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confessio amantis-第142部分

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Reproeven hire; and forth withal;
Er eny man therof be war;
A naked swerd; the which sche bar
Withinne hire Mantel priveli;
Betwen hire hondes sodeinly
Sche tok; and thurgh hire herte it throng;
And fell to grounde; and evere among;    5070
Whan that sche fell; so as sche myhte;
Hire clothes with hire hand sche rihte;
That noman dounward fro the kne
Scholde eny thing of hire se:
Thus lay this wif honestely;
Althogh sche deide wofully。
Tho was no sorwe forto seke:
Hire housebonde; hire fader eke
Aswoune upon the bodi felle;
Ther mai no mannes tunge telle  5080
In which anguisshe that thei were。
Bot Brutus; which was with hem there;
Toward himself his herte kepte;
And to Lucrece anon he lepte;
The blodi swerd and pulleth oute;
And swor the goddes al aboute
That he therof schal do vengance。
And sche tho made a contienance;
Hire dedlich yhe and ate laste
In thonkinge as it were up caste;  5090
And so behield him in the wise;
Whil sche to loke mai suffise。
And Brutus with a manlich herte
Hire housebonde hath mad up sterte
Forth with hire fader ek also
In alle haste; and seide hem tho
That thei anon withoute lette
A Beere for the body fette;
Lucrece and therupon bledende
He leide; and so forth out criende    5100
He goth into the Market place
Of Rome: and in a litel space
Thurgh cry the cite was assembled;
And every mannes herte is trembled;
Whan thei the sothe herde of the cas。
And therupon the conseil was
Take of the grete and of the smale;
And Brutus tolde hem al the tale;
And thus cam into remembrance
Of Senne the continuance;    5110
Which Arrons hadde do tofore;
And ek; long time er he was bore;
Of that his fadre hadde do
The wrong cam into place tho;
So that the comun clamour tolde
The newe schame of Sennes olde。
And al the toun began to crie;
〃Awey; awey the tirannie
Of lecherie and covoitise!〃
And ate laste in such a wise    5120
The fader in the same while
Forth with his Sone thei exile;
And taken betre governance。
Bot yit an other remembrance
That rihtwisnesse and lecherie
Acorden noght in compaignie
With him that hath the lawe on honde;
That mai a man wel understonde;
As be a tale thou shalt wite;
Of olde ensample as it is write。   5130
At Rome whan that Apius;
Whos other name is Claudius;
Was governour of the cite;
Ther fell a wonder thing to se
Touchende a gentil Maide; as thus;
Whom Livius Virginius
Begeten hadde upon his wif:
Men seiden that so fair a lif
As sche was noght in al the toun。
This fame; which goth up and doun;    5140
To Claudius cam in his Ere;
Wherof his thoght anon was there;
Which al his herte hath set afyre;
That he began the flour desire
Which longeth unto maydenhede;
And sende; if that he myhte spede
The blinde lustes of his wille。
Bot that thing mai he noght fulfille;
For sche stod upon Mariage;
A worthi kniht of gret lignage;    5150
Ilicius which thanne hihte;
Acorded in hire fader sihte
Was; that he scholde his douhter wedde。
Bot er the cause fully spedde;
Hire fader; which in Romanie
The ledinge of chivalerie
In governance hath undertake;
Upon a werre which was take
Goth out with al the strengthe he hadde
Of men of Armes whiche he ladde:   5160
So was the mariage left;
And stod upon acord til eft。
The king; which herde telle of this;
Hou that this Maide ordeigned is
To Mariage; thoghte an other。
And hadde thilke time a brother;
Which Marchus Claudius was hote;
And was a man of such riote
Riht as the king himselve was:
Thei tuo togedre upon this cas  5170
In conseil founden out this weie;
That Marchus Claudius schal seie
Hou sche be weie of covenant
To his service appourtenant
Was hol; and to non other man;
And therupon he seith he can
In every point witnesse take;
So that sche schal it noght forsake。
Whan that thei hadden schape so;
After the lawe which was tho;   5180
Whil that hir fader was absent;
Sche was somouned and assent
To come in presence of the king
And stonde in ansuere of this thing。
Hire frendes wisten alle wel
That it was falshed everydel;
And comen to the king and seiden;
Upon the comun lawe and preiden;
So as this noble worthi knyht
Hir fader for the comun riht    5190
In thilke time; as was befalle;
Lai for the profit of hem alle
Upon the wylde feldes armed;
That he ne scholde noght ben harmed
Ne schamed; whil that he were oute;
And thus thei preiden al aboute。
For al the clamour that he herde;
The king upon his lust ansuerde;
And yaf hem only daies tuo
Of respit; for he wende tho;    5200
That in so schorte a time appiere
Hire fader mihte in no manere。
Bot as therof he was deceived;
For Livius hadde al conceived
The pourpos of the king tofore;
So that to Rome ayein therfore
In alle haste he cam ridende;
And lefte upon the field liggende
His host; til that he come ayein。
And thus this worthi capitein   5210
Appiereth redi at his day;
Wher al that evere reson may
Be lawe in audience he doth;
So that his dowhter upon soth
Of that Marchus hire hadde accused
He hath tofore the court excused。
The king; which sih his pourpos faile;
And that no sleihte mihte availe;
Encombred of his lustes blinde
The lawe torneth out of kinde;  5220
And half in wraththe as thogh it were;
In presence of hem alle there
Deceived of concupiscence
Yaf for his brother the sentence;
And bad him that he scholde sese
This Maide and make him wel at ese;
Bot al withinne his oghne entente
He wiste hou that the cause wente;
Of that his brother hath the wyte
He was himselven forto wyte。    5230
Bot thus this maiden hadde wrong;
Which was upon the king along;
Bot ayein him was non Appel;
And that the fader wiste wel:
Wherof upon the tirannie;
That for the lust of Lecherie
His douhter scholde be deceived;
And that Ilicius was weyved
Untrewly fro the Mariage;
Riht as a Leon in his rage;  5240
Which of no drede set acompte
And not what pite scholde amounte;
A naked swerd he pulleth oute;
The which amonges al the route
He threste thurgh his dowhter side;
And al alowd this word he cride:
〃Lo; take hire ther; thou wrongfull king;
For me is levere upon this thing
To be the fader of a Maide;
Thogh sche be ded; that if men saide  5250
That in hir lif sche were schamed
And I therof were evele named。〃
Tho bad the king men scholde areste
His bodi; bot of thilke heste;
Lich to the chaced wylde bor;
The houndes whan he fieleth sor;
Tothroweth and goth forth his weie;
In such a wise forto seie
This worthi kniht with swerd on honde
His weie made; and thei him wonde;    5260
That non of hem his strokes kepte;
And thus upon his hors he lepte;
And with his swerd droppende of blod;
The which withinne his douhter stod;
He cam ther as the pouer was
Of Rome; and tolde hem al the cas;
And seide hem that thei myhten liere
Upon the wrong of his matiere;
That betre it were to redresce
At hom the grete unrihtwisnesse;   5270
Than forto werre in strange place
And lese at hom here oghne grace。
For thus stant every mannes lif
In jeupartie for his wif
Or for his dowhter; if thei be
Passende an other of beaute。
Of this merveile which thei sihe
So apparant tofore here yhe;
Of that the king him hath misbore;
Here othes thei have alle swore
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