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confessio amantis-第121部分

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And whanne thilke almyhty hond
Withdrouh the water fro the lond;
And al the rage was aweie;
And Erthe was the mannes weie;  550
The Sones thre; of whiche I tolde;
Riht after that hemselve wolde;
This world departe thei begonne。
Asie; which lay to the Sonne
Upon the Marche of orient;
Was graunted be comun assent
To Sem; which was the Sone eldeste;
For that partie was the beste
And double as moche as othre tuo。
And was that time bounded so;   560
Wher as the flod which men Nil calleth
Departeth fro his cours and falleth
Into the See Alexandrine;
Ther takth Asie ferst seisine
Toward the West; and over this
Of Canahim wher the flod is
Into the grete See rennende;
Fro that into the worldes ende
Estward; Asie it is algates;
Til that men come unto the gates   570
Of Paradis; and there ho。
And schortly for to speke it so;
Of Orient in general
Withinne his bounde Asie hath al。
And thanne upon that other syde
Westward; as it fell thilke tyde;
The brother which was hote Cham
Upon his part Aufrique nam。
Japhet Europe tho tok he;
Thus parten thei the world on thre。   580
Bot yit ther ben of londes fele
In occident as for the chele;
In orient as for the hete;
Which of the poeple be forlete
As lond desert that is unable;
For it mai noght ben habitable。
The water eke hath sondri bounde;
After the lond wher it is founde;
And takth his name of thilke londes
Wher that it renneth on the strondes:    590
Bot thilke See which hath no wane
Is cleped the gret Occeane;
Out of the which arise and come
The hyhe flodes alle and some;
Is non so litel welle spring;
Which ther ne takth his beginnyng;
And lich a man that haleth breth
Be weie of kinde; so it geth
Out of the See and in ayein;
The water; as the bokes sein。   600
Of Elementz the propretes
Hou that they stonden be degres;
As I have told; nou myht thou hiere;
Mi goode Sone; al the matiere
Of Erthe; of water; Air and fyr。
And for thou saist that thi desir
Is forto witen overmore
The forme of Aristotles lore;
He seith in his entendement;
That yit ther is an Element  610
Above the foure; and is the fifte;
Set of the hihe goddes yifte;
The which that Orbis cleped is。
And therupon he telleth this;
That as the schelle hol and sound
Encloseth al aboute round
What thing withinne an Ey belongeth;
Riht so this Orbis underfongeth
These elementz alle everychon;
Which I have spoke of on and on。   620
Bot overthis nou tak good hiede;
Mi Sone; for I wol procede
To speke upon Mathematique;
Which grounded is on Theorique。
The science of Astronomie
I thinke forto specefie;
Withoute which; to telle plein;
Alle othre science is in vein
Toward the scole of erthli thinges:
For as an Egle with his winges  630
Fleth above alle that men finde;
So doth this science in his kinde。
Benethe upon this Erthe hiere
Of alle thinges the matiere;
As tellen ous thei that ben lerned;
Of thing above it stant governed;
That is to sein of the Planetes。
The cheles bothe and ek the hetes;
The chances of the world also;
That we fortune clepen so;   640
Among the mennes nacion
Al is thurgh constellacion;
Wherof that som man hath the wele;
And som man hath deseses fele
In love als wel as othre thinges;
The stat of realmes and of kinges
In time of pes; in time of werre
It is conceived of the Sterre:
And thus seith the naturien
Which is an Astronomien。  650
Bot the divin seith otherwise;
That if men weren goode and wise
And plesant unto the godhede;
Thei scholden noght the sterres drede;
For o man; if him wel befalle;
Is more worth than ben thei alle
Towardes him that weldeth al。
Bot yit the lawe original;
Which he hath set in the natures;
Mot worchen in the creatures;   660
That therof mai be non obstacle;
Bot if it stonde upon miracle
Thurgh preiere of som holy man。
And forthi; so as I began
To speke upon Astronomie;
As it is write in the clergie;
To telle hou the planetes fare;
Som part I thenke to declare;
Mi Sone; unto thin Audience。
Astronomie is the science    670
Of wisdom and of hih connynge;
Which makth a man have knowlechinge
Of Sterres in the firmament;
Figure; cercle and moevement
Of ech of hem in sondri place;
And what betwen hem is of space;
Hou so thei moeve or stonde faste;
Al this it telleth to the laste。
Assembled with Astronomie
Is ek that ilke Astrologie   680
The which in juggementz acompteth
Theffect; what every sterre amonteth;
And hou thei causen many a wonder
To tho climatz that stonde hem under。
And forto telle it more plein;
These olde philosphres sein
That Orbis; which I spak of err;
Is that which we fro therthe a ferr
Beholde; and firmament it calle;
In which the sterres stonden alle;    690
Among the whiche in special
Planetes sefne principal
Ther ben; that mannes sihte demeth;
Bot thorizonte; as to ous semeth。
And also ther ben signes tuelve;
Whiche have her cercles be hemselve
Compassed in the zodiaque;
In which thei have here places take。
And as thei stonden in degre;
Here cercles more or lasse be;  700
Mad after the proporcion
Of therthe; whos condicion
Is set to be the foundement
To sustiene up the firmament。
And be this skile a man mai knowe;
The more that thei stonden lowe;
The more ben the cercles lasse;
That causeth why that some passe
Here due cours tofore an other。
Bot nou; mi lieve dere brother;    710
As thou desirest forto wite
What I finde in the bokes write;
To telle of the planetes sevene;
Hou that thei stonde upon the hevene
And in what point that thei ben inne;
Tak hiede; for I wol beginne;
So as the Philosophre tauhte
To Alisandre and it betauhte;
Wherof that he was fulli tawht
Of wisdom; which was him betawht。  720
Benethe alle othre stant the Mone;
The which hath with the See to done:
Of flodes hihe and ebbes lowe
Upon his change it schal be knowe;
And every fissh which hath a schelle
Mot in his governance duelle;
To wexe and wane in his degre;
As be the Mone a man mai se;
And al that stant upon the grounde
Of his moisture it mot be founde。  730
Alle othre sterres; as men finde;
Be schynende of here oghne kinde
Outake only the monelyht;
Which is noght of himselve bright;
Bot as he takth it of the Sonne。
And yit he hath noght al fulwonne
His lyht; that he nys somdiel derk;
Bot what the lette is of that werk
In Almageste it telleth this:
The Mones cercle so lowe is;    740
Wherof the Sonne out of his stage
Ne seth him noght with full visage;
For he is with the ground beschaded;
So that the Mone is somdiel faded
And may noght fully schyne cler。
Bot what man under his pouer
Is bore; he schal his places change
And seche manye londes strange:
And as of this condicion
The Mones disposicion  750
Upon the lond of Alemaigne
Is set; and ek upon Bretaigne;
Which nou is cleped Engelond;
For thei travaile in every lond。
Of the Planetes the secounde
Above the Mone hath take his bounde;
Mercurie; and his nature is this;
That under him who that bore is;
In boke he schal be studious
And in wrytinge curious;   760
And slouh and lustles to travaile
In thing which elles myhte availe:
He loveth ese; he loveth reste;
So is he noght the worthieste;
Bot yit with somdiel besinesse
His herte is set upon rich
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