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confessio amantis-第127部分

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And that he scheweth be this weie。
The wyn fulofte takth aweie
The reson fro the mannes herte;
The wyn can make a krepel sterte;
And a delivere man unwelde;
It makth a blind man to behelde;
And a bryht yhed seme derk;
It makth a lewed man a clerk;
And fro the clerkes the clergie
It takth aweie; and couardie    1860
It torneth into hardiesse;
Of Avarice it makth largesse。
The wyn makth ek the goode blod;
In which the Soule which is good
Hath chosen hire a resting place;
Whil that the lif hir wole embrace。
And be this skile Manachas
Ansuered hath upon this cas;
And seith that wyn be weie of kinde
Is thing which mai the hertes binde   1870
Wel more than the regalie。
Zorobabel for his partie
Seide; as him thoghte for the beste;
That wommen ben the myhtieste。
The king and the vinour also
Of wommen comen bothe tuo;
And ek he seide hou that manhede
Thurgh strengthe unto the wommanhede
Of love; wher he wole or non;
Obeie schal; and therupon;   1880
To schewe of wommen the maistrie;
A tale which he syh with yhe
As for ensample he tolde this;…
Hou Apemen; of Besazis
Which dowhter was; in the paleis
Sittende upon his hihe deis;
Whan he was hotest in his ire
Toward the grete of his empire;
Cirus the king tirant sche tok;
And only with hire goodly lok   1890
Sche made him debonaire and meke;
And be the chyn and be the cheke
Sche luggeth him riht as hir liste;
That nou sche japeth; nou sche kiste;
And doth with him what evere hir liketh;
Whan that sche loureth; thanne he siketh;
And whan sche gladeth; he is glad:
And thus this king was overlad
With hire which his lemman was。
Among the men is no solas;   1900
If that ther be no womman there;
For bot if that the wommen were;
This worldes joie were aweie:
Thurgh hem men finden out the weie
To knihthode and to worldes fame;
Thei make a man to drede schame;
And honour forto be desired:
Thurgh the beaute of hem is fyred
The Dart of which Cupide throweth;
Wherof the jolif peine groweth;  1910
Which al the world hath under fote。
A womman is the mannes bote;
His lif; his deth; his wo; his wel;
And this thing mai be schewed wel;
Hou that wommen ben goode and kinde;
For in ensample this I finde。
Whan that the duk Ametus lay
Sek in his bedd; that every day
Men waiten whan he scholde deie;
Alceste his wif goth forto preie;  1920
As sche which wolde thonk deserve;
With Sacrifice unto Minerve;
To wite ansuere of the goddesse
Hou that hir lord of his seknesse;
Wherof he was so wo besein;
Recovere myhte his hele ayein。
Lo; thus sche cride and thus sche preide;
Til ate laste a vois hir seide;
That if sche wolde for his sake
The maladie soffre and take;    1930
And deie hirself; he scholde live。
Of this ansuere Alceste hath yive
Unto Minerve gret thonkinge;
So that hir deth and his livinge
Sche ches with al hire hole entente;
And thus acorded hom sche wente。
Into the chambre and whan sche cam;
Hire housebonde anon sche nam
In bothe hire Armes and him kiste;
And spak unto him what hire liste;    1940
And therupon withinne a throwe
This goode wif was overthrowe
And deide; and he was hool in haste。
So mai a man be reson taste;
Hou next after the god above
The trouthe of wommen and the love;
In whom that alle grace is founde;
Is myhtiest upon this grounde
And most behovely manyfold。
Lo; thus Zorobabel hath told    1950
The tale of his opinion:
Bot for final conclusion
What strengest is of erthli thinges;
The wyn; the wommen or the kinges;
He seith that trouthe above hem alle
Is myhtiest; hou evere it falle。
The trouthe; hou so it evere come;
Mai for nothing ben overcome;
It mai wel soffre for a throwe;
Bot ate laste it schal be knowe。   1960
The proverbe is; who that is trewe;
Him schal his while nevere rewe:
For hou so that the cause wende;
The trouthe is schameles ate ende;
Bot what thing that is troutheles;
It mai noght wel be schameles;
And schame hindreth every wyht:
So proveth it; ther is no myht
Withoute trouthe in no degre。
And thus for trouthe of his decre  1970
Zorobabel was most commended;
Wherof the question was ended;
And he resceived hath his mede
For trouthe; which to mannes nede
Is most behoveliche overal。
Forthi was trouthe in special
The ferste point in observance
Betake unto the governance
Of Alisandre; as it is seid:
For therupon the ground is leid    1980
Of every kinges regiment;
As thing which most convenient
Is forto sette a king in evene
Bothe in this world and ek in hevene。
Next after trouthe the secounde;
In Policie as it is founde;
Which serveth to the worldes fame
In worschipe of a kinges name;
Largesse it is; whos privilegge
Ther mai non Avarice abregge。   1990
The worldes good was ferst comune;
Bot afterward upon fortune
Was thilke comun profit cessed:
For whan the poeple stod encresced
And the lignages woxen grete;
Anon for singulier beyete
Drouh every man to his partie;
Wherof cam in the ferste envie
With gret debat and werres stronge;
And laste among the men so longe;  2000
Til noman wiste who was who;
Ne which was frend ne which was fo。
Til ate laste in every lond
Withinne hemself the poeple fond
That it was good to make a king;
Which mihte appesen al this thing
And yive riht to the lignages
In partinge of here heritages
And ek of al here other good;
And thus above hem alle stod    2010
The king upon his Regalie;
As he which hath to justifie
The worldes good fro covoitise。
So sit it wel in alle wise
A king betwen the more and lesse
To sette his herte upon largesse
Toward himself and ek also
Toward his poeple; and if noght so;
That is to sein; if that he be
Toward himselven large and fre  2020
And of his poeple take and pile;
Largesse be no weie of skile
It mai be seid; bot Avarice;
Which in a king is a gret vice。
A king behoveth ek to fle
The vice of Prodegalite;
That he mesure in his expence
So kepe; that of indigence
He mai be sauf: for who that nedeth;
In al his werk the worse he spedeth。  2030
As Aristotle upon Chaldee
Ensample of gret Auctorite
Unto king Alisandre tauhte
Of thilke folk that were unsauhte
Toward here king for his pilage:
Wherof he bad; in his corage
That he unto thre pointz entende;
Wher that he wolde his good despende。
Ferst scholde he loke; hou that it stod;
That al were of his oghne good  2040
The yiftes whiche he wolde yive;
So myhte he wel the betre live:
And ek he moste taken hiede
If ther be cause of eny nede;
Which oghte forto be defended;
Er that his goodes be despended:
He mot ek; as it is befalle;
Amonges othre thinges alle
Se the decertes of his men;
And after that thei ben of ken  2050
And of astat and of merite;
He schal hem largeliche aquite;
Or for the werre; or for the pes;
That non honour falle in descres;
Which mihte torne into defame;
Bot that he kepe his goode name;
So that he be noght holde unkinde。
For in Cronique a tale I finde;
Which spekth somdiel of this matiere;
Hierafterward as thou schalt hiere。   2060
In Rome; to poursuie his riht;
Ther was a worthi povere kniht;
Which cam al one forto sein
His cause; when the court was plein;
Wher Julius was in presence。
And for him lacketh of despence;
Ther was with him non advocat
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