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confessio amantis-第110部分

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Unto his recreacioun;
Which wolde be to Venus lief。
Thus for the point of his relief   640
The coc which schal his mete arraie;
Bot he the betre his mouth assaie;
His lordes thonk schal ofte lese;
Er he be served to the chese:
For ther mai lacke noght so lyte;
That he ne fint anon a wyte;
For bot his lust be fully served;
Ther hath no wiht his thonk deserved。
And yit for mannes sustenance;
To kepe and holde in governance;       650
To him that wole his hele gete
Is non so good as comun mete:
For who that loketh on the bokes;
It seith; confeccion of cokes;
A man him scholde wel avise
Hou he it toke and in what wise。
For who that useth that he knoweth;
Ful selden seknesse on him groweth;
And who that useth metes strange;
Though his nature empeire and change  660
It is no wonder; lieve Sone;
Whan that he doth ayein his wone;
For in Phisique this I finde;
Usage is the seconde kinde。
And riht so changeth his astat
He that of love is delicat:
For though he hadde to his hond
The beste wif of al the lond;
Or the faireste love of alle;
Yit wolde his herte on othre falle    670
And thenke hem mor delicious
Than he hath in his oghne hous:
Men sein it is nou ofte so;
Avise hem wel; thei that so do。
And forto speke in other weie;
Fulofte time I have herd seie;
That he which hath no love achieved;
Him thenkth that he is noght relieved;
Thogh that his ladi make him chiere;
So as sche mai in good manere   680
Hir honour and hir name save;
Bot he the surplus mihte have。
Nothing withstondende hire astat;
Of love more delicat
He set hire chiere at no delit;
Bot he have al his appetit。
Mi Sone; if it be with thee so;
Tell me。 Myn holi fader; no:
For delicat in such a wise
Of love; as ye to me devise;    690
Ne was I nevere yit gultif;
For if I hadde such a wif
As ye speke of; what scholde I more?
For thanne I wolde neveremore
For lust of eny wommanhiede
Myn herte upon non other fiede:
And if I dede; it were a wast。
Bot al withoute such repast
Of lust; as ye me tolde above;
Of wif; or yit of other love;   700
I faste; and mai no fode gete;
So that for lacke of deinte mete;
Of which an herte mai be fedd;
I go fastende to my bedd。
Bot myhte I geten; as ye tolde;
So mochel that mi ladi wolde
Me fede with hir glad semblant;
Though me lacke al the remenant;
Yit scholde I somdel ben abeched
And for the time wel refreched。    710
Bot certes; fader; sche ne doth;
For in good feith; to telle soth;
I trowe; thogh I scholde sterve;
Sche wolde noght hire yhe swerve;
Min herte with o goodly lok
To fede; and thus for such a cok
I mai go fastinge everemo:
Bot if so is that eny wo
Mai fede a mannes herte wel;
Therof I have at every meel  720
Of plente more than ynowh;
Bot that is of himself so towh;
Mi stomac mai it noght defie。
Lo; such is the delicacie
Of love; which myn herte fedeth;
Thus have I lacke of that me nedeth。
Bot for al this yit natheles
I seie noght I am gylteles;
That I somdel am delicat:
For elles were I fulli mat;  730
Bot if that I som lusti stounde
Of confort and of ese founde;
To take of love som repast;
For thogh I with the fulle tast
The lust of love mai noght fiele;
Min hunger otherwise I kiele
Of smale lustes whiche I pike;
And for a time yit thei like;
If that ye wisten what I mene。
Nou; goode Sone; schrif thee clene    740
Of suche deyntes as ben goode;
Wherof thou takst thin hertes fode。
Mi fader; I you schal reherce;
Hou that mi fodes ben diverse;
So as thei fallen in degre。
O fiedinge is of that I se;
An other is of that I here;
The thridde; as I schal tellen here;
It groweth of min oghne thoght:
And elles scholde I live noght;    750
For whom that failleth fode of herte;
He mai noght wel the deth asterte。
Of sihte is al mi ferste fode;
Thurgh which myn yhe of alle goode
Hath that to him is acordant;
A lusti fode sufficant。
Whan that I go toward the place
Wher I schal se my ladi face;
Min yhe; which is loth to faste;
Beginth to hungre anon so faste;       760
That him thenkth of on houre thre;
Til I ther come and he hire se:
And thanne after his appetit
He takth a fode of such delit;
That him non other deynte nedeth。
Of sondri sihtes he him fedeth:
He seth hire face of such colour;
That freisshere is than eny flour;
He seth hire front is large and plein
Withoute fronce of eny grein;   770
He seth hire yhen lich an hevene;
He seth hire nase strauht and evene;
He seth hire rode upon the cheke;
He seth hire rede lippes eke;
Hire chyn acordeth to the face;
Al that he seth is full of grace;
He seth hire necke round and clene;
Therinne mai no bon be sene;
He seth hire handes faire and whyte;
For al this thing withoute wyte    780
He mai se naked ate leste;
So is it wel the more feste
And wel the mor Delicacie
Unto the fiedinge of myn yhe。
He seth hire schapthe forth withal;
Hire bodi round; hire middel smal;
So wel begon with good array;
Which passeth al the lust of Maii;
Whan he is most with softe schoures
Ful clothed in his lusti floures。  790
With suche sihtes by and by
Min yhe is fed; bot finaly;
Whan he the port and the manere
Seth of hire wommanysshe chere;
Than hath he such delice on honde;
Him thenkth he mihte stille stonde;
And that he hath ful sufficance
Of liflode and of sustienance
As to his part for everemo。
And if it thoghte alle othre so;   800
Fro thenne wolde he nevere wende;
Bot there unto the worldes ende
He wolde abyde; if that he mihte;
And fieden him upon the syhte。
For thogh I mihte stonden ay
Into the time of domesday
And loke upon hire evere in on;
Yit whanne I scholde fro hire gon;
Min yhe wolde; as thogh he faste;
Ben hungerstorven al so faste;  810
Til efte ayein that he hire syhe。
Such is the nature of myn yhe:
Ther is no lust so deintefull;
Of which a man schal noght be full;
Of that the stomac underfongeth;
Bot evere in on myn yhe longeth:
For loke hou that a goshauk tireth;
Riht so doth he; whan that he pireth
And toteth on hire wommanhiede;
For he mai nevere fulli fiede   820
His lust; bot evere aliche sore
Him hungreth; so that he the more
Desireth to be fed algate:
And thus myn yhe is mad the gate;
Thurgh which the deyntes of my thoght
Of lust ben to myn herte broght。
Riht as myn yhe with his lok
Is to myn herte a lusti coc
Of loves fode delicat;
Riht so myn Ere in his astat;   830
Wher as myn yhe mai noght serve;
Can wel myn hertes thonk deserve
And fieden him fro day to day
With suche deyntes as he may。
For thus it is; that overal;
Wher as I come in special;
I mai hiere of mi ladi pris;
I hiere on seith that sche is wys;
An other seith that sche is good;
And som men sein; of worthi blod   840
That sche is come; and is also
So fair; that nawher is non so;
And som men preise hire goodli chiere:
Thus every thing that I mai hiere;
Which souneth to mi ladi goode;
Is to myn Ere a lusti foode。
And ek min Ere hath over this
A deynte feste; whan so is
That I mai hiere hirselve speke;
For thanne anon mi faste I breke   850
On suche wordes as sche seith;
That full of trouthe and full of feith
Thei ben; and of so good desport;
That to myn Ere gret confort
Thei don; as thei that ben delices。
For al the met
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