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confessio amantis-第116部分

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This nyht for enformacion
Ye schul have an avision:
That Amos schal to you appiere;
To schewe and teche in what manere    1930
The thing schal afterward befalle。
Ye oghten wel above alle
To make joie of such a lord;
For whan ye ben of on acord;
He schal a Sone of you begete;
Which with his swerd schal winne and gete
The wyde world in lengthe and brede;
Alle erthli kinges schull him drede;
And in such wise; I you behote;
The god of erthe he schal be hote。〃   1940
〃If this be soth;〃 tho quod the queene;
〃This nyht; thou seist; it schal be sene。
And if it falle into mi grace;
Of god Amos; that I pourchace
To take of him so gret worschipe;
I wol do thee such ladischipe;
Wherof thou schalt for everemo
Be riche。〃 And he hir thonketh tho;
And tok his leve and forth he wente。
Sche wiste litel what he mente;    1950
For it was guile and Sorcerie;
Al that sche tok for Prophecie。
Nectanabus thurghout the day;
Whan he cam hom wher as he lay;
His chambre be himselve tok;
And overtorneth many a bok;
And thurgh the craft of Artemage
Of wex he forgeth an ymage。
He loketh his equacions
And ek the constellacions;   1960
He loketh the conjunccions;
He loketh the recepcions;
His signe; his houre; his ascendent;
And drawth fortune of his assent:
The name of queene Olimpias
In thilke ymage write was
Amiddes in the front above。
And thus to winne his lust of love
Nectanabus this werk hath diht;
And whan it cam withinne nyht;  1970
That every wyht is falle aslepe;
He thoghte he wolde his time kepe;
As he which hath his houre apointed。
And thanne ferst he hath enoignted
With sondri herbes that figure;
And therupon he gan conjure;
So that thurgh his enchantement
This ladi; which was innocent
And wiste nothing of this guile;
Mette; as sche slepte thilke while;   1980
Hou fro the hevene cam a lyht;
Which al hir chambre made lyht;
And as sche loketh to and fro;
Sche sih; hir thoghte; a dragoun tho;
Whos scherdes schynen as the Sonne;
And hath his softe pas begonne
With al the chiere that he may
Toward the bedd ther as sche lay;
Til he cam to the beddes side。
And sche lai stille and nothing cride;   1990
For he dede alle his thinges faire
And was courteis and debonaire:
And as he stod hire fasteby;
His forme he changeth sodeinly;
And the figure of man he nom;
To hire and into bedde he com;
And such thing there of love he wroghte;
Wherof; so as hire thanne thoghte;
Thurgh likinge of this god Amos
With childe anon hire wombe aros;  2000
And sche was wonder glad withal。
Nectanabus; which causeth al
Of this metrede the substance;
Whan he sih time; his nigromance
He stinte and nothing more seide
Of his carecte; and sche abreide
Out of hir slep; and lieveth wel
That it is soth thanne everydel
Of that this clerk hire hadde told;
And was the gladdere manyfold   2010
In hope of such a glad metrede;
Which after schal befalle in dede。
Sche longeth sore after the dai;
That sche hir swevene telle mai
To this guilour in privete;
Which kneu it als so wel as sche:
And natheles on morwe sone
Sche lefte alle other thing to done;
And for him sende; and al the cas
Sche tolde him pleinly as it was;  2020
And seide hou thanne wel sche wiste
That sche his wordes mihte triste;
For sche fond hire Avisioun
Riht after the condicion
Which he hire hadde told tofore;
And preide him hertely therfore
That he hire holde covenant
So forth of al the remenant;
That sche may thurgh his ordinance
Toward the god do such plesance;           2030
That sche wakende myhte him kepe
In such wise as sche mette aslepe。
And he; that couthe of guile ynouh;
Whan he this herde; of joie he louh;
And seith; 〃Ma dame; it schal be do。
Bot this I warne you therto:
This nyht; whan that he comth to pleie;
That ther be no lif in the weie
Bot I; that schal at his likinge
Ordeine so for his cominge;  2040
That ye ne schull noght of him faile。
For this; ma dame; I you consaile;
That ye it kepe so prive;
That no wiht elles bot we thre
Have knowlechinge hou that it is;
For elles mihte it fare amis;
If ye dede oght that scholde him grieve。〃
And thus he makth hire to believe;
And feigneth under guile feith:
Bot natheles al that he seith   2050
Sche troweth; and ayein the nyht
Sche hath withinne hire chambre dyht;
Wher as this guilour faste by
Upon this god schal prively
Awaite; as he makth hire to wene:
And thus this noble gentil queene;
Whan sche most trusteth; was deceived。
The nyht com; and the chambre is weyved;
Nectanabus hath take his place;
And whan he sih the time and space;   2060
Thurgh the deceipte of his magique
He putte him out of mannes like;
And of a dragoun tok the forme;
As he which wolde him al conforme
To that sche sih in swevene er this;
And thus to chambre come he is。
The queene lay abedde and sih;
And hopeth evere; as he com nyh;
That he god of Lubye were;
So hath sche wel the lasse fere。   2070
Bot for he wolde hire more assure;
Yit eft he changeth his figure;
And of a wether the liknesse
He tok; in signe of his noblesse
With large hornes for the nones:
Of fin gold and of riche stones
A corone on his hed he bar;
And soudeinly; er sche was war;
As he which alle guile can;
His forme he torneth into man;  2080
And cam to bedde; and sche lai stille;
Wher as sche soffreth al his wille;
As sche which wende noght misdo。
Bot natheles it hapneth so;
Althogh sche were in part deceived;
Yit for al that sche hath conceived
The worthieste of alle kiththe;
Which evere was tofore or siththe
Of conqueste and chivalerie;
So that thurgh guile and Sorcerie  2090
Ther was that noble knyht begunne;
Which al the world hath after wunne。
Thus fell the thing which falle scholde;
Nectanabus hath that he wolde;
With guile he hath his love sped;
With guile he cam into the bed;
With guile he goth him out ayein:
He was a schrewed chamberlein;
So to beguile a worthi queene;
And that on him was after seene。   2100
Bot natheles the thing is do;
This false god was sone go;
With his deceipte and hield him clos;
Til morwe cam; that he aros。
And tho; whan time and leisir was;
The queene tolde him al the cas;
As sche that guile non supposeth;
And of tuo pointz sche him opposeth。
On was; if that this god nomore
Wol come ayein; and overmore;   2110
Hou sche schal stonden in acord
With king Philippe hire oghne lord;
Whan he comth hom and seth hire grone。
〃Ma dame;〃 he seith; 〃let me alone:
As for the god I undertake
That whan it liketh you to take
His compaignie at eny throwe;
If I a day tofore it knowe;
He schal be with you on the nyht;
And he is wel of such a myht    2120
To kepe you from alle blame。
Forthi conforte you; ma dame;
Ther schal non other cause be。〃
Thus tok he leve and forth goth he;
And tho began he forto muse
Hou he the queene mihte excuse
Toward the king of that is falle;
And fond a craft amonges alle;
Thurgh which he hath a See foul daunted;
With his magique and so enchaunted;   2130
That he flyh forth; whan it was nyht;
Unto the kinges tente riht;
Wher that he lay amidde his host:
And whanne he was aslepe most;
With that the See foul to him broghte
And othre charmes; whiche he wroghte
At hom withinne his chambre still
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