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confessio amantis-第11部分

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The blame upon the Duck thei leide。
Bot therayein the conseil seide
That thei be noght excused so;
For he is on and thei ben tuo;    1020
And tuo han more wit then on;
So thilke excusement was non。
And over that was seid hem eke;
That whan men wolden vertu seke;
Men scholde it in the Prestes finde;
Here ordre is of so hyh a kinde;
That thei be Duistres of the weie:
Forthi; if eny man forsueie
Thurgh hem; thei be noght excusable。
And thus be lawe resonable    1030
Among the wise jugges there
The Prestes bothe dampned were;
So that the prive tricherie
Hid under fals Ipocrisie
Was thanne al openliche schewed;
That many a man hem hath beschrewed。
And whan the Prestes weren dede;
The temple of thilke horrible dede
Thei thoghten purge; and thilke ymage;
Whos cause was the pelrinage;     1040
Thei drowen out and als so faste
Fer into Tibre thei it caste;
Wher the Rivere it hath defied:
And thus the temple purified
Thei have of thilke horrible Sinne;
Which was that time do therinne。
Of this point such was the juise;
Bot of the Duck was other wise:
For he with love was bestad;
His dom was noght so harde lad;     1050
For Love put reson aweie
And can noght se the rihte weie。
And be this cause he was respited;
So that the deth him was acquited;
Bot for al that he was exiled;
For he his love hath so beguiled;
That he schal nevere come ayein:
For who that is to trowthe unplein;
He may noght failen of vengance。
And ek to take remembrance    1060
Of that Ypocrisie hath wroght
On other half; men scholde noght
To lihtly lieve al that thei hiere;
Bot thanne scholde a wisman stiere
The Schip; whan suche wyndes blowe:
For ferst thogh thei beginne lowe;
At ende thei be noght menable;
Bot al tobreken Mast and Cable;
So that the Schip with sodein blast;
Whan men lest wene; is overcast;    1070
As now fulofte a man mai se:
And of old time how it hath be
I finde a gret experience;
Wherof to take an evidence
Good is; and to be war also
Of the peril; er him be wo。
Of hem that ben so derk withinne;
At Troie also if we beginne;
Ipocrisie it hath betraied:
For whan the Greks hadde al assaied;    1080
And founde that be no bataille
Ne be no Siege it myhte availe
The toun to winne thurgh prouesse;
This vice feigned of simplesce
Thurgh sleyhte of Calcas and of Crise
It wan be such a maner wise。
An Hors of Bras thei let do forge
Of such entaile; of such a forge;
That in this world was nevere man
That such an other werk began。   1090
The crafti werkman Epius
It made; and forto telle thus;
The Greks; that thoghten to beguile
The kyng of Troie; in thilke while
With Anthenor and with Enee;
That were bothe of the Cite
And of the conseil the wiseste;
The richeste and the myhtieste;
In prive place so thei trete
With fair beheste and yiftes grete     1100
Of gold; that thei hem have engined;
Togedre and whan thei be covined;
Thei feignen forto make a pes;
And under that yit natheles
Thei schopen the destruccioun
Bothe of the kyng and of the toun。
And thus the false pees was take
Of hem of Grece and undertake;
And therupon thei founde a weie;
Wher strengthe myhte noght aweie;    1110
That sleihte scholde helpe thanne;
And of an ynche a large spanne
Be colour of the pees thei made;
And tolden how thei weren glade
Of that thei stoden in acord;
And for it schal ben of record;
Unto the kyng the Gregois seiden;
Be weie of love and this thei preiden;
As thei that wolde his thonk deserve;
A Sacrifice unto Minerve;   1120
The pes to kepe in good entente;
Thei mosten offre er that thei wente。
The kyng conseiled in this cas
Be Anthenor and Eneas
Therto hath yoven his assent:
So was the pleine trowthe blent
Thurgh contrefet Ipocrisie
Of that thei scholden sacrifie。
The Greks under the holinesse
Anon with alle besinesse   1130
Here Hors of Bras let faire dihte;
Which was to sen a wonder sihte;
For it was trapped of himselve;
And hadde of smale whieles twelve;
Upon the whiche men ynowe
With craft toward the toun it drowe;
And goth glistrende ayein the Sunne。
Tho was ther joie ynowh begunne;
For Troie in gret devocioun
Cam also with processioun     1140
Ayein this noble Sacrifise
With gret honour; and in this wise
Unto the gates thei it broghte。
Bot of here entre whan thei soghte;
The gates weren al to smale;
And therupon was many a tale;
Bot for the worschipe of Minerve;
To whom thei comen forto serve;
Thei of the toun; whiche understode
That al this thing was do for goode;    1150
For pes; wherof that thei ben glade;
The gates that Neptunus made
A thousend wynter ther tofore;
Thei have anon tobroke and tore;
The stronge walles doun thei bete;
So that in to the large strete
This Hors with gret solempnite
Was broght withinne the Cite;
And offred with gret reverence;
Which was to Troie an evidence   1160
Of love and pes for everemo。
The Gregois token leve tho
With al the hole felaschipe;
And forth thei wenten into Schipe
And crossen seil and made hem yare;
Anon as thogh thei wolden fare:
Bot whan the blake wynter nyht
Withoute Mone or Sterre lyht
Bederked hath the water Stronde;
Al prively thei gon to londe     1170
Ful armed out of the navie。
Synon; which mad was here aspie
Withinne Troie; as was conspired;
Whan time was a tokne hath fired;
And thei with that here weie holden;
And comen in riht as thei wolden;
Ther as the gate was tobroke。
The pourpos was full take and spoke:
Er eny man may take kepe;
Whil that the Cite was aslepe;    1180
Thei slowen al that was withinne;
And token what thei myhten wynne
Of such good as was sufficant;
And brenden up the remenant。
And thus cam out the tricherie;
Which under fals Ypocrisie
Was hid; and thei that wende pees
Tho myhten finde no reles
Of thilke swerd which al devoureth。
Fulofte and thus the swete soureth;     1190
Whan it is knowe to the tast:
He spilleth many a word in wast
That schal with such a poeple trete;
For whan he weneth most beyete;
Thanne is he schape most to lese。
And riht so if a womman chese
Upon the wordes that sche hiereth
Som man; whan he most trewe appiereth;
Thanne is he forthest fro the trowthe:
Bot yit fulofte; and that is rowthe;    1200
Thei speden that ben most untrewe
And loven every day a newe;
Wherof the lief is after loth
And love hath cause to be wroth。
Bot what man that his lust desireth
Of love; and therupon conspireth
With wordes feigned to deceive;
He schal noght faile to receive
His peine; as it is ofte sene。
Forthi; my Sone; as I thee mene;     1210
It sit the wel to taken hiede
That thou eschuie of thi manhiede
Ipocrisie and his semblant;
That thou ne be noght deceivant;
To make a womman to believe
Thing which is noght in thi bilieve:
For in such feint Ipocrisie
Of love is al the tricherie;
Thurgh which love is deceived ofte;
For feigned semblant is so softe;    1220
Unethes love may be war。
Forthi; my Sone; as I wel dar;
I charge thee to fle that vice;
That many a womman hath mad nice;
Bot lok thou dele noght withal。
Iwiss; fader; nomor I schal。
Now; Sone; kep that thou hast swore:
For this that thou hast herd before
Is seid the ferste point of Pride:
And next upon that other side;    1230
To s
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