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confessio amantis-第13部分

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Ther was a lady; the slyheste
Of alle that men knewe tho;
So old sche myhte unethes go;
And was grantdame unto the dede:
And sche with that began to rede;
And seide how sche wol bringe him inne;
That sche schal him to dethe winne
Al only of his oghne grant;
Thurgh strengthe of verray covenant    1450
Withoute blame of eny wiht。
Anon sche sende for this kniht;
And of hire Sone sche alleide
The deth; and thus to him sche seide:
〃Florent; how so thou be to wyte
Of Branchus deth; men schal respite
As now to take vengement;
Be so thou stonde in juggement
Upon certein condicioun;
That thou unto a questioun    1460
Which I schal axe schalt ansuere;
And over this thou schalt ek swere;
That if thou of the sothe faile;
Ther schal non other thing availe;
That thou ne schalt thi deth receive。
And for men schal thee noght deceive;
That thou therof myht ben avised;
Thou schalt have day and tyme assised
And leve saufly forto wende;
Be so that at thi daies ende     1470
Thou come ayein with thin avys。
This knyht; which worthi was and wys;
This lady preith that he may wite;
And have it under Seales write;
What questioun it scholde be
For which he schal in that degree
Stonde of his lif in jeupartie。
With that sche feigneth compaignie;
And seith: 〃Florent; on love it hongeth
Al that to myn axinge longeth:   1480
What alle wommen most desire
This wole I axe; and in thempire
Wher as thou hast most knowlechinge
Tak conseil upon this axinge。〃
Florent this thing hath undertake;
The day was set; the time take;
Under his seal he wrot his oth;
In such a wise and forth he goth
Hom to his Emes court ayein;
To whom his aventure plein    1490
He tolde; of that him is befalle。
And upon that thei weren alle
The wiseste of the lond asent;
Bot natheles of on assent
Thei myhte noght acorde plat;
On seide this; an othre that。
After the disposicioun
Of naturel complexioun
To som womman it is plesance;
That to an other is grevance;    1500
Bot such a thing in special;
Which to hem alle in general
Is most plesant; and most desired
Above alle othre and most conspired;
Such o thing conne thei noght finde
Be Constellacion ne kinde:
And thus Florent withoute cure
Mot stonde upon his aventure;
And is al schape unto the lere;
As in defalte of his answere。    1510
This knyht hath levere forto dye
Than breke his trowthe and forto lye
In place ther as he was swore;
And schapth him gon ayein therfore。
Whan time cam he tok his leve;
That lengere wolde he noght beleve;
And preith his Em he be noght wroth;
For that is a point of his oth;
He seith; that noman schal him wreke;
Thogh afterward men hiere speke     1520
That he par aventure deie。
And thus he wente forth his weie
Alone as knyht aventurous;
And in his thoght was curious
To wite what was best to do:
And as he rod al one so;
And cam nyh ther he wolde be;
In a forest under a tre
He syh wher sat a creature;
A lothly wommannysch figure;   1530
That forto speke of fleisch and bon
So foul yit syh he nevere non。
This knyht behield hir redely;
And as he wolde have passed by;
Sche cleped him and bad abide;
And he his horse heved aside
Tho torneth; and to hire he rod;
And there he hoveth and abod;
To wite what sche wolde mene。
And sche began him to bemene;     1540
And seide: 〃Florent be thi name;
Thou hast on honde such a game;
That bot thou be the betre avised;
Thi deth is schapen and devised;
That al the world ne mai the save;
Bot if that thou my conseil have。〃
Florent; whan he this tale herde;
Unto this olde wyht answerde
And of hir conseil he hir preide。
And sche ayein to him thus seide:   1550
〃Florent; if I for the so schape;
That thou thurgh me thi deth ascape
And take worschipe of thi dede;
What schal I have to my mede?〃
〃What thing;〃 quod he; 〃that thou wolt axe。〃
〃I bidde nevere a betre taxe;〃
Quod sche; 〃bot ferst; er thou be sped;
Thou schalt me leve such a wedd;
That I wol have thi trowthe in honde
That thou schalt be myn housebonde。〃   1560
〃Nay;〃 seith Florent; 〃that may noght be。〃
〃Ryd thanne forth thi wey;〃 quod sche;
〃And if thou go withoute red;
Thou schalt be sekerliche ded。〃
Florent behihte hire good ynowh
Of lond; of rente; of park; of plowh;
Bot al that compteth sche at noght。
Tho fell this knyht in mochel thoght;
Now goth he forth; now comth ayein;
He wot noght what is best to sein;   1570
And thoghte; as he rod to and fro;
That chese he mot on of the tuo;
Or forto take hire to his wif
Or elles forto lese his lif。
And thanne he caste his avantage;
That sche was of so gret an age;
That sche mai live bot a while;
And thoghte put hire in an Ile;
Wher that noman hire scholde knowe;
Til sche with deth were overthrowe。    1580
And thus this yonge lusti knyht
Unto this olde lothly wiht
Tho seide: 〃If that non other chance
Mai make my deliverance;
Bot only thilke same speche
Which; as thou seist; thou schalt me teche;
Have hier myn hond; I schal thee wedde。〃
And thus his trowthe he leith to wedde。
With that sche frounceth up the browe:
〃This covenant I wol allowe;〃    1590
Sche seith: 〃if eny other thing
Bot that thou hast of my techyng
Fro deth thi body mai respite;
I woll thee of thi trowthe acquite;
And elles be non other weie。
Now herkne me what I schal seie。
Whan thou art come into the place;
Wher now thei maken gret manace
And upon thi comynge abyde;
Thei wole anon the same tide     1600
Oppose thee of thin answere。
I wot thou wolt nothing forbere
Of that thou wenest be thi beste;
And if thou myht so finde reste;
Wel is; for thanne is ther nomore。
And elles this schal be my lore;
That thou schalt seie; upon this Molde
That alle wommen lievest wolde
Be soverein of mannes love:
For what womman is so above;   1610
Sche hath; as who seith; al hire wille;
And elles may sche noght fulfille
What thing hir were lievest have。
With this answere thou schalt save
Thiself; and other wise noght。
And whan thou hast thin ende wroght;
Com hier ayein; thou schalt me finde;
And let nothing out of thi minde。〃
He goth him forth with hevy chiere;
As he that not in what manere    1620
He mai this worldes joie atteigne:
For if he deie; he hath a peine;
And if he live; he mot him binde
To such on which of alle kinde
Of wommen is thunsemlieste:
Thus wot he noght what is the beste:
Bot be him lief or be him loth;
Unto the Castell forth he goth
His full answere forto yive;
Or forto deie or forto live。     1630
Forth with his conseil cam the lord;
The thinges stoden of record;
He sende up for the lady sone;
And forth sche cam; that olde Mone。
In presence of the remenant
The strengthe of al the covenant
Tho was reherced openly;
And to Florent sche bad forthi
That he schal tellen his avis;
As he that woot what is the pris。   1640
Florent seith al that evere he couthe;
Bot such word cam ther non to mowthe;
That he for yifte or for beheste
Mihte eny wise his deth areste。
And thus he tarieth longe and late;
Til that this lady bad algate
That he schal for the dom final
Yive his answere in special
Of that sche hadde him ferst opposed:
And thanne he hath trewly supposed     1650
That he him may of nothing yelpe;
Bot if so be tho wordes helpe
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