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confessio amantis-第139部分

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So that withinne a litel throwe
The myht of hem was overthrowe;    4430
That whilom were wont to stonde。
Til Phinees the cause on honde
Hath take; this vengance laste;
Bot thanne it cessede ate laste;
For god was paid of that he dede:
For wher he fond upon a stede
A couple which misferde so;
Thurghout he smot hem bothe tuo;
And let hem ligge in mennes yhe;
Wherof alle othre whiche hem sihe  4440
Ensamplede hem upon the dede;
And preiden unto the godhiede
Here olde Sennes to amende:
And he; which wolde his mercy sende;
Restorede hem to newe grace。
Thus mai it schewe in sondri place;
Of chastete hou the clennesse
Acordeth to the worthinesse
Of men of Armes overal;
Bot most of alle in special  4450
This vertu to a king belongeth;
For upon his fortune it hongeth
Of that his lond schal spede or spille。
Forthi bot if a king his wille
Fro lustes of his fleissh restreigne;
Ayein himself he makth a treigne;
Into the which if that he slyde;
Him were betre go besyde。
For every man mai understonde;
Hou for a time that it stonde;  4460
It is a sori lust to lyke;
Whos ende makth a man to syke
And torneth joies into sorwe。
The brihte Sonne be the morwe
Beschyneth noght the derke nyht;
The lusti youthe of mannes myht;
In Age bot it stonde wel;
Mistorneth al the laste whiel。
That every worthi Prince is holde
Withinne himself himself beholde;  4470
To se the stat of his persone;
And thenke hou ther be joies none
Upon this Erthe mad to laste;
And hou the fleissh schal ate laste
The lustes of this lif forsake;
Him oghte a gret ensample take
Of Salomon; whos appetit
Was holy set upon delit;
To take of wommen the plesance:
So that upon his ignorance   4480
The wyde world merveileth yit;
That he; which alle mennes wit
In thilke time hath overpassed;
With fleisshly lustes was so tassed;
That he which ladde under the lawe
The poeple of god; himself withdrawe
He hath fro god in such a wise;
That he worschipe and sacrifise
For sondri love in sondri stede
Unto the false goddes dede。  4490
This was the wise ecclesiaste;
The fame of whom schal evere laste;
That he the myhti god forsok;
Ayein the lawe whanne he tok
His wyves and his concubines
Of hem that weren Sarazines;
For whiche he dede ydolatrie。
For this I rede of his sotie:
Sche of Sidoyne so him ladde;
That he knelende his armes spradde    4500
To Astrathen with gret humblesse;
Which of hire lond was the goddesse:
And sche that was a Moabite
So ferforth made him to delite
Thurgh lust; which al his wit devoureth;
That he Chamos hire god honoureth。
An other Amonyte also
With love him hath assoted so;
Hire god Moloch that with encense
He sacreth; and doth reverence  4510
In such a wise as sche him bad。
Thus was the wiseste overlad
With blinde lustes whiche he soghte;
Bot he it afterward aboghte。
For Achias Selonites;
Which was prophete; er his decess;
Whil he was in hise lustes alle;
Betokneth what schal after falle。
For on a day; whan that he mette
Jeroboam the knyht; he grette   4520
And bad him that he scholde abyde;
To hiere what him schal betyde。
And forth withal Achias caste
His mantell of; and also faste
He kut it into pieces twelve;
Wherof tuo partz toward himselve
He kepte; and al the remenant;
As god hath set his covenant;
He tok unto Jeroboas;
Of Nabal which the Sone was;    4530
And of the kinges court a knyht:
And seide him; 〃Such is goddes myht;
As thou hast sen departed hiere
Mi mantell; riht in such manere
After the deth of Salomon
God hath ordeigned therupon;
This regne thanne he schal divide:
Which time thou schalt ek abide;
And upon that division
The regne as in proporcion   4540
As thou hast of mi mantell take;
Thou schalt receive; I undertake。
And thus the Sone schal abie
The lustes and the lecherie
Of him which nou his fader is。〃
So forto taken hiede of this;
It sit a king wel to be chaste;
For elles he mai lihtly waste
Himself and ek his regne bothe;
And that oghte every king to lothe。   4550
O; which a Senne violent;
Wherof so wys a king was schent;
That the vengance in his persone
Was noght ynouh to take al one;
Bot afterward; whan he was passed;
It hath his heritage lassed;
As I more openli tofore
The tale tolde。 And thus therfore
The Philosophre upon this thing
Writ and conseileth to a king;  4560
That he the surfet of luxure
Schal tempre and reule of such mesure;
Which be to kinde sufficant
And ek to reson acordant;
So that the lustes ignorance
Be cause of no misgovernance;
Thurgh which that he be overthrowe;
As he that wol no reson knowe。
For bot a mannes wit be swerved;
Whan kinde is dueliche served;  4570
It oghte of reson to suffise;
For if it falle him otherwise;
He mai tho lustes sore drede。
For of Anthonie thus I rede;
Which of Severus was the Sone;
That he his lif of comun wone
Yaf holy unto thilke vice;
And ofte time he was so nyce;
Wherof nature hire hath compleigned
Unto the god; which hath desdeigned   4580
The werkes whiche Antonie wroghte
Of lust; whiche he ful sore aboghte:
For god his forfet hath so wroke
That in Cronique it is yit spoke。
Bot forto take remembrance
Of special misgovernance
Thurgh covoitise and injustice
Forth with the remenant of vice;
And nameliche of lecherie;
I finde write a gret partie  4590
Withinne a tale; as thou schalt hiere;
Which is thensample of this matiere。
So as these olde gestes sein;
The proude tirannyssh Romein
Tarquinus; which was thanne king
And wroghte many a wrongful thing;
Of Sones hadde manyon;
Among the whiche Arrons was on;
Lich to his fader of maneres;
So that withinne a fewe yeres   4600
With tresoun and with tirannie
Thei wonne of lond a gret partie;
And token hiede of no justice;
Which due was to here office
Upon the reule of governance;
Bot al that evere was plesance
Unto the fleisshes lust thei toke。
And fell so; that thei undertoke
A werre; which was noght achieved;
Bot ofte time it hadde hem grieved;   4610
Ayein a folk which thanne hihte
The Gabiens: and al be nyhte
This Arrons; whan he was at hom
In Rome; a prive place he nom
Withinne a chambre; and bet himselve
And made him woundes ten or tuelve
Upon the bak; as it was sene;
And so forth with hise hurtes grene
In al the haste that he may
He rod; and cam that other day  4620
Unto Gabie the Cite;
And in he wente: and whan that he
Was knowe; anon the gates schette;
The lordes alle upon him sette
With drawe swerdes upon honde。
This Arrons wolde hem noght withstonde;
Bot seide; 〃I am hier at your wille;
Als lief it is that ye me spille;
As if myn oghne fader dede。〃
And forthwith in the same stede    4630
He preide hem that thei wolde se;
And schewede hem in what degre
His fader and hise brethren bothe;
Whiche; as he seide; weren wrothe;
Him hadde beten and reviled;
For evere and out of Rome exiled。
And thus he made hem to believe;
And seide; if that he myhte achieve
His pourpos; it schal wel be yolde;
Be so that thei him helpe wolde。   4640
Whan that the lordes hadde sein
Hou wofully he was besein;
Thei token Pite of his grief;
Bot yit it was hem wonder lief
That Rome him hadde exiled so。
These Gabiens be conseil tho
Upon the goddes made him swere;
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