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confessio amantis-第112部分

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Thus be yee parted nou atuo。〃
The riche ayeinward cride tho:
〃O Habraham; sithe it so is;
That Lazar mai noght do me this
Which I have axed in this place;
I wolde preie an other grace。
For I have yit of brethren fyve;
That with mi fader ben alyve
Togedre duellende in on hous;
To whom; as thou art gracious;  1080
I preie that thou woldest sende
Lazar; so that he mihte wende
To warne hem hou the world is went;
That afterward thei be noght schent
Of suche peines as I drye。
Lo; this I preie and this I crie;
Now I may noght miself amende。〃
The Patriarch anon suiende
To his preiere ansuerde nay;
And seide him hou that everyday    1090
His brethren mihten knowe and hiere
Of Moi5ses on Erthe hiere
And of prophetes othre mo;
What hem was best。 And he seith no;
Bot if ther mihte a man aryse
Fro deth to lyve in such a wise;
To tellen hem hou that it were;
He seide hou thanne of pure fere
Thei scholden wel be war therby。
Quod Habraham: 〃Nay sikerly;    1100
For if thei nou wol noght obeie
To suche as techen hem the weie;
And alday preche and alday telle
Hou that it stant of hevene and helle;
Thei wol noght thanne taken hiede;
Thogh it befelle so in dede
That eny ded man were arered;
To ben of him no betre lered
Than of an other man alyve。〃
If thou; mi Sone; canst descryve   1110
This tale; as Crist himself it tolde;
Thou schalt have cause to beholde;
To se so gret an evidence;
Wherof the sothe experience
Hath schewed openliche at ije;
That bodili delicacie
Of him which yeveth non almesse
Schal after falle in gret destresse。
And that was sene upon the riche:
For he ne wolde unto his liche  1120
A Crumme yiven of his bred;
Thanne afterward; whan he was ded;
A drope of water him was werned。
Thus mai a mannes wit be lerned
Of hem that so delices taken;
Whan thei with deth ben overtaken;
That erst was swete is thanne sour。
Bot he that is a governour
Of worldes good; if he be wys;
Withinne his herte he set no pris  1130
Of al the world; and yit he useth
The good; that he nothing refuseth;
As he which lord is of the thinges。
The Nouches and the riche ringes;
The cloth of gold and the Perrie
He takth; and yit delicacie
He leveth; thogh he were al this。
The beste mete that ther is
He ett; and drinkth the beste drinke;
Bot hou that evere he ete or drinke;  1140
Delicacie he put aweie;
As he which goth the rihte weie
Noght only forto fiede and clothe
His bodi; bot his soule bothe。
Bot thei that taken otherwise
Here lustes; ben none of the wise;
And that whilom was schewed eke;
If thou these olde bokes seke;
Als wel be reson as be kinde;
Of olde ensample as men mai finde。    1150
What man that wolde him wel avise;
Delicacie is to despise;
Whan kinde acordeth noght withal;
Wherof ensample in special
Of Nero whilom mai be told;
Which ayein kinde manyfold
Hise lustes tok; til ate laste
That god him wolde al overcaste;
Of whom the Cronique is so plein;
Me list nomore of him to sein。  1160
And natheles for glotonie
Of bodili Delicacie;
To knowe his stomak hou it ferde;
Of that noman tofore herde;
Which he withinne himself bethoghte;
A wonder soubtil thing he wroghte。
Thre men upon eleccioun
Of age and of complexioun
Lich to himself be alle weie
He tok towardes him to pleie;   1170
And ete and drinke als wel as he。
Therof was no diversite;
For every day whan that thei eete;
Tofore his oghne bord thei seete;
And of such mete as he was served;
Althogh thei hadde it noght deserved;
Thei token service of the same。
Bot afterward al thilke game
Was into wofull ernest torned;
For whan thei weren thus sojorned;    1180
Withinne a time at after mete
Nero; which hadde noght foryete
The lustes of his frele astat;
As he which al was delicat;
To knowe thilke experience;
The men let come in his presence:
And to that on the same tyde;
A  courser that he scholde ryde
Into the feld; anon he bad;
Wherof this man was wonder glad;   1190
And goth to prike and prance aboute。
That other; whil that he was oute;
He leide upon his bedd to slepe:
The thridde; which he wolde kepe
Withinne his chambre; faire and softe
He goth now doun nou up fulofte;
Walkende a pass; that he ne slepte;
Til he which on the courser lepte
Was come fro the field ayein。
Nero thanne; as the bokes sein;    1200
These men doth taken alle thre
And slouh hem; for he wolde se
The whos stomak was best defied:
And whanne he hath the sothe tryed;
He fond that he which goth the pass
Defyed best of alle was;
Which afterward he usede ay。
And thus what thing unto his pay
Was most plesant; he lefte non:
With every lust he was begon;   1210
Wherof the bodi myhte glade;
For he non abstinence made;
Bot most above alle erthli thinges
Of wommen unto the likinges
Nero sette al his hole herte;
For that lust scholde him noght asterte。
Whan that the thurst of love him cawhte;
Wher that him list he tok a drauhte;
He spareth nouther wif ne maide;
That such an other; as men saide;  1220
In al this world was nevere yit。
He was so drunke in al his wit
Thurgh sondri lustes whiche he tok;
That evere; whil ther is a bok;
Of Nero men schul rede and singe
Unto the worldes knowlechinge;
Mi goode Sone; as thou hast herd。
For evere yit it hath so ferd;
Delicacie in loves cas
Withoute reson is and was;   1230
For wher that love his herte set;
Him thenkth it myhte be no bet;
And thogh it be noght fulli mete;
The lust of love is evere swete。
Lo; thus togedre of felaschipe
Delicacie and drunkeschipe;
Wherof reson stant out of herre;
Have mad full many a wisman erre
In loves cause most of alle:
For thanne hou so that evere it falle;   1240
Wit can no reson understonde;
Bot let the governance stonde
To Will; which thanne wext so wylde;
That he can noght himselve schylde
Fro no peril; bot out of feere
The weie he secheth hiere and there;
Him recheth noght upon what syde:
For oftetime he goth beside;
And doth such thing withoute drede;
Wherof him oghte wel to drede。  1250
Bot whan that love assoteth sore;
It passeth alle mennes lore;
What lust it is that he ordeigneth;
Ther is no mannes miht restreigneth;
And of the godd takth he non hiede:
Bot laweles withoute drede;
His pourpos for he wolde achieve
Ayeins the pointz of the believe;
He tempteth hevene and erthe and helle;
Hierafterward as I schall telle。   1260
Who dar do thing which love ne dar?
To love is every lawe unwar;
Bot to the lawes of his heste
The fissch; the foul; the man; the beste
Of al the worldes kinde louteth。
For love is he which nothing douteth:
In mannes herte where he sit;
He compteth noght toward his wit
The wo nomore than the wele;
No mor the hete than the chele;    1270
No mor the wete than the dreie;
No mor to live than to deie;
So that tofore ne behinde
He seth nothing; bot as the blinde
Withoute insyhte of his corage
He doth merveilles in his rage。
To what thing that he wole him drawe;
Ther is no god; ther is no lawe;
Of whom that he takth eny hiede;
Bot as Baiard the blinde stede;    1280
Til he falle in the dich amidde;
He goth ther noman wole him bidde;
He stant so ferforth out of reule;
Ther is no wit that mai him reule。
And thus to telle of him in soth;
Ful m
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