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confessio amantis-第149部分

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I am;〃 quod he; 〃bot on al one;
So wolde I noght for mi persone
Ther felle such adversite。
Bot whan it mai no betre be;
Doth thanne thus upon my word;
Let make a cofre strong of bord;
That it be ferm with led and pich。〃
Anon was mad a cofre sich;   1110
Al redy broght unto his hond;
And whanne he sih and redy fond
This cofre mad and wel enclowed;
The dede bodi was besowed
In cloth of gold and leid therinne。
And for he wolde unto hire winne
Upon som cooste a Sepulture;
Under hire heved in aventure
Of gold he leide Sommes grete
And of jeueals a strong beyete  1120
Forth with a lettre; and seide thus:
〃I; king of Tyr Appollinus;
Do alle maner men to wite;
That hiere and se this lettre write;
That helpeles withoute red
Hier lith a kinges doghter ded:
And who that happeth hir to finde;
For charite tak in his mynde;
And do so that sche be begrave
With this tresor; which he schal have。〃  1130
Thus whan the lettre was full spoke;
Thei haue anon the cofre stoke;
And bounden it with yren faste;
That it may with the wawes laste;
And stoppen it be such a weie;
That it schal be withinne dreie;
So that no water myhte it grieve。
And thus in hope and good believe
Of that the corps schal wel aryve;
Thei caste it over bord als blyve。    1140
The Schip forth on the wawes wente;
The prince hath changed his entente;
And seith he wol noght come at Tyr
As thanne; bot al his desir
Is ferst to seilen unto Tharse。
The wyndy Storm began to skarse;
The Sonne arist; the weder cliereth;
The Schipman which behinde stiereth;
Whan that he sih the wyndes saghte;
Towardes Tharse his cours he straghte。   1150
Bot now to mi matiere ayein;
To telle as olde bokes sein;
This dede corps of which ye knowe
With wynd and water was forthrowe
Now hier; now ther; til ate laste
At Ephesim the See upcaste
The cofre and al that was therinne。
Of gret merveile now beginne
Mai hiere who that sitteth stille;
That god wol save mai noght spille。   1160
Riht as the corps was throwe alonde;
Ther cam walkende upon the stronde
A worthi clerc; a Surgien;
And ek a gret Phisicien;
Of al that lond the wisest on;
Which hihte Maister Cerymon;
Ther were of his disciples some。
This Maister to the Cofre is come;
He peiseth ther was somwhat in;
And bad hem bere it to his In;   1170
And goth himselve forth withal。
Al that schal falle; falle schal;
Thei comen hom and tarie noght;
This Cofre is into chambre broght;
Which that thei finde faste stoke;
Bot thei with craft it have unloke。
Thei loken in; where as thei founde
A bodi ded; which was bewounde
In cloth of gold; as I seide er;
The tresor ek thei founden ther    1180
Forth with the lettre; which thei rede。
And tho thei token betre hiede;
Unsowed was the bodi sone;
And he; which knew what is to done;
This noble clerk; with alle haste
Began the veines forto taste;
And sih hire Age was of youthe;
And with the craftes whiche he couthe
He soghte and fond a signe of lif。
With that this worthi kinges wif   1190
Honestely thei token oute;
And maden fyres al aboute;
Thei leide hire on a couche softe;
And with a scheete warmed ofte
Hire colde brest began to hete;
Hire herte also to flacke and bete。
This Maister hath hire every joignt
With certein oile and balsme enoignt;
And putte a liquour in hire mouth;
Which is to fewe clerkes couth;    1200
So that sche coevereth ate laste;
And ferst hire yhen up sche caste;
And whan sche more of strengthe cawhte;
Hire Armes bothe forth sche strawhte;
Hield up hire hond and pitously
Sche spak and seide; 〃Ha; wher am I?
Where is my lord; what world is this?〃
As sche that wot noght hou it is。
Bot Cerymon the worthi leche
Ansuerde anon upon hire speche  1210
And seith; 〃Ma dame; yee ben hiere;
Where yee be sauf; as yee schal hiere
Hierafterward; forthi as nou
Mi conseil is; conforteth you:
For trusteth wel withoute faile;
Ther is nothing which schal you faile;
That oghte of reson to be do。〃
Thus passen thei a day or tuo;
Thei speke of noght as for an ende;
Til sche began somdiel amende;  1220
And wiste hireselven what sche mente。
Tho forto knowe hire hol entente;
This Maister axeth al the cas;
Hou sche cam there and what sche was。
〃Hou I cam hiere wot I noght;〃
Quod sche; 〃bot wel I am bethoght
Of othre thinges al aboute〃:
Fro point to point and tolde him oute
Als ferforthli as sche it wiste。
And he hire tolde hou in a kiste   1230
The See hire threw upon the lond;
And what tresor with hire he fond;
Which was al redy at hire wille;
As he that schop him to fulfille
With al his myht what thing he scholde。
Sche thonketh him that he so wolde;
And al hire herte sche discloseth;
And seith him wel that sche supposeth
Hire lord be dreint; hir child also;
So sih sche noght bot alle wo。  1240
Wherof as to the world nomore
Ne wol sche torne; and preith therfore
That in som temple of the Cite;
To kepe and holde hir chastete;
Sche mihte among the wommen duelle。
Whan he this tale hir herde telle;
He was riht glad; and made hire knowen
That he a dowhter of his owen
Hath; which he wol unto hir yive
To serve; whil thei bothe live;    1250
In stede of that which sche hath lost;
Al only at his oghne cost
Sche schal be rendred forth with hire。
She seith; 〃Grant mercy; lieve sire;
God quite it you; ther I ne may。〃
And thus thei drive forth the day;
Til time com that sche was hol;
And tho thei take her conseil hol;
To schape upon good ordinance
And make a worthi pourveance    1260
Ayein the day whan thei be veiled。
And thus; whan that thei be conseiled;
In blake clothes thei hem clothe;
This lady and the dowhter bothe;
And yolde hem to religion。
The feste and the profession
After the reule of that degre
Was mad with gret solempnete;
Where as Diane is seintefied;
Thus stant this lady justefied  1270
In ordre wher sche thenkth to duelle。
Bot now ayeinward forto telle
In what plit that hire lord stod inne:
He seileth; til that he may winne
The havene of Tharse; as I seide er;
And whanne he was aryved ther;
And it was thurgh the Cite knowe;
Men myhte se withinne a throwe;
As who seith; al the toun at ones;
That come ayein him for the nones;    1280
To yiven him the reverence;
So glad thei were of his presence:
And thogh he were in his corage
Desesed; yit with glad visage
He made hem chiere; and to his In;
Wher he whilom sojourned in;
He goth him straght and was resceived。
And whan the presse of poeple is weived;
He takth his hoste unto him tho;
And seith; 〃Mi frend Strangulio;   1290
Lo; thus and thus it is befalle;
And thou thiself art on of alle;
Forth with thi wif; whiche I most triste。
Forthi; if it you bothe liste;
My doghter Thaise be youre leve
I thenke schal with you beleve
As for a time; and thus I preie;
That sche be kept be alle weie;
And whan sche hath of age more;
That sche be set to bokes lore。    1300
And this avou to god I make;
That I schal nevere for hir sake
Mi berd for no likinge schave;
Til it befalle that I have
In covenable time of age
Beset hire unto mariage。〃
Thus thei acorde; and al is wel;
And forto resten him somdel;
As for a while he ther sojorneth;
And thanne he takth his leve and torneth    1310
To Schipe; and got
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