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confessio amantis-第126部分

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Which mai the pleine trouthe enforme
And the soubtil cautele abate;
Which every trewman schal debate。  1640
The ferste; which is Theorique;
And the secounde Rethorique;
Sciences of Philosophie;
I have hem told as in partie;
So as the Philosophre it tolde
To Alisandre: and nou I wolde
Telle of the thridde what it is;
The which Practique cleped is。
Practique stant upon thre thinges
Toward the governance of kinges;   1650
Wherof the ferst Etique is named;
The whos science stant proclamed
To teche of vertu thilke reule;
Hou that a king himself schal reule
Of his moral condicion
With worthi disposicion
Of good livinge in his persone;
Which is the chief of his corone。
It makth a king also to lerne
Hou he his bodi schal governe;  1660
Hou he schal wake; hou he schal slepe;
Hou that he schal his hele kepe
In mete; in drinke; in clothinge eke:
Ther is no wisdom forto seke
As for the reule of his persone;
The which that this science al one
Ne techeth as be weie of kinde;
That ther is nothing left behinde。
That other point which to Practique
Belongeth is Iconomique;  1670
Which techeth thilke honestete
Thurgh which a king in his degre
His wif and child schal reule and guie;
So forth with al the companie
Which in his houshold schal abyde;
And his astat on every syde
In such manere forto lede;
That he his houshold ne mislede。
Practique hath yit the thridde aprise;
Which techeth hou and in what wise    1680
Thurgh hih pourveied ordinance
A king schal sette in governance
His Realme; and that is Policie;
Which longeth unto Regalie
In time of werre; in time of pes;
To worschipe and to good encress
Of clerk; of kniht and of Marchant;
And so forth of the remenant
Of al the comun poeple aboute;
Withinne Burgh and ek withoute;  1690
Of hem that ben Artificiers;
Whiche usen craftes and mestiers;
Whos Art is cleped Mechanique。
And though thei ben noght alle like;
Yit natheles; hou so it falle;
O lawe mot governe hem alle;
Or that thei lese or that thei winne;
After thastat that thei ben inne。
Lo; thus this worthi yonge king
Was fulli tauht of every thing;    1700
Which mihte yive entendement
Of good reule and good regiment
To such a worthi Prince as he。
Bot of verray necessite
The Philosophre him hath betake
Fyf pointz; whiche he hath undertake
To kepe and holde in observance;
As for the worthi governance
Which longeth to his Regalie;
After the reule of Policie。  1710
To every man behoveth lore;
Bot to noman belongeth more
Than to a king; which hath to lede
The poeple; for of his kinghede
He mai hem bothe save and spille。
And for it stant upon his wille;
It sit him wel to ben avised;
And the vertus whiche are assissed
Unto a kinges Regiment;
To take in his entendement:  1720
Wherof to tellen; as thei stonde;
Hierafterward nou woll I fonde。
Among the vertus on is chief;
And that is trouthe; which is lief
To god and ek to man also。
And for it hath ben evere so;
Tawhte Aristotle; as he wel couthe;
To Alisandre; hou in his youthe
He scholde of trouthe thilke grace
With al his hole herte embrace;    1730
So that his word be trewe and plein;
Toward the world and so certein
That in him be no double speche:
For if men scholde trouthe seche
And founde it noght withinne a king;
It were an unsittende thing。
The word is tokne of that withinne;
Ther schal a worthi king beginne
To kepe his tunge and to be trewe;
So schal his pris ben evere newe。  1740
Avise him every man tofore;
And be wel war; er he be swore;
For afterward it is to late;
If that he wole his word debate。
For as a king in special
Above alle othre is principal
Of his pouer; so scholde he be
Most vertuous in his degre;
And that mai wel be signefied
Be his corone and specified。    1750
The gold betokneth excellence;
That men schull don him reverence
As to here liege soverein。
The Stones; as the bokes sein;
Commended ben in treble wise:
Ferst thei ben harde; and thilke assisse
Betokneth in a king Constance;
So that ther schal no variance
Be founde in his condicion;
And also be descripcion    1760
The vertu which is in the stones
A verrai Signe is for the nones
Of that a king schal ben honeste
And holde trewly his beheste
Of thing which longeth to kinghede:
The bryhte colour; as I rede;
Which in the stones is schynende;
Is in figure betoknende
The Cronique of this worldes fame;
Which stant upon his goode name。   1770
The cercle which is round aboute
Is tokne of al the lond withoute;
Which stant under his Gerarchie;
That he it schal wel kepe and guye。
And for that trouthe; hou so it falle;
Is the vertu soverein of alle;
That longeth unto regiment;
A tale; which is evident
Of trouthe in comendacioun;
Toward thin enformacion;  1780
Mi Sone; hierafter thou schalt hiere
Of a Cronique in this matiere。
As the Cronique it doth reherce;
A Soldan whilom was of Perce;
Which Daires hihte; and Ytaspis
His fader was; and soth it is
That thurgh wisdom and hih prudence
Mor than for eny reverence
Of his lignage as be descente
The regne of thilke empire he hente:  1790
And as he was himselve wys;
The wisemen he hield in pris
And soghte hem oute on every side;
That toward him thei scholde abide。
Among the whiche thre ther were
That most service unto him bere;
As thei which in his chambre lyhen
And al his conseil herde and syhen。
Here names ben of strange note;
Arpaghes was the ferste hote;   1800
And Manachaz was the secounde;
Zorobabel; as it is founde
In the Cronique; was the thridde。
This Soldan; what so him betidde;
To hem he triste most of alle;
Wherof the cas is so befalle:
This lord; which hath conceiptes depe;
Upon a nyht whan he hath slepe;
As he which hath his wit desposed;
Touchende a point hem hath opposed。   1810
The kinges question was this;
Of thinges thre which strengest is;
The wyn; the womman or the king:
And that thei scholde upon this thing
Of here ansuere avised be;
He yaf hem fulli daies thre;
And hath behote hem be his feith
That who the beste reson seith;
He schal receive a worthi mede。
Upon this thing thei token hiede   1820
And stoden in desputeison;
That be diverse opinion
Of Argumentz that thei have holde
Arpaghes ferst his tale tolde;
And seide hou that the strengthe of kinges
Is myhtiest of alle thinges。
For king hath pouer over man;
And man is he which reson can;
As he which is of his nature
The moste noble creature  1830
Of alle tho that god hath wroght:
And be that skile it semeth noght;
He seith; that eny erthly thing
Mai be so myhty as a king。
A king mai spille; a king mai save;
A king mai make of lord a knave
And of a knave a lord also:
The pouer of a king stant so;
That he the lawes overpasseth;
What he wol make lasse; he lasseth;   1840
What he wol make more; he moreth;
And as the gentil faucon soreth;
He fleth; that noman him reclameth;
Bot he al one alle othre tameth;
And stant himself of lawe fre。
Lo; thus a kinges myht; seith he;
So as his reson can argue;
Is strengest and of most value。
Bot Manachaz seide otherwise;
That wyn is of the more emprise;   1850
And that he scheweth be this weie。
The wyn fulofte takth aweie
The reson fro the mannes herte;
The wyn can make a kre
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