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confessio amantis-第132部分

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Bot every man hath his encress;
Ther was withoute werre pes;
Withoute envie love stod;
Richesse upon the comun good    2930
And noght upon the singuler
Ordeigned was; and the pouer
Of hem that weren in astat
Was sauf: wherof upon debat
Ther stod nothing; so that in reste
Mihte every man his herte reste。
And whan this noble rihtful king
Sih hou it ferde of al this thing;
Wherof the poeple stod in ese;
He; which for evere wolde plese    2940
The hihe god; whos thonk he soghte;
A wonder thing thanne him bethoghte;
And schop if that it myhte be;
Hou that his lawe in the cite
Mihte afterward for evere laste。

And therupon his wit he caste
What thing him were best to feigne;
That he his pourpos myhte atteigne。
A Parlement and thus he sette;
His wisdom wher that he besette    2950
In audience of grete and smale;
And in this wise he tolde his tale:
〃God wot; and so ye witen alle;
Hierafterward hou so it falle;
Yit into now my will hath be
To do justice and equite
In forthringe of comun profit;
Such hath ben evere my delit。
Bot of o thing I am beknowe;
The which mi will is that ye knowe:   2960
The lawe which I tok on honde;
Was altogedre of goddes sonde
And nothing of myn oghne wit;
So mot it nede endure yit;
And schal do lengere; if ye wile。
For I wol telle you the skile;
The god Mercurius and no man
He hath me tawht al that I can
Of suche lawes as I made;
Wherof that ye ben alle glade;  2970
It was the god and nothing I;
Which dede al this; and nou forthi
He hath comanded of his grace
That I schal come into a place
Which is forein out in an yle;
Wher I mot tarie for a while;
With him to speke; as he hath bede。
For as he seith; in thilke stede
He schal me suche thinges telle;
That evere; whyl the world schal duelle;    2980
Athenis schal the betre fare。
Bot ferst; er that I thider fare;
For that I wolde that mi lawe
Amonges you ne be withdrawe
Ther whyles that I schal ben oute;
Forthi to setten out of doute
Bothe you and me; this wol I preie;
That ye me wolde assure and seie
With such an oth as I wol take;
That ech of you schal undertake    2990
Mi lawes forto kepe and holde。〃
Thei seiden alle that thei wolde;
And therupon thei swore here oth;
That fro the time that he goth;
Til he to hem be come ayein;
Thei scholde hise lawes wel and plein
In every point kepe and fulfille。
Thus hath Ligurgius his wille;
And tok his leve and forth he wente。
Bot lest nou wel to what entente   3000
Of rihtwisnesse he dede so:
For after that he was ago;
He schop him nevere to be founde;
So that Athenis; which was bounde;
Nevere after scholde be relessed;
Ne thilke goode lawe cessed;
Which was for comun profit set。
And in this wise he hath it knet;
He; which the comun profit soghte;
The king; his oghne astat ne roghte;  3010
To do profit to the comune;
He tok of exil the fortune;
And lefte of Prince thilke office
Only for love and for justice;
Thurgh which he thoghte; if that he myhte;
For evere after his deth to rihte
The cite which was him betake。
Wherof men oghte ensample take
The goode lawes to avance
With hem which under governance    3020
The lawes have forto kepe;
For who that wolde take kepe
Of hem that ferst the lawes founde;
Als fer as lasteth eny bounde
Of lond; here names yit ben knowe:
And if it like thee to knowe
Some of here names hou thei stonde;
Nou herkne and thou schalt understonde。
Of every bienfet the merite
The god himself it wol aquite;  3030
And ek fulofte it falleth so;
The world it wole aquite also;
Bot that mai noght ben evene liche:
The god he yifth the heveneriche;
The world yifth only bot a name;
Which stant upon the goode fame
Of hem that don the goode dede。
And in this wise double mede
Resceiven thei that don wel hiere;
Wherof if that thee list to hiere  3040
After the fame as it is blowe;
Ther myht thou wel the sothe knowe;
Hou thilke honeste besinesse
Of hem that ferst for rihtwisnesse
Among the men the lawes made;
Mai nevere upon this erthe fade。
For evere; whil ther is a tunge;
Here name schal be rad and sunge
And holde in the Cronique write;
So that the men it scholden wite;  3050
To speke good; as thei wel oghten;
Of hem that ferst the lawes soghten
In forthringe of the worldes pes。
Unto thebreus was Moi5ses
The ferste; and to thegipciens
Mercurius; and to Troiens
Ferst was Neuma Pompilius;
To Athenes Ligurgius
Yaf ferst the lawe; and to Gregois
Forones hath thilke vois;  3060
And Romulus to the Romeins。
For suche men that ben vileins
The lawe in such a wise ordeigneth;
That what man to the lawe pleigneth;
Be so the jugge stonde upriht;
He schal be served of his riht。
And so ferforth it is befalle
That lawe is come among ous alle:
God lieve it mote wel ben holde;
As every king therto is holde;  3070
For thing which is of kinges set;
With kinges oghte it noght be let。
What king of lawe takth no kepe;
Be lawe he mai no regne kepe。
Do lawe awey; what is a king?
Wher is the riht of eny thing;
If that ther be no lawe in londe?
This oghte a king wel understonde;
As he which is to lawe swore;
That if the lawe be forbore  3080
Withouten execucioun;
If makth a lond torne up so doun;
Which is unto the king a sclandre。
Forthi unto king Alisandre
The wise Philosophre bad;
That he himselve ferst be lad
Of lawe; and forth thanne overal
So do justice in general;
That al the wyde lond aboute
The justice of his lawe doute;  3090
And thanne schal he stonde in reste。
For therto lawe is on the beste
Above alle other erthly thing;
To make a liege drede his king。
Bot hou a king schal gete him love
Toward the hihe god above;
And ek among the men in erthe;
This nexte point; which is the ferthe
Of Aristotles lore; it techeth:
Wherof who that the Scole secheth;    3100
What Policie that it is
The bok reherceth after this。
It nedeth noght that I delate
The pris which preised is algate;
And hath ben evere and evere schal;
Wherof to speke in special;
It is the vertu of Pite;
Thurgh which the hihe mageste
Was stered; whan his Sone alyhte;
And in pite the world to rihte  3110
Tok of the Maide fleissh and blod。
Pite was cause of thilke good;
Wherof that we ben alle save:
Wel oghte a man Pite to have
And the vertu to sette in pris;
Whan he himself which is al wys
Hath schewed why it schal be preised。
Pite may noght be conterpeised
Of tirannie with no peis;
For Pite makth a king courteis  3120
Bothe in his word and in his dede。
It sit wel every liege drede
His king and to his heste obeie;
And riht so be the same weie
It sit a king to be pitous
Toward his poeple and gracious
Upon the reule of governance;
So that he worche no vengance;
Which mai be cleped crualte。
Justice which doth equite    3130
Is dredfull; for he noman spareth;
Bot in the lond wher Pite fareth
The king mai nevere faile of love;
For Pite thurgh the grace above;
So as the Philosphre affermeth;
His regne in good astat confermeth。
Thus seide whilom Constantin:
〃What Emperour that is enclin
To Pite forto be servant;
Of al the worldes remenant   3140
He is worthi to ben a lord。〃
In olde bokes of record
This finde I write of essamplaire:
Troian the worthi debonaire;
Be whom th
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