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confessio amantis-第140部分

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That Rome him hadde exiled so。
These Gabiens be conseil tho
Upon the goddes made him swere;
That he to hem schal trouthe bere
And strengthen hem with al his myht;
And thei also him have behiht   4650
To helpen him in his querele。
Thei schopen thanne for his hele
That he was bathed and enoignt;
Til that he was in lusti point;
And what he wolde thanne he hadde;
That he al hol the cite ladde
Riht as he wolde himself divise。
And thanne he thoghte him in what wise
He myhte his tirannie schewe;
And to his conseil tok a schrewe;  4660
Whom to his fader forth he sente
In his message; and he tho wente;
And preide his fader forto seie
Be his avis; and finde a weie;
Hou they the cite myhten winne;
Whil that he stod so wel therinne。
And whan the messager was come
To Rome; and hath in conseil nome
The king; it fell per chance so
That thei were in a gardin tho;    4670
This messager forth with the king。
And whanne he hadde told the thing
In what manere that it stod;
And that Tarquinus understod
Be the message hou that it ferde;
Anon he tok in honde a yerde;
And in the gardin as thei gon;
The lilie croppes on and on;
Wher that thei weren sprongen oute;
He smot of; as thei stode aboute;  4680
And seide unto the messager:
〃Lo; this thing; which I do nou hier;
Schal ben in stede of thin ansuere;
And in this wise as I me bere;
Thou schalt unto mi Sone telle。〃
And he no lengere wolde duelle;
Bot tok his leve and goth withal
Unto his lord; and told him al;
Hou that his fader hadde do。
Whan Arrons herde him telle so;    4690
Anon he wiste what it mente;
And therto sette al his entente;
Til he thurgh fraude and tricherie
The Princes hefdes of Gabie
Hath smiten of; and al was wonne:
His fader cam tofore the Sonne
Into the toun with the Romeins;
And tok and slowh the citezeins
Withoute reson or pite;
That he ne spareth no degre。    4700
And for the sped of this conqueste
He let do make a riche feste
With a sollempne Sacrifise
In Phebus temple; and in this wise
Whan the Romeins assembled were;
In presence of hem alle there;
Upon thalter whan al was diht
And that the fyres were alyht;
From under thalter sodeinly
An hidous Serpent openly  4710
Cam out and hath devoured al
The Sacrifice; and ek withal
The fyres queynt; and forth anon;
So as he cam; so is he gon
Into the depe ground ayein。
And every man began to sein;
〃Ha lord; what mai this signefie?〃
And therupon thei preie and crie
To Phebus; that thei mihten knowe
The cause: and he the same throwe  4720
With gastly vois; that alle it herde;
The Romeins in this wise ansuerde;
And seide hou for the wikkidnesse
Of Pride and of unrihtwisnesse;
That Tarquin and his Sone hath do;
The Sacrifice is wasted so;
Which myhte noght ben acceptable
Upon such Senne abhominable。
And over that yit he hem wisseth;
And seith that which of hem ferst kisseth   4730
His moder; he schal take wrieche
Upon the wrong: and of that speche
Thei ben withinne here hertes glade;
Thogh thei outward no semblant made。
Ther was a knyht which Brutus hihte;
And he with al the haste he myhte
To grounde fell and therthe kiste;
Bot non of hem the cause wiste;
Bot wenden that he hadde sporned
Per chance; and so was overtorned。    4740
Bot Brutus al an other mente;
For he knew wel in his entente
Hou therthe of every mannes kinde
Is Moder: bot thei weren blinde;
And sihen noght so fer as he。
Bot whan thei leften the Cite
And comen hom to Rome ayein;
Thanne every man which was Romein
And moder hath; to hire he bende
And keste; and ech of hem thus wende  4750
To be the ferste upon the chance;
Of Tarquin forto do vengance;
So as thei herden Phebus sein。
Bot every time hath his certein;
So moste it nedes thanne abide;
Til afterward upon a tyde
Tarquinus made unskilfully
A werre; which was fasteby
Ayein a toun with walles stronge
Which Ardea was cleped longe;   4760
And caste a Siege theraboute;
That ther mai noman passen oute。
So it befell upon a nyht;
Arrons; which hadde his souper diht;
A part of the chivalerie
With him to soupe in compaignie
Hath bede: and whan thei comen were
And seten at the souper there;
Among here othre wordes glade
Arrons a gret spekinge made;    4770
Who hadde tho the beste wif
Of Rome: and ther began a strif;
For Arrons seith he hath the beste。
So jangle thei withoute reste;
Til ate laste on Collatin;
A worthi knyht; and was cousin
To Arrons; seide him in this wise:
〃It is;〃 quod he; 〃of non emprise
To speke a word; bot of the dede;
Therof it is to taken hiede。    4780
Anon forthi this same tyde
Lep on thin hors and let ous ryde:
So mai we knowe bothe tuo
Unwarli what oure wyves do;
And that schal be a trewe assay。〃
This Arrons seith noght ones nay:
On horse bak anon thei lepte
In such manere; and nothing slepte;
Ridende forth til that thei come
Al prively withinne Rome;    4790
In strange place and doun thei lihte;
And take a chambre; and out of sihte
Thei be desguised for a throwe;
So that no lif hem scholde knowe。
And to the paleis ferst thei soghte;
To se what thing this ladi wroghte
Of which Arrons made his avant:
And thei hire sihe of glad semblant;
Al full of merthes and of bordes;
Bot among alle hire othre wordes   4800
Sche spak noght of hire housebonde。
And whan thei hadde al understonde
Of thilke place what hem liste;
Thei gon hem forth; that non it wiste;
Beside thilke gate of bras;
Collacea which cleped was;
Wher Collatin hath his duellinge。
Ther founden thei at hom sittinge
Lucrece his wif; al environed
With wommen; whiche are abandoned  4810
To werche; and sche wroghte ek withal;
And bad hem haste; and seith; 〃It schal
Be for mi housebondes were;
Which with his swerd and with his spere
Lith at the Siege in gret desese。
And if it scholde him noght displese;
Nou wolde god I hadde him hiere;
For certes til that I mai hiere
Som good tidinge of his astat;
Min herte is evere upon debat。  4820
For so as alle men witnesse;
He is of such an hardiesse;
That he can noght himselve spare;
And that is al my moste care;
Whan thei the walles schulle assaile。
Bot if mi wisshes myhte availe;
I wolde it were a groundles pet;
Be so the Siege were unknet;
And I myn housebonde sihe。〃
With that the water in hire yhe    4830
Aros; that sche ne myhte it stoppe;
And as men sen the dew bedroppe
The leves and the floures eke;
Riht so upon hire whyte cheke
The wofull salte teres felle。
Whan Collatin hath herd hire telle
The menynge of hire trewe herte;
Anon with that to hire he sterte;
And seide; 〃Lo; mi goode diere;
Nou is he come to you hiere;    4840
That ye most loven; as ye sein。〃
And sche with goodly chiere ayein
Beclipte him in hire armes smale;
And the colour; which erst was pale;
To Beaute thanne was restored;
So that it myhte noght be mored。
The kinges Sone; which was nyh;
And of this lady herde and syh
The thinges as thei ben befalle;
The resoun of hise wittes alle  4850
Hath lost; for love upon his part
Cam thanne; and of his fyri dart
With such a wounde him hath thurghsmite;
That he mot nedes fiele and wite
Of thilke blinde maladie;
To which no cure of Surgerie
Can helpe。 Bot yit natheles
At thilke time he hield his pes
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