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confessio amantis-第125部分

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Is to Mercurie and to Venus。
His Ston is seid Crisolitus;
His herbe is cleped Satureie;
So as these olde bokes seie。
Bot nou the laste sterre of alle
The tail of Scorpio men calle;
Which to Mercurie and to Satorne
Be weie of kinde mot retorne
After the preparacion
Of due constellacion。  1430
The Calcedoine unto him longeth;
Which for his Ston he underfongeth;
Of Majorane his herbe is grounded。
Thus have I seid hou thei be founded;
Of every sterre in special;
Which hath his herbe and Ston withal;
As Hermes in his bokes olde
Witnesse berth of that I tolde。
The science of Astronomie;
Which principal is of clergie   1440
To dieme betwen wo and wel
In thinges that be naturel;
Thei hadde a gret travail on honde
That made it ferst ben understonde;
And thei also which overmore
Here studie sette upon this lore;
Thei weren gracious and wys
And worthi forto bere a pris。
And whom it liketh forto wite
Of hem that this science write;    1450
On of the ferste which it wrot
After Noe5; it was Nembrot;
To his disciple Ychonithon
And made a bok forth therupon
The which Megaster cleped was。
An other Auctor in this cas
Is Arachel; the which men note;
His bok is Abbategnyh hote。
Danz Tholome is noght the leste;
Which makth the bok of Almageste;  1460
And Alfraganus doth the same;
Whos bok is Chatemuz be name。
Gebuz and Alpetragus eke
Of Planisperie; which men seke;
The bokes made: and over this
Ful many a worthi clerc ther is;
That writen upon this clergie
The bokes of Altemetrie;
Planemetrie and ek also;
Whiche as belongen bothe tuo;   1470
So as thei ben naturiens;
Unto these Astronomiens。
Men sein that Habraham was on;
Bot whether that he wrot or non;
That finde I noght; and Moi5ses
Ek was an other: bot Hermes
Above alle othre in this science
He hadde a gret experience;
Thurgh him was many a sterre assised;
Whos bokes yit ben auctorized。  1480
I mai noght knowen alle tho
That writen in the time tho
Of this science; bot I finde;
Of jugement be weie of kinde
That in o point thei alle acorden:
Of sterres whiche thei recorden
That men mai sen upon the hevene;
Ther ben a thousend sterres evene
And tuo and twenty; to the syhte
Whiche aren of hemself so bryhte;  1490
That men mai dieme what thei be;
The nature and the proprete。
Nou hast thou herd; in which a wise
These noble Philosophres wise
Enformeden this yonge king;
And made him have a knowleching
Of thing which ferst to the partie
Belongeth of Philosophie;
Which Theorique cleped is;
As thou tofore hast herd er this。  1500
Bot nou to speke of the secounde;
Which Aristotle hath also founde;
And techeth hou to speke faire;
Which is a thing full necessaire
To contrepeise the balance;
Wher lacketh other sufficance。
Above alle erthli creatures
The hihe makere of natures
The word to man hath yove alone;
So that the speche of his persone;    1510
Or forto lese or forto winne;
The hertes thoght which is withinne
Mai schewe; what it wolde mene;
And that is noghwhere elles sene
Of kinde with non other beste。
So scholde he be the more honeste;
To whom god yaf so gret a yifte;
And loke wel that he ne schifte
Hise wordes to no wicked us;
For word the techer of vertus   1520
Is cleped in Philosophie。
Wherof touchende this partie;
Is Rethorique the science
Appropred to the reverence
Of wordes that ben resonable:
And for this art schal be vailable
With goodli wordes forto like;
It hath Gramaire; it hath Logiqe;
That serven bothe unto the speche。
Gramaire ferste hath forto teche   1530
To speke upon congruite:
Logique hath eke in his degre
Betwen the trouthe and the falshode
The pleine wordes forto schode;
So that nothing schal go beside;
That he the riht ne schal decide。
Wherof full many a gret debat
Reformed is to good astat;
And pes sustiened up alofte
With esy wordes and with softe;    1540
Wher strengthe scholde lete it falle。
The Philosophre amonges alle
Forthi commendeth this science;
Which hath the reule of eloquence。
In Ston and gras vertu ther is;
Bot yit the bokes tellen this;
That word above alle erthli thinges
Is vertuous in his doinges;
Wher so it be to evele or goode。
For if the wordes semen goode   1550
And ben wel spoke at mannes Ere;
Whan that ther is no trouthe there;
Thei don fulofte gret deceipte;
For whan the word to the conceipte
Descordeth in so double a wise;
Such Rethorique is to despise
In every place; and forto drede。
For of Uluxes thus I rede;
As in the bok of Troie is founde;
His eloquence and his facounde  1560
Of goodly wordes whiche he tolde;
Hath mad that Anthenor him solde
The toun; which he with tresoun wan。
Word hath beguiled many a man;
With word the wilde beste is daunted;
With word the Serpent is enchaunted;
Of word among the men of Armes
Ben woundes heeled with the charmes;
Wher lacketh other medicine;
Word hath under his discipline  1570
Of Sorcerie the karectes。
The wordes ben of sondri sectes;
Of evele and eke of goode also;
The wordes maken frend of fo;
And fo of frend; and pes of werre;
And werre of pes; and out of herre
The word this worldes cause entriketh;
And reconsileth whan him liketh。
The word under the coupe of hevene
Set every thing or odde or evene;  1580
With word the hihe god is plesed;
With word the wordes ben appesed;
The softe word the loude stilleth;
Wher lacketh good; the word fulfilleth;
To make amendes for the wrong;
Whan wordes medlen with the song;
It doth plesance wel the more。
Bot forto loke upon the lore
Hou Tullius his Rethorique
Componeth; ther a man mai pike  1590
Hou that he schal hise wordes sette;
Hou he schal lose; hou he schal knette;
And in what wise he schal pronounce
His tale plein withoute frounce。
Wherof ensample if thou wolt seche;
Tak hiede and red whilom the speche
Of Julius and Cithero;
Which consul was of Rome tho;
Of Catoun eke and of Cillene;
Behold the wordes hem betwene;  1600
Whan the tresoun of Cateline
Descoevered was; and the covine
Of hem that were of his assent
Was knowe and spoke in parlement;
And axed hou and in what wise
Men scholde don hem to juise。
Cillenus ferst his tale tolde;
To trouthe and as he was beholde;
The comun profit forto save;
He seide hou tresoun scholde have  1610
A cruel deth; and thus thei spieke;
The Consul bothe and Catoun eke;
And seiden that for such a wrong
Ther mai no peine be to strong。
Bot Julius with wordes wise
His tale tolde al otherwise;
As he which wolde her deth respite;
And fondeth hou he mihte excite
The jugges thurgh his eloquence
Fro deth to torne the sentence  1620
And sette here hertes to pite。
Nou tolden thei; nou tolde he;
Thei spieken plein after the lawe;
Bot he the wordes of his sawe
Coloureth in an other weie
Spekende; and thus betwen the tweie;
To trete upon this juggement;
Made ech of hem his Argument。
Wherof the tales forto hiere;
Ther mai a man the Scole liere  1630
Of Rethoriqes eloquences;
Which is the secounde of sciences
Touchende to Philosophie;
Wherof a man schal justifie
Hise wordes in disputeisoun;
And knette upon conclusioun
His Argument in such a forme;
Which mai the pleine trouthe enforme
And the soubtil cautele abate;
Which every trewman schal
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