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confessio amantis-第146部分

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Thei toke upon hem such penaunce;
Ther was no song; ther was no daunce;
Bot every merthe and melodie
To hem was thanne a maladie;    480
For unlust of that aventure
Ther was noman which tok tonsure;
In doelful clothes thei hem clothe;
The bathes and the Stwes bothe
Thei schetten in be every weie;
There was no lif which leste pleie
Ne take of eny joie kepe;
Bot for here liege lord to wepe;
And every wyht seide as he couthe;
〃Helas; the lusti flour of youthe;    490
Our Prince; oure heved; our governour;
Thurgh whom we stoden in honour;
Withoute the comun assent
Thus sodeinliche is fro ous went!〃
Such was the clamour of hem alle。
Bot se we now what is befalle
Upon the ferste tale plein;
And torne we therto ayein。
Antiochus the grete Sire;
Which full of rancour and of ire   500
His herte berth; so as ye herde;
Of that this Prince of Tyr ansuerde;
He hadde a feloun bacheler;
Which was his prive consailer;
And Taliart be name he hihte:
The king a strong puison him dihte
Withinne a buiste and gold therto;
In alle haste and bad him go
Strawht unto Tyr; and for no cost
Ne spare he; til he hadde lost  510
The Prince which he wolde spille。
And whan the king hath seid his wille;
This Taliart in a Galeie
With alle haste he tok his weie:
The wynd was good; he saileth blyve;
Til he tok lond upon the ryve
Of Tyr; and forth with al anon
Into the Burgh he gan to gon;
And tok his In and bod a throwe。
Bot for he wolde noght be knowe;   520
Desguised thanne he goth him oute;
He sih the wepinge al aboute;
And axeth what the cause was;
And thei him tolden al the cas;
How sodeinli the Prince is go。
And whan he sih that it was so;
And that his labour was in vein;
Anon he torneth hom ayein;
And to the king; whan he cam nyh;
He tolde of that he herde and syh;    530
Hou that the Prince of Tyr is fled;
So was he come ayein unsped。
The king was sori for a while;
Bot whan he sih that with no wyle
He myhte achieve his crualte;
He stinte his wraththe and let him be。
Bot over this now forto telle
Of aventures that befelle
Unto this Prince of whom I tolde;
He hath his rihte cours forth holde   540
Be Ston and nedle; til he cam
To Tharse; and there his lond he nam。
A Burgeis riche of gold and fee
Was thilke time in that cite;
Which cleped was Strangulio;
His wif was Dionise also:
This yonge Prince; as seith the bok;
With hem his herbergage tok;
And it befell that Cite so
Before time and thanne also;    550
Thurgh strong famyne which hem ladde
Was non that eny whete hadde。
Appolinus; whan that he herde
The meschief; hou the cite ferde;
Al freliche of his oghne yifte
His whete; among hem forto schifte;
The which be Schipe he hadde broght;
He yaf; and tok of hem riht noght。
Bot sithen ferst this world began;
Was nevere yit to such a man    560
Mor joie mad than thei him made:
For thei were alle of him so glade;
That thei for evere in remembrance
Made a figure in resemblance
Of him; and in the comun place
Thei sette him up; so that his face
Mihte every maner man beholde;
So as the cite was beholde;
It was of latoun overgilt:
Thus hath he noght his yifte spilt。   570
Upon a time with his route
This lord to pleie goth him oute;
And in his weie of Tyr he mette
A man; the which on knees him grette;
And Hellican be name he hihte;
Which preide his lord to have insihte
Upon himself; and seide him thus;
Hou that the grete Antiochus
Awaiteth if he mihte him spille。
That other thoghte and hield him stille;    580
And thonked him of his warnynge;
And bad him telle no tidinge;
Whan he to Tyr cam hom ayein;
That he in Tharse him hadde sein。
Fortune hath evere be muable
And mai no while stonde stable:
For now it hiheth; now it loweth;
Now stant upriht; now overthroweth;
Now full of blisse and now of bale;
As in the tellinge of mi tale   590
Hierafterward a man mai liere;
Which is gret routhe forto hiere。
This lord; which wolde don his beste;
Withinne himself hath litel reste;
And thoghte he wolde his place change
And seche a contre more strange。
Of Tharsiens his leve anon
He tok; and is to Schipe gon:
His cours he nam with Seil updrawe;
Where as fortune doth the lawe;    600
And scheweth; as I schal reherse;
How sche was to this lord diverse;
The which upon the See sche ferketh。
The wynd aros; the weder derketh;
It blew and made such tempeste;
Non ancher mai the schip areste;
Which hath tobroken al his gere;
The Schipmen stode in such a feere;
Was non that myhte himself bestere;
Bot evere awaite upon the lere;    610
Whan that thei scholde drenche at ones。
Ther was ynowh withinne wones
Of wepinge and of sorghe tho;
This yonge king makth mochel wo
So forto se the Schip travaile:
Bot al that myhte him noght availe;
The mast tobrak; the Seil torof;
The Schip upon the wawes drof;
Til that thei sihe a londes cooste。
Tho made avou the leste and moste;    620
Be so thei myhten come alonde;
Bot he which hath the See on honde;
Neptunus; wolde noght acorde;
Bot altobroke cable and corde;
Er thei to londe myhte aproche;
The Schip toclef upon a roche;
And al goth doun into the depe。
Bot he that alle thing mai kepe
Unto this lord was merciable;
And broghte him sauf upon a table;    630
Which to the lond him hath upbore;
The remenant was al forlore;
Wherof he made mochel mone。
Thus was this yonge lord him one;
Al naked in a povere plit:
His colour; which whilom was whyt;
Was thanne of water fade and pale;
And ek he was so sore acale
That he wiste of himself no bote;
It halp him nothing forto mote  640
To gete ayein that he hath lore。
Bot sche which hath his deth forbore;
Fortune; thogh sche wol noght yelpe;
Al sodeinly hath sent him helpe;
Whanne him thoghte alle grace aweie;
Ther cam a Fisshere in the weie;
And sih a man ther naked stonde;
And whan that he hath understonde
The cause; he hath of him gret routhe;
And onliche of his povere trouthe  650
Of suche clothes as he hadde
With gret Pite this lord he cladde。
And he him thonketh as he scholde;
And seith him that it schal be yolde;
If evere he gete his stat ayein;
And preide that he wolde him sein
If nyh were eny toun for him。
He seide; 〃Yee; Pentapolim;
Wher bothe king and queene duellen。〃
Whanne he this tale herde tellen;  660
He gladeth him and gan beseche
That he the weie him wolde teche:
And he him taghte; and forth he wente
And preide god with good entente
To sende him joie after his sorwe。
It was noght passed yit Midmorwe;
Whan thiderward his weie he nam;
Wher sone upon the Non he cam。
He eet such as he myhte gete;
And forth anon; whan he hadde ete;    670
He goth to se the toun aboute;
And cam ther as he fond a route
Of yonge lusti men withalle;
And as it scholde tho befalle;
That day was set of such assisse;
That thei scholde in the londes guise;
As he herde of the poeple seie;
Here comun game thanne pleie;
And crid was that thei scholden come
Unto the gamen alle and some    680
Of hem that ben delivere and wyhte;
To do such maistrie as thei myhte。
Thei made hem naked as thei scholde;
For so that ilke game wolde;
As it was tho custume and us;
Amonges hem was no refus:
The flour of al the toun was there
And of the court also t
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