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confessio amantis-第118部分

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Whan he for lust his god refuseth;
And tok him to the dieules craft。
Lo; what profit him is belaft:
That thing thurgh which he wende have stonde;
Ferst him exilede out of londe
Which was his oghne; and from a king
Made him to ben an underling;   2350
And siththen to deceive a queene;
That torneth him to mochel teene;
Thurgh lust of love he gat him hate;
That ende couthe he noght abate。
His olde sleyhtes whiche he caste;
Yonge Alisaundre hem overcaste;
His fader; which him misbegat;
He slouh; a gret mishap was that;
Bot for o mis an other mys
Was yolde; and so fulofte it is;   2360
Nectanabus his craft miswente;
So it misfell him er he wente。
I not what helpeth that clergie
Which makth a man to do folie;
And nameliche of nigromance;
Which stant upon the mescreance。
And forto se more evidence;
Zorastes; which thexperience
Of Art magique ferst forth drouh;
Anon as he was bore; he louh;   2370
Which tokne was of wo suinge:
For of his oghne controvinge
He fond magique and tauhte it forth;
Bot al that was him litel worth;
For of Surrie a worthi king
Him slou; and that was his endyng。
Bot yit thurgh him this craft is used;
And he thurgh al the world accused;
For it schal nevere wel achieve
That stant noght riht with the believe:  2380
Bot lich to wolle is evele sponne;
Who lest himself hath litel wonne;
An ende proveth every thing。
Sal; which was of Juys king;
Up peine of deth forbad this art;
And yit he tok therof his part。
The Phitonesse in Samarie
Yaf him conseil be Sorcerie;
Which after fell to mochel sorwe;
For he was slain upon the morwe。   2390
To conne moche thing it helpeth;
Bot of to mochel noman yelpeth:
So forto loke on every side;
Magique mai noght wel betyde。
Forthi; my Sone; I wolde rede
That thou of these ensamples drede;
That for no lust of erthli love
Thou seche so to come above;
Wherof as in the worldes wonder
Thou schalt for evere be put under。   2400
Mi goode fader; grant mercy;
For evere I schal be war therby:
Of love what me so befalle;
Such Sorcerie aboven alle
Fro this dai forth I schal eschuie;
That so ne wol I noght poursuie
Mi lust of love forto seche。
Bot this I wolde you beseche;
Beside that me stant of love;
As I you herde speke above   2410
Hou Alisandre was betawht
To Aristotle; and so wel tawht
Of al that to a king belongeth;
Wherof min herte sore longeth
To wite what it wolde mene。
For be reson I wolde wene
That if I herde of thinges strange;
Yit for a time it scholde change
Mi peine; and lisse me somdiel。
Mi goode Sone; thou seist wel。  2420
For wisdom; hou that evere it stonde;
To him that can it understonde
Doth gret profit in sondri wise;
Bot touchende of so hih aprise;
Which is noght unto Venus knowe;
I mai it noght miselve knowe;
Which of hir court am al forthdrawe
And can nothing bot of hir lawe。
Bot natheles to knowe more
Als wel as thou me longeth sore;   2430
And for it helpeth to comune;
Al ben thei noght to me comune;
The scoles of Philosophie;
Yit thenke I forto specefie;
In boke as it is comprehended;
Wherof thou mihtest ben amended。
For thogh I be noght al cunnynge
Upon the forme of this wrytynge;
Som part therof yit have I herd;
In this matiere hou it hath ferd。  2440

Explicit Liber Sextus

Incipit Liber Septimus。

Omnibus in causis sapiens doctrina salutem
     Consequitur; nec habet quis nisi doctus opem。
Naturam superat doctrina; viro quod et ortus
     Ingenii docilis non dedit; ipsa dabit。
Non ita discretus hominum per climata regnat;
     Quin magis ut sapiat; indiget ipse schole。

I Genius the prest of love;
Mi Sone; as thou hast preid above
That I the Scole schal declare
Of Aristotle and ek the fare
Of Alisandre; hou he was tauht;
I am somdel therof destrauht;
For it is noght to the matiere
Of love; why we sitten hiere
To schryve; so as Venus bad。
Bot natheles; for it is glad;   10
So as thou seist; for thin aprise
To hiere of suche thinges wise;
Wherof thou myht the time lisse;
So as I can; I schal the wisse:
For wisdom is at every throwe
Above alle other thing to knowe
In loves cause and elleswhere。
Forthi; my Sone; unto thin Ere;
Though it be noght in the registre
Of Venus; yit of that Calistre  20
And Aristotle whylom write
To Alisandre; thou schalt wite。
Bot for the lores ben diverse;
I thenke ferst to the reherce
The nature of Philosophie;
Which Aristotle of his clergie;
Wys and expert in the sciences;
Declareth thilke intelligences;
As of thre pointz in principal。
Wherof the ferste in special    30
Is Theorique; which is grounded
On him which al the world hath founded;
Which comprehendeth al the lore。
And forto loken overmore;
Next of sciences the seconde
Is Rethorique; whos faconde
Above alle othre is eloquent:
To telle a tale in juggement
So wel can noman speke as he。
The laste science of the thre   40
It is Practique; whos office
The vertu tryeth fro the vice;
And techeth upon goode thewes
To fle the compaignie of schrewes;
Which stant in disposicion
Of mannes free eleccion。
Practique enformeth ek the reule;
Hou that a worthi king schal reule
His Realme bothe in werre and pes。
Lo; thus danz Aristotiles    50
These thre sciences hath divided
And the nature also decided;
Wherof that ech of hem schal serve。
The ferste; which is the conserve
And kepere of the remnant;
As that which is most sufficant
And chief of the Philosophie;
If I therof schal specefie
So as the Philosophre tolde;
Nou herkne; and kep that thou it holde。   60
Of Theorique principal
The Philosophre in special
The propretees hath determined;
As thilke which is enlumined
Of wisdom and of hih prudence
Above alle othre in his science:
And stant departed upon thre;
The ferste of which in his degre
Is cleped in Philosophie
The science of Theologie;    70
That other named is Phisique;
The thridde is seid Mathematique。
Theologie is that science
Which unto man yifth evidence
Of thing which is noght bodely;
Wherof men knowe redely
The hihe almyhti Trinite;
Which is o god in unite
Withouten ende and beginnynge
And creatour of alle thinge;    80
Of hevene; of erthe and ek of helle。
Wherof; as olde bokes telle;
The Philosophre in his resoun
Wrot upon this conclusioun;
And of his wrytinge in a clause
He clepeth god the ferste cause;
Which of himself is thilke good;
Withoute whom nothing is good;
Of which that every creature
Hath his beinge and his nature。    90
After the beinge of the thinges
Ther ben thre formes of beinges:
Thing which began and ende schal;
That thing is cleped temporal;
Ther is also be other weie
Thing which began and schal noght deie。
As Soules; that ben spiritiel;
Here beinge is perpetuel:
Bot ther is on above the Sonne;
Whos time nevere was begonne;   100
And endeles schal evere be;
That is the god; whos mageste
Alle othre thinges schal governe;
And his beinge is sempiterne。
The god; to whom that al honour
Belongeth; he is creatour;
And othre ben hise creatures:
The god commandeth the natures
That thei to him obeien alle;
Withouten him; what so befalle;    110
Her myht is non; and he mai al:
The god was evere and evere schal;
And thei begonne of his assent;
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