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confessio amantis-第144部分

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Metodre seith to this matiere;
As he be revelacion
It hadde upon avision;    50
Hou that Adam and Eve also
Virgines comen bothe tuo
Into the world and were aschamed;
Til that nature hem hath reclamed
To love; and tauht hem thilke lore;
That ferst thei keste; and overmore
Thei don that is to kinde due;
Wherof thei hadden fair issue。
A Sone was the ferste of alle;
And Chain be name thei him calle;  60
Abel was after the secounde;
And in the geste as it is founde;
Nature so the cause ladde;
Tuo douhtres ek Dame Eve hadde;
The ferste cleped Calmana
Was; and that other Delbora。
Thus was mankinde to beginne;
Forthi that time it was no Sinne
The Soster forto take hire brother;
Whan that ther was of chois non other:   70
To Chain was Calmana betake;
And Delboram hath Abel take;
In whom was gete natheles
Of worldes folk the ferste encres。
Men sein that nede hath no lawe;
And so it was be thilke dawe
And laste into the Secounde Age;
Til that the grete water rage;
Of Noeh which was seid the flod;
The world; which thanne in Senne stod;   80
Hath dreint; outake lyves Eyhte。
Tho was mankinde of litel weyhte;
Sem; Cham; Japhet; of these thre;
That ben the Sones of Noe5;
The world of mannes nacion
Into multiplicacion
Was tho restored newe ayein
So ferforth; as the bokes sein;
That of hem thre and here issue
Ther was so large a retenue;    90
Of naciouns seventy and tuo;
In sondri place ech on of tho
The wyde world have enhabited。
Bot as nature hem hath excited;
Thei token thanne litel hiede;
The brother of the Sosterhiede
To wedde wyves; til it cam
Into the time of Habraham。
Whan the thridde Age was begunne;
The nede tho was overrunne;   100
For ther was poeple ynouh in londe:
Thanne ate ferste it cam to honde;
That Sosterhode of mariage
Was torned into cousinage;
So that after the rihte lyne
The Cousin weddeth the cousine。
For Habraham; er that he deide;
This charge upon his servant leide;
To him and in this wise spak;
That he his Sone Isaa5c   110
Do wedde for no worldes good;
Bot only to his oghne blod:
Wherof this Servant; as he bad;
Whan he was ded; his Sone hath lad
To Bathuel; wher he Rebecke
Hath wedded with the whyte necke;
For sche; he wiste wel and syh;
Was to the child cousine nyh。
And thus as Habraham hath tawht;
Whan Isaa5c was god betawht;    120
His Sone Jacob dede also;
And of Laban the dowhtres tuo;
Which was his Em; he tok to wyve;
And gat upon hem in his lyve;
Of hire ferst which hihte Lie;
Sex Sones of his Progenie;
And of Rachel tuo Sones eke:
The remenant was forto seke;
That is to sein of foure mo;
Wherof he gat on Bala tuo;   130
And of Zelpha he hadde ek tweie。
And these tuelve; as I thee seie;
Thurgh providence of god himselve
Ben seid the Patriarkes tuelve;
Of whom; as afterward befell;
The tribes tuelve of Irahel
Engendred were; and ben the same
That of Hebreus tho hadden name;
Which of Sibrede in alliance
For evere kepten thilke usance  140
Most comunly; til Crist was bore。
Bot afterward it was forbore
Amonges ous that ben baptized;
For of the lawe canonized
The Pope hath bede to the men;
That non schal wedden of his ken
Ne the seconde ne the thridde。
Bot thogh that holy cherche it bidde;
So to restreigne Mariage;
Ther ben yit upon loves Rage    150
Full manye of suche nou aday
That taken wher thei take may。
For love; which is unbesein
Of alle reson; as men sein;
Thurgh sotie and thurgh nycete;
Of his voluptuosite
He spareth no condicion
Of ken ne yit religion;
Bot as a cock among the Hennes;
Or as a Stalon in the Fennes;   160
Which goth amonges al the Stod;
Riht so can he nomore good;
Bot takth what thing comth next to honde。
Mi Sone; thou schalt understonde;
That such delit is forto blame。
Forthi if thou hast be the same
To love in eny such manere;
Tell forth therof and schrif thee hiere。
Mi fader; nay; god wot the sothe;
Mi feire is noght of such a bothe;    170
So wylde a man yit was I nevere;
That of mi ken or lief or levere
Me liste love in such a wise:
And ek I not for what emprise
I scholde assote upon a Nonne;
For thogh I hadde hir love wonne;
It myhte into no pris amonte;
So therof sette I non acompte。
Ye mai wel axe of this and that;
Bot sothli forto telle plat;    180
In al this world ther is bot on
The which myn herte hath overgon;
I am toward alle othre fre。
Full wel; mi Sone; nou I see
Thi word stant evere upon o place;
Bot yit therof thou hast a grace;
That thou thee myht so wel excuse
Of love such as som men use;
So as I spak of now tofore。
For al such time of love is lore;  190
And lich unto the bitterswete;
For thogh it thenke a man ferst swete;
He schal wel fielen ate laste
That it is sour and may noght laste。
For as a morsell envenimed;
So hath such love his lust mistimed;
And grete ensamples manyon
A man mai finde therupon。
At Rome ferst if we beginne;
Ther schal I finde hou of this sinne  200
An Emperour was forto blame;
Gayus Caligula be name;
Which of his oghne Sostres thre
Berefte the virginite:
And whanne he hadde hem so forlein;
As he the which was al vilein;
He dede hem out of londe exile。
Bot afterward withinne a while
God hath beraft him in his ire
His lif and ek his large empire:   210
And thus for likinge of a throwe
For evere his lust was overthrowe。
Of this sotie also I finde;
Amon his Soster ayein kinde;
Which hihte Thamar; he forlay;
Bot he that lust an other day
Aboghte; whan that Absolon
His oghne brother therupon;
Of that he hadde his Soster schent;
Tok of that Senne vengement  220
And slowh him with his oghne hond:
And thus thunkinde unkinde fond。
And forto se more of this thing;
The bible makth a knowleching;
Wherof thou miht take evidence
Upon the sothe experience。
Whan Lothes wif was overgon
And schape into the salte Ston;
As it is spoke into this day;
Be bothe hise dowhtres thanne he lay;    230
With childe and made hem bothe grete;
Til that nature hem wolde lete;
And so the cause aboute ladde
That ech of hem a Sone hadde;
Moab the ferste; and the seconde
Amon; of whiche; as it is founde;
Cam afterward to gret encres
Tuo nacions: and natheles;
For that the stockes were ungoode;
The branches mihten noght be goode;   240
For of the false Moabites
Forth with the strengthe of Amonites;
Of that thei weren ferst misgete;
The poeple of god was ofte upsete
In Irahel and in Judee;
As in the bible a man mai se。
Lo thus; my Sone; as I thee seie;
Thou miht thiselve be beseie
Of that thou hast of othre herd:
For evere yit it hath so ferd;  250
Of loves lust if so befalle
That it in other place falle
Than it is of the lawe set;
He which his love hath so beset
Mote afterward repente him sore。
And every man is othres lore;
Of that befell in time er this
The present time which now is
May ben enformed hou it stod;
And take that him thenketh good;   260
And leve that which is noght so。
Bot forto loke of time go;
Hou lust of love excedeth lawe;
It oghte forto be withdrawe;
For every man it scholde drede;
And nameliche in his Sibrede;
Which torneth ofte to vengance:
Wherof a tale in remembrance;
Which is a long process to hiere;
I thenke forto tellen hiere。    270
Of a Cron
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