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confessio amantis-第117部分

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And othre charmes; whiche he wroghte
At hom withinne his chambre stille;
The king he torneth at his wille;
And makth him forto dreme and se
The dragoun and the privete  2140
Which was betuen him and the queene。
And over that he made him wene
In swevene; hou that the god Amos;
Whan he up fro the queene aros;
Tok forth a ring; wherinne a ston
Was set; and grave therupon
A Sonne; in which; whan he cam nyh;
A leoun with a swerd he sih;
And with that priente; as he tho mette;
Upon the queenes wombe he sette    2150
A Seal; and goth him forth his weie。
With that the swevene wente aweie;
And tho began the king awake
And sigheth for his wyves sake;
Wher as he lay withinne his tente;
And hath gret wonder what it mente。
With that he hasteth him to ryse
Anon; and sende after the wise;
Among the whiche ther was on;
A clerc; his name is Amphion:   2160
Whan he the kinges swevene herde;
What it betokneth he ansuerde;
And seith; 〃So siker as the lif;
A god hath leie be thi wif;
And gete a Sone; which schal winne
The world and al that is withinne。
As leon is the king of bestes;
So schal the world obeie his hestes;
Which with his swerd schal al be wonne;
Als ferr as schyneth eny Sonne。〃   2170
The king was doubtif of this dom;
Bot natheles; whan that he com
Ayein into his oghne lond;
His wif with childe gret he fond。
He mihte noght himselve stiere;
That he ne made hire hevy chiere;
Bot he which couthe of alle sorwe;
Nectanabus; upon the morwe
Thurgh the deceipte and nigromance
Tok of a dragoun the semblance;    2180
And wher the king sat in his halle;
Com in rampende among hem alle
With such a noise and such a rore;
That thei agast were also sore
As thogh thei scholde deie anon。
And natheles he grieveth non;
Bot goth toward the deyss on hih;
And whan he cam the queene nyh;
He stinte his noise; and in his wise
To hire he profreth his servise;   2190
And leith his hed upon hire barm;
And sche with goodly chiere hire arm
Aboute his necke ayeinward leide;
And thus the queene with him pleide
In sihte of alle men aboute。
And ate laste he gan to loute
And obeissance unto hire make;
As he that wolde his leve take;
And sodeinly his lothly forme
Into an Egle he gan transforme;    2200
And flyh and sette him on a raile;
Wherof the king hath gret mervaile;
For there he pruneth him and piketh;
As doth an hauk whan him wel liketh;
And after that himself he schok;
Wherof that al the halle quok;
As it a terremote were;
Thei seiden alle; god was there:
In such a res and forth he flyh。
The king; which al this wonder syh;   2210
Whan he cam to his chambre alone;
Unto the queene he made his mone
And of foryivenesse hir preide;
For thanne he knew wel; as he seide;
Sche was with childe with a godd。
Thus was the king withoute rodd
Chastised; and the queene excused
Of that sche hadde ben accused。
And for the gretere evidence;
Yit after that in the presence  2220
Of king Philipp and othre mo;
Whan thei ride in the fieldes tho;
A Phesant cam before here yhe;
The which anon as thei hire syhe;
Fleende let an ey doun falle;
And it tobrak tofore hem alle:
And as thei token therof kepe;
Thei syhe out of the schelle crepe
A litel Serpent on the ground;
Which rampeth al aboute round;  2230
And in ayein it wolde have wonne;
Bot for the brennynge of the Sonne
It mihte noght; and so it deide。
And therupon the clerkes seide;
〃As the Serpent; whan it was oute;
Went enviroun the schelle aboute
And mihte noght torne in ayein;
So schal it fallen in certein:
This child the world schal environe;
And above alle the corone    2240
Him schal befalle; and in yong Age
He schal desire in his corage;
Whan al the world is in his hond;
To torn ayein into the lond
Wher he was bore; and in his weie
Homward he schal with puison deie。〃
The king; which al this sih and herde;
Fro that dai forth; hou so it ferde;
His jalousie hath al foryete。
Bot he which hath the child begete;   2250
Nectanabus; in privete
The time of his nativite
Upon the constellacioun
Awaiteth; and relacion
Makth to the queene hou sche schal do;
And every houre apointeth so;
That no mynut therof was lore。
So that in due time is bore
This child; and forth with therupon
Ther felle wondres many on   2260
Of terremote universiel:
The Sonne tok colour of stiel
And loste his lyht; the wyndes blewe;
And manye strengthes overthrewe;
The See his propre kinde changeth;
And al the world his forme strangeth;
The thonder with his fyri levene
So cruel was upon the hevene;
That every erthli creature
Tho thoghte his lif in aventure。   2270
The tempeste ate laste cesseth;
The child is kept; his age encresseth;
And Alisandre his name is hote;
To whom Calistre and Aristote

To techen him Philosophie
Entenden; and Astronomie;
With othre thinges whiche he couthe
Also; to teche him in his youthe
Nectanabus tok upon honde。
Bot every man mai understonde;  2280
Of Sorcerie hou that it wende;
It wole himselve prove at ende;
And namely forto beguile
A lady; which withoute guile
Supposeth trouthe al that sche hiereth:
Bot often he that evele stiereth
His Schip is dreynt therinne amidde;
And in this cas riht so betidde。
Nectanabus upon a nyht;
Whan it was fair and sterre lyht;  2290
This yonge lord ladde up on hih
Above a tour; wher as he sih
Thee sterres such as he acompteth;
And seith what ech of hem amonteth;
As thogh he knewe of alle thing;
Bot yit hath he no knowleching
What schal unto himself befalle。
Whan he hath told his wordes alle;
This yonge lord thanne him opposeth;
And axeth if that he supposeth  2300
What deth he schal himselve deie。
He seith; 〃Or fortune is aweie
And every sterre hath lost his wone;
Or elles of myn oghne Sone
I schal be slain; I mai noght fle。〃
Thoghte Alisandre in privete;
〃Hierof this olde dotard lieth〃:
And er that other oght aspieth;
Al sodeinliche his olde bones
He schof over the wal at ones;  2310
And seith him; 〃Ly doun there apart:
Wherof nou serveth al thin art?
Thou knewe alle othre mennes chance
And of thiself hast ignorance:
That thou hast seid amonges alle
Of thi persone; is noght befalle。〃
Nectanabus; which hath his deth;
Yit while him lasteth lif and breth;
To Alisandre he spak and seide
That he with wrong blame on him leide    2320
Fro point to point and al the cas
He tolde; hou he his Sone was。
Tho he; which sory was ynowh;
Out of the dich his fader drouh;
And tolde his moder hou it ferde
In conseil; and whan sche it herde
And kneu the toknes whiche he tolde;
Sche nyste what sche seie scholde;
Bot stod abayssht as for the while
Of his magique and al the guile。   2330
Sche thoghte hou that sche was deceived;
That sche hath of a man conceived;
And wende a god it hadde be。
Bot natheles in such degre;
So as sche mihte hire honour save;
Sche schop the body was begrave。
And thus Nectanabus aboghte
The Sorcerie which he wroghte:
Thogh he upon the creatures
Thurgh his carectes and figures    2340
The maistrie and the pouer hadde;
His creatour to noght him ladde;
Ayein whos lawe his craft he useth;
Whan he for lust his god refuseth;
And tok him to the dieules craft。
Lo; what profit him is belaft:
That thing thurgh w
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