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confessio amantis-第128部分

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Wher Julius was in presence。
And for him lacketh of despence;
Ther was with him non advocat
To make ple for his astat。
Bot thogh him lacke forto plede;
Him lacketh nothing of manhede;    2070
He wiste wel his pours was povere;
Bot yit he thoghte his riht recovere;
And openly poverte alleide;
To themperour and thus he seide:
〃O Julius; lord of the lawe;
Behold; mi conseil is withdrawe
For lacke of gold: do thin office
After the lawes of justice:
Help that I hadde conseil hiere
Upon the trouthe of mi matiere。〃   2080
And Julius with that anon
Assigned him a worthi on;
Bot he himself no word ne spak。
This kniht was wroth and fond a lak
In themperour; and seide thus:
〃O thou unkinde Julius;
Whan thou in thi bataille were
Up in Aufrique; and I was there;
Mi myht for thi rescousse I dede
And putte noman in my stede;    2090
Thou wost what woundes ther I hadde:
Bot hier I finde thee so badde;
That thee ne liste speke o word
Thin oghne mouth; nor of thin hord
To yive a florin me to helpe。
Hou scholde I thanne me beyelpe
Fro this dai forth of thi largesse;
Whan such a gret unkindenesse
Is founde in such a lord as thou?〃
This Julius knew wel ynou    2100
That al was soth which he him tolde;
And for he wolde noght ben holde
Unkinde; he tok his cause on honde;
And as it were of goddes sonde;
He yaf him good ynouh to spende
For evere into his lives ende。
And thus scholde every worthi king
Take of his knihtes knowleching;
Whan that he syh thei hadden nede;
For every service axeth mede:   2110
Bot othre; which have noght deserved
Thurgh vertu; bot of japes served;
A king schal noght deserve grace;
Thogh he be large in such a place。
It sit wel every king to have
Discrecion; whan men him crave;
So that he mai his yifte wite:
Wherof I finde a tale write;
Hou Cinichus a povere kniht
A Somme which was over myht  2120
Preide of his king Antigonus。
The king ansuerde to him thus;
And seide hou such a yifte passeth
His povere astat: and thanne he lasseth;
And axeth bot a litel peny;
If that the king wol yive him eny。
The king ansuerde; it was to smal
For him; which was a lord real;
To yive a man so litel thing
It were unworschipe in a king。  2130
Be this ensample a king mai lere
That forto yive is in manere:
For if a king his tresor lasseth
Withoute honour and thonkles passeth;
Whan he himself wol so beguile;
I not who schal compleigne his while;
Ne who be rihte him schal relieve。
Bot natheles this I believe;
To helpe with his oghne lond
Behoveth every man his hond  2140
To sette upon necessite;
And ek his kinges realte
Mot every liege man conforte;
With good and bodi to supporte;
Whan thei se cause resonable:
For who that is noght entendable
To holde upriht his kinges name;
Him oghte forto be to blame。
Of Policie and overmore
To speke in this matiere more;  2150
So as the Philosophre tolde;
A king after the reule is holde
To modifie and to adresce
Hise yiftes upon such largesce
That he mesure noght excede:
For if a king falle into nede;
It causeth ofte sondri thinges
Whiche are ungoodly to the kinges。
What man wol noght himself mesure;
Men sen fulofte that mesure  2160
Him hath forsake: and so doth he
That useth Prodegalite;
Which is the moder of poverte;
Wherof the londes ben deserte;
And namely whan thilke vice
Aboute a king stant in office
And hath withholde of his partie
The covoitouse flaterie;
Which many a worthi king deceiveth;
Er he the fallas aperceiveth    2170
Of hem that serven to the glose。
For thei that cunnen plese and glose;
Ben; as men tellen; the norrices
Unto the fostringe of the vices;
Wherof fulofte natheles
A king is blamed gulteles。
A Philosophre; as thou schalt hiere;
Spak to a king of this matiere;
And seide him wel hou that flatours
Coupable were of thre errours。  2180
On was toward the goddes hihe;
That weren wrothe of that thei sihe
The meschief which befalle scholde
Of that the false flatour tolde。
Toward the king an other was;
Whan thei be sleihte and be fallas
Of feigned wordes make him wene
That blak is whyt and blew is grene
Touchende of his condicion:
For whanne he doth extorcion    2190
With manye an other vice mo;
Men schal noght finden on of tho
To groucche or speke therayein;
Bot holden up his oil and sein
That al is wel; what evere he doth;
And thus of fals thei maken soth;
So that here kinges yhe is blent
And wot not hou the world is went。
The thridde errour is harm comune;
With which the poeple mot commune  2200
Of wronges that thei bringen inne:
And thus thei worchen treble sinne;
That ben flatours aboute a king。
Ther myhte be no worse thing
Aboute a kinges regalie;
Thanne is the vice of flaterie。
And natheles it hath ben used;
That it was nevere yit refused
As forto speke in court real;
For there it is most special;   2210
And mai noght longe be forbore。
Bot whan this vice of hem is bore;
That scholden the vertus forthbringe;
And trouthe is torned to lesinge;
It is; as who seith; ayein kinde;
Wherof an old ensample I finde。
Among these othre tales wise
Of Philosophres; in this wise
I rede; how whilom tuo ther were;
And to the Scole forto lere  2220
Unto Athenes fro Cartage
Here frendes; whan thei were of Age;
Hem sende; and ther thei stoden longe;
Til thei such lore have underfonge;
That in here time thei surmonte
Alle othre men; that to acompte
Of hem was tho the grete fame。
The ferste of hem his rihte name
Was Diogenes thanne hote;
In whom was founde no riote:    2230
His felaw Arisippus hyhte;
Which mochel couthe and mochel myhte。
Bot ate laste; soth to sein;
Thei bothe tornen hom ayein
Unto Cartage and scole lete。
This Diogenes no beyete
Of worldes good or lasse or more
Ne soghte for his longe lore;
Bot tok him only forto duelle
At hom; and as the bokes telle;    2240
His hous was nyh to the rivere
Besyde a bregge; as thou schalt hiere。
Ther duelleth he to take his reste;
So as it thoghte him for the beste;
To studie in his Philosophie;
As he which wolde so defie
The worldes pompe on every syde。
Bot Arisippe his bok aside
Hath leid; and to the court he wente;
Wher many a wyle and many a wente  2250
With flaterie and wordes softe
He caste; and hath compassed ofte
Hou he his Prince myhte plese;
And in this wise he gat him ese
Of vein honour and worldes good。
The londes reule upon him stod;
The king of him was wonder glad;
And all was do; what thing he bad;
Bothe in the court and ek withoute。
With flaterie he broghte aboute    2260
His pourpos of the worldes werk;
Which was ayein the stat of clerk;
So that Philosophie he lefte
And to richesse himself uplefte:
Lo; thus hadde Arisippe his wille。
Bot Diogenes duelte stille
A home and loked on his bok:
He soghte noght the worldes crok
For vein honour ne for richesse;
Bot all his hertes besinesse    2270
He sette to be vertuous;
And thus withinne his oghne hous
He liveth to the sufficance
Of his havinge。 And fell per chance;
This Diogene upon a day;
And that was in the Monthe of May;
Whan that these herbes ben holsome;
He walketh forto gadre some
In his gardin; of whiche his joutes
He thoghte have; and thus aboutes  2280
Whanne he hath gadred what him l
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