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confessio amantis-第114部分

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That thogh non other man hem bad;      1500
Taillage upon hemself thei sette;
And as it were of pure dette
Thei yeve here goodes to the king:
This was a glad hom welcomyng。
Thus hath Uluxes what he wolde;
His wif was such as sche be scholde;
His poeple was to him sougit;
Him lacketh nothing of delit。
Bot fortune is of such a sleyhte;
That whan a man is most on heyhte;    1510
Sche makth him rathest forto falle:
Ther wot noman what schal befalle;
The happes over mannes hed
Ben honged with a tendre thred。
That proved was on Uluxes;
For whan he was most in his pes;
Fortune gan to make him werre
And sette his welthe al out of herre。
Upon a dai as he was merie;
As thogh ther mihte him nothing derie;   1520
Whan nyht was come; he goth to bedde;
With slep and bothe his yhen fedde。
And while he slepte; he mette a swevene:
Him thoghte he syh a stature evene;
Which brihtere than the sonne schon;
A man it semeth was it non;
Bot yit it was as in figure
Most lich to mannyssh creature;
Bot as of beaute hevenelich
It was most to an Angel lich:   1530
And thus betwen angel and man
Beholden it this king began;
And such a lust tok of the sihte;
That fain he wolde; if that he mihte;
The forme of that figure embrace;
And goth him forth toward the place;
Wher he sih that ymage tho;
And takth it in his Armes tuo;
And it embraceth him ayein
And to the king thus gan it sein:  1540
〃Uluxes; understond wel this;
The tokne of oure aqueintance is
Hierafterward to mochel tene:
The love that is ous betuene;
Of that we nou such joie make;
That on of ous the deth schal take;
Whan time comth of destine;
It may non other wise be。〃
Uluxes tho began to preie
That this figure wolde him seie    1550
What wyht he is that seith him so。
This wyht upon a spere tho
A pensel which was wel begon;
Embrouded; scheweth him anon:
Thre fisshes alle of o colour
In manere as it were a tour
Upon the pensel were wroght。
Uluxes kneu this tokne noght;
And preith to wite in som partie
What thing it myhte signefie;   1560
〃A signe it is;〃 the wyht ansuerde;
〃Of an Empire:〃 and forth he ferde
Al sodeinly; whan he that seide。
Uluxes out of slep abreide;
And that was riht ayein the day;
That lengere slepen he ne may。
Men sein; a man hath knowleching
Save of himself of alle thing;
His oghne chance noman knoweth;
Bot as fortune it on him throweth:    1570
Was nevere yit so wys a clerk;
Which mihte knowe al goddes werk;
Ne the secret which god hath set
Ayein a man mai noght be let。
Uluxes; thogh that he be wys;
With al his wit in his avis;
The mor that he his swevene acompteth;
The lasse he wot what it amonteth:
For al his calculacion;
He seth no demonstracion  1580
Al pleinly forto knowe an ende;
Bot natheles hou so it wende;
He dradde him of his oghne Sone。
That makth him wel the more astone;
And schop therfore anon withal;
So that withinne castel wall
Thelamachum his Sone he schette;
And upon him strong warde he sette。
The sothe furthere he ne knew;
Til that fortune him overthreu;    1590
Bot natheles for sikernesse;
Wher that he mihte wite and gesse
A place strengest in his lond;
Ther let he make of lym and sond
A strengthe where he wolde duelle;
Was nevere man yit herde telle
Of such an other as it was。
And forto strengthe him in that cas;
Of al his lond the sekereste
Of servantz and the worthieste;    1600
To kepen him withinne warde;
He sette his bodi forto warde;
And made such an ordinance;
For love ne for aqueintance;
That were it erly; were it late;
Thei scholde lete in ate gate
No maner man; what so betydde;
Bot if so were himself it bidde。
Bot al that myhte him noght availe;
For whom fortune wole assaile;  1610
Ther mai be non such resistence;
Which mihte make a man defence;
Al that schal be mot falle algate。
This Circes; which I spak of late;
On whom Uluxes hath begete
A child; thogh he it have foryete;
Whan time com; as it was wone;
Sche was delivered of a Sone;
Which cleped is Thelogonus。
This child; whan he was bore thus;    1620
Aboute his moder to ful age;
That he can reson and langage;
In good astat was drawe forth:
And whan he was so mochel worth
To stonden in a mannes stede;
Circes his moder hath him bede
That he schal to his fader go;
And tolde him al togedre tho
What man he was that him begat。
And whan Thelogonus of that  1630
Was war and hath ful knowleching
Hou that his fader was a king;
He preith his moder faire this;
To go wher that his fader is;
And sche him granteth that he schal;
And made him redi forth withal。
It was that time such usance;
That every man the conoiscance
Of his contre bar in his hond;
Whan he wente into strange lond;   1640
And thus was every man therfore
Wel knowe; wher that he was bore:
For espiaile and mistrowinges
They dede thanne suche thinges;
That every man mai other knowe。
So it befell that ilke throwe
Thelogonus as in this cas;
Of his contre the signe was
Thre fisshes; whiche he scholde bere
Upon the penon of a spere:       1650
And whan that he was thus arraied
And hath his harneis al assaied;
That he was redy everydel;
His moder bad him farewel;
And seide him that he scholde swithe
His fader griete a thousand sithe。
Thelogonus his moder kiste
And tok his leve; and wher he wiste
His fader was; the weie nam;
Til he unto Nachaie cam;  1660
Which of that lond the chief Cite
Was cleped; and ther axeth he
Wher was the king and hou he ferde。
And whan that he the sothe herde;
Wher that the king Uluxes was;
Al one upon his hors gret pas
He rod him forth; and in his hond
He bar the signal of his lond
With fisshes thre; as I have told;
And thus he wente unto that hold;  1670
Wher that his oghne fader duelleth。
The cause why he comth he telleth
Unto the kepers of the gate;
And wolde have comen in therate;
Bot schortli thei him seide nay:
And he als faire as evere he may
Besoghte and tolde hem ofte this;
Hou that the king his fader is;
Bot they with proude wordes grete
Begunne to manace and threte;   1680
Bot he go fro the gate faste;
Thei wolde him take and sette faste。
Fro wordes unto strokes thus
Thei felle; and so Thelogonus
Was sore hurt and welnyh ded;
Bot with his scharpe speres hed
He makth defence; hou so it falle;
And wan the gate upon hem alle;
And hath slain of the beste fyve;
And thei ascriden als so blyve  1690
Thurghout the castell al aboute。
On every syde men come oute;
Wherof the kinges herte afflihte;
And he with al the haste he mihte
A spere cauhte and out he goth;
As he that was nyh wod for wroth。
He sih the gates ful of blod;
Thelogonus and wher he stod
He sih also; bot he ne knew
What man it was; and to him threw  1700
His Spere; and he sterte out asyde。
Bot destine; which schal betide;
Befell that ilke time so;
Thelogonus knew nothing tho
What man it was that to him caste;
And while his oghne spere laste;
With al the signe therupon
He caste unto the king anon;
And smot him with a dedly wounde。
Uluxes fell anon to grounde;    1710
Tho every man; 〃The king! the king!〃
Began to crie; and of this thing
Thelogonus; which sih the cas;
On knes he fell and seide; 〃Helas!
I have min oghne fader slain:
Nou wolde I deie wonde
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