentile Venus; loves queene;
Withoute gult thou dost on me thi wreche;
Thou wost my peine is evere aliche grene
For love; and yit I mai it noght areche:
This wold I for my laste word beseche;
That thou mi love aquite as I deserve;
Or elles do me pleinly forto sterve。  2300
Whanne I this Supplicacioun
With good deliberacioun;
In such a wise as ye nou wite;
Hadde after min entente write
Unto Cupide and to Venus;
This Prest which hihte Genius
It tok on honde to presente;
On my message and forth he wente
To Venus; forto wite hire wille。
And I bod in the place stille;  2310
And was there bot a litel while;
Noght full the montance of a Mile;
Whan I behield and sodeinly
I sih wher Venus stod me by。
So as I myhte; under a tre
To grounde I fell upon mi kne;
And preide hire forto do me grace:
Sche caste hire chiere upon mi face;
And as it were halvinge a game
Sche axeth me what is mi name。  2320
〃Ma dame;〃 I seide; 〃John Gower。〃
〃Now John;〃 quod sche; 〃in my pouer
Thou most as of thi love stonde;
For I thi bille have understonde;
In which to Cupide and to me
Somdiel thou hast compleigned thee;
And somdiel to Nature also。
Bot that schal stonde among you tuo;
For therof have I noght to done;
For Nature is under the Mone    2330
Maistresse of every lives kinde;
Bot if so be that sche mai finde
Som holy man that wol withdrawe
His kindly lust ayein hir lawe;
Bot sielde whanne it falleth so;
For fewe men ther ben of tho;
Bot of these othre ynowe be;
Whiche of here oghne nycete
Ayein Nature and hire office
Deliten hem in sondri vice;  2340
Wherof that sche fulofte hath pleigned;
And ek my Court it hath desdeigned
And evere schal; for it receiveth
Non such that kinde so deceiveth。
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