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confessio amantis-第153部分

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He telleth hem the violence;
Which the tretour Strangulio
And Dionise him hadde do
Touchende his dowhter; as yee herde;
And whan thei wiste hou that it ferde;   1940
As he which pes and love soghte;
Unto the toun this he besoghte;
To don him riht in juggement。
Anon thei were bothe asent
With strengthe of men; and comen sone;
And as hem thoghte it was to done;
Atteint thei were be the lawe
And diemed forto honge and drawe;
And brent and with the wynd toblowe;
That al the world it myhte knowe:  1950
And upon this condicion
The dom in execucion
Was put anon withoute faile。
And every man hath gret mervaile;
Which herde tellen of this chance;
And thonketh goddes pourveance;
Which doth mercy forth with justice。
Slain is the moerdrer and moerdrice
Thurgh verray trowthe of rihtwisnesse;
And thurgh mercy sauf is simplesse    1960
Of hire whom mercy preserveth;
Thus hath he wel that wel deserveth。
Whan al this thing is don and ended;
This king; which loved was and frended;
A lettre hath; which cam to him
Be Schipe fro Pentapolim;
Be which the lond hath to him write;
That he wolde understonde and wite
Hou in good mynde and in good pes
Ded is the king Artestrates;    1970
Wherof thei alle of on acord
Him preiden; as here liege lord;
That he the lettre wel conceive
And come his regne to receive;
Which god hath yove him and fortune;
And thus besoghte the commune
Forth with the grete lordes alle。
This king sih how it was befalle;
Fro Tharse and in prosperite
He tok his leve of that Cite    1980
And goth him into Schipe ayein:
The wynd was good; the See was plein;
Hem nedeth noght a Riff to slake;
Til thei Pentapolim have take。
The lond; which herde of that tidinge;
Was wonder glad of his cominge;
He resteth him a day or tuo
And tok his conseil to him tho;
And sette a time of Parlement;
Wher al the lond of on assent   1990
Forth with his wif hath him corouned;
Wher alle goode him was fuisouned。
Lo; what it is to be wel grounded:
For he hath ferst his love founded
Honesteliche as forto wedde;
Honesteliche his love he spedde
And hadde children with his wif;
And as him liste he ladde his lif;
And in ensample his lif was write;
That alle lovers myhten wite    2000
How ate laste it schal be sene
Of love what thei wolden mene。
For se now on that other side;
Antiochus with al his Pride;
Which sette his love unkindely;
His ende he hadde al sodeinly;
Set ayein kinde upon vengance;
And for his lust hath his penance。
Lo thus; mi Sone; myht thou liere
What is to love in good manere;    2010
And what to love in other wise:
The mede arist of the servise;
Fortune; thogh sche be noght stable;
Yit at som time is favorable
To hem that ben of love trewe。
Bot certes it is forto rewe
To se love ayein kinde falle;
For that makth sore a man to falle;
As thou myht of tofore rede。
Forthi; my Sone; I wolde rede   2020
To lete al other love aweie;
Bot if it be thurgh such a weie
As love and reson wolde acorde。
For elles; if that thou descorde;
And take lust as doth a beste;
Thi love mai noght ben honeste;
For be no skile that I finde
Such lust is noght of loves kinde。
Mi fader; hou so that it stonde;
Youre tale is herd and understonde;   2030
As thing which worthi is to hiere;
Of gret ensample and gret matiere;
Wherof; my fader; god you quyte。
Bot in this point miself aquite
I mai riht wel; that nevere yit
I was assoted in my wit;
Bot only in that worthi place
Wher alle lust and alle grace
Is set; if that danger ne were。
Bot that is al my moste fere:   2040
I not what ye fortune acompte;
Bot what thing danger mai amonte
I wot wel; for I have assaied;
For whan myn herte is best arraied
And I have al my wit thurghsoght
Of love to beseche hire oght;
For al that evere I skile may;
I am concluded with a nay:
That o sillable hath overthrowe
A thousend wordes on a rowe  2050
Of suche as I best speke can;
Thus am I bot a lewed man。
Bot; fader; for ye ben a clerk
Of love; and this matiere is derk;
And I can evere leng the lasse;
Bot yit I mai noght let it passe;
Youre hole conseil I beseche;
That ye me be som weie teche
What is my beste; as for an ende。
Mi Sone; unto the trouthe wende    2060
Now wol I for the love of thee;
And lete alle othre truffles be。
The more that the nede is hyh;
The more it nedeth to be slyh
To him which hath the nede on honde。
I have wel herd and understonde;
Mi Sone; al that thou hast me seid;
And ek of that thou hast me preid;
Nou at this time that I schal
As for conclusioun final  2070
Conseile upon thi nede sette:
So thenke I finaly to knette
This cause; where it is tobroke;
And make an ende of that is spoke。
For I behihte thee that yifte
Ferst whan thou come under my schrifte;
That thogh I toward Venus were;
Yit spak I suche wordes there;
That for the Presthod which I have;
Min ordre and min astat to save;   2080
I seide I wolde of myn office
To vertu more than to vice
Encline; and teche thee mi lore。
Forthi to speken overmore
Of love; which thee mai availe;
Tak love where it mai noght faile:
For as of this which thou art inne;
Be that thou seist it is a Sinne;
And Sinne mai no pris deserve;
Withoute pris and who schal serve;    2090
I not what profit myhte availe。
Thus folweth it; if thou travaile;
Wher thou no profit hast ne pris;
Thou art toward thiself unwis:
And sett thou myhtest lust atteigne;
Of every lust thende is a peine;
And every peine is good to fle;
So it is wonder thing to se;
Why such a thing schal be desired。
The more that a Stock is fyred;    2100
The rathere into Aisshe it torneth;
The fot which in the weie sporneth
Fulofte his heved hath overthrowe;
Thus love is blind and can noght knowe
Wher that he goth; til he be falle:
Forthi; bot if it so befalle
With good conseil that he be lad;
Him oghte forto ben adrad。
For conseil passeth alle thing
To him which thenkth to ben a king;   2110
And every man for his partie
A kingdom hath to justefie;
That is to sein his oghne dom。
If he misreule that kingdom;
He lest himself; and that is more
Than if he loste Schip and Ore
And al the worldes good withal:
For what man that in special
Hath noght himself; he hath noght elles;
Nomor the perles than the schelles;   2120
Al is to him of o value:
Thogh he hadde at his retenue
The wyde world ryht as he wolde;
Whan he his herte hath noght withholde
Toward himself; al is in vein。
And thus; my Sone; I wolde sein;
As I seide er; that thou aryse;
Er that thou falle in such a wise
That thou ne myht thiself rekevere;
For love; which that blind was evere;    2130
Makth alle his servantz blinde also。
My Sone; and if thou have be so;
Yit is it time to withdrawe;
And set thin herte under that lawe;
The which of reson is governed
And noght of will。 And to be lerned;
Ensamples thou hast many on
Of now and ek of time gon;
That every lust is bot a while;
And who that wole himself beguile;    2140
He may the rathere be deceived。
Mi Sone; now thou hast conceived
Somwhat of that I wolde mene;
Hierafterward it schal be sene
If that thou lieve upon mi lore;
For I can do to thee nomore
Bot teche thee the rihte weie:
Now ches if thou wolt live or deie。
Mi fader; 
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