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confessio amantis-第109部分

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And sauf unto the contre fare;
Wher that oure lusti loves are
Waitende upon oure hom cominge。〃
And with the vois of his preiynge;
Which herd was to the goddes hihe;
He syh anon tofore his yhe
A wether; which the ground hath sporned;
And wher he hath it overtorned;    430
Ther sprang a welle freissh and cler;
Wherof his oghne boteler
After the lustes of his wille
Was every man to drinke his fille。
And for this ilke grete grace
Bachus upon the same place
A riche temple let arere;
Which evere scholde stonde there
To thursti men in remembrance。
Forthi; mi Sone; after this chance    440
It sit thee wel to taken hiede
So forto preie upon thi nede;
As Bachus preide for the welle;
And thenk; as thou hast herd me telle;
Hou grace he gradde and grace he hadde。
He was no fol that ferst so radde;
For selden get a domb man lond:
Tak that proverbe; and understond
That wordes ben of vertu grete。
Forthi to speke thou ne lete;   450
And axe and prei erli and late
Thi thurst to quenche; and thenk algate;
The boteler which berth the keie
Is blind; as thou hast herd me seie;
And if it mihte so betyde;
That he upon the blinde side
Per cas the swete tonne arauhte;
Than schalt thou have a lusti drauhte
And waxe of lovedrunke sobre。
And thus I rede thou assobre    460
Thin herte in hope of such a grace;
For drunkeschipe in every place;
To whether side that it torne;
Doth harm and makth a man to sporne
And ofte falle in such a wise;
Wher he per cas mai noght arise。
And forto loke in evidence
Upon the sothe experience;
So as it hath befalle er this;
In every mannes mouth it is  470
Hou Tristram was of love drunke
With Bele Ysolde; whan thei drunke
The drink which Brangwein hem betok;
Er that king Marc his Eem hire tok
To wyve; as it was after knowe。
And ek; mi Sone; if thou wolt knowe;
As it hath fallen overmore
In loves cause; and what is more
Of drunkeschipe forto drede;
As it whilom befell in dede;    480
Wherof thou miht the betre eschuie
Of drunke men that thou ne suie
The compaignie in no manere;
A gret ensample thou schalt hiere。
This finde I write in Poesie
Of thilke faire Ipotacie;
Of whos beaute ther as sche was
Spak every man; … and fell per cas;
That Pirotos so him spedde;
That he to wyve hire scholde wedde;   490
Wherof that he gret joie made。
And for he wolde his love glade;
Ayein the day of mariage
Be mouthe bothe and be message
Hise frendes to the feste he preide;
With gret worschipe and; as men seide;
He hath this yonge ladi spoused。
And whan that thei were alle housed;
And set and served ate mete;
Ther was no wyn which mai be gete;    500
That ther ne was plente ynouh:
Bot Bachus thilke tonne drouh;
Wherof be weie of drunkeschipe
The greteste of the felaschipe
Were oute of reson overtake;
And Venus; which hath also take
The cause most in special;
Hath yove hem drinke forth withal
Of thilke cuppe which exciteth
The lust wherinne a man deliteth:      510
And thus be double weie drunke;
Of lust that ilke fyri funke
Hath mad hem; as who seith; halfwode;
That thei no reson understode;
Ne to non other thing thei syhen;
Bot hire; which tofore here yhen
Was wedded thilke same day;
That freisshe wif; that lusti May;
On hire it was al that thei thoghten。
And so ferforth here lustes soghten;  520
That thei the whiche named were
Centauri; ate feste there
Of on assent; of an acord
This yonge wif malgre hire lord
In such a rage awei forth ladden;
As thei whiche non insihte hadden
Bot only to her drunke fare;
Which many a man hath mad misfare
In love als wel as other weie。
Wherof; if I schal more seie    530
Upon the nature of the vice;
Of custume and of exercice
The mannes grace hou it fordoth;
A tale; which was whilom soth;
Of fooles that so drunken were;
I schal reherce unto thine Ere。
I rede in a Cronique thus
Of Galba and of Vitellus;
The whiche of Spaigne bothe were
The greteste of alle othre there;  540
And bothe of o condicion
After the disposicion
Of glotonie and drunkeschipe。
That was a sori felaschipe:
For this thou miht wel understonde;
That man mai wel noght longe stonde
Which is wyndrunke of comun us;
For he hath lore the vertus;
Wherof reson him scholde clothe;
And that was seene upon hem bothe。    550
Men sein ther is non evidence;
Wherof to knowe a difference
Betwen the drunken and the wode;
For thei be nevere nouther goode;
For wher that wyn doth wit aweie;
Wisdom hath lost the rihte weie;
That he no maner vice dredeth;
Nomore than a blind man thredeth
His nedle be the Sonnes lyht;
Nomore is reson thanne of myht;    560
Whan he with drunkeschipe is blent。
And in this point thei weren schent;
This Galba bothe and ek Vitelle;
Upon the cause as I schal telle;
Wherof good is to taken hiede。
For thei tuo thurgh her drunkenhiede
Of witles excitacioun
Oppressede al the nacion
Of Spaigne; for of fool usance;
Which don was of continuance    570
Of hem; whiche alday drunken were;
Ther was no wif ne maiden there;
What so thei were; or faire or foule;
Whom thei ne token to defoule;
Wherof the lond was often wo:
And ek in othre thinges mo
Thei wroghten many a sondri wrong。
Bot hou so that the dai be long;
The derke nyht comth ate laste:
God wolde noght thei scholden laste;  580
And schop the lawe in such a wise;
That thei thurgh dom to the juise
Be dampned forto be forlore。
Bot thei; that hadden ben tofore
Enclin to alle drunkenesse;…
Here ende thanne bar witnesse;
For thei in hope to assuage
The peine of deth; upon the rage
That thei the lasse scholden fiele;
Of wyn let fille full a Miele;  590
And dronken til so was befalle
That thei her strengthes losten alle
Withouten wit of eny brain;
And thus thei ben halfdede slain;
That hem ne grieveth bot a lyte。
Mi Sone; if thou be forto wyte
In eny point which I have seid;
Wherof thi wittes ben unteid;
I rede clepe hem hom ayein。
I schal do; fader; as ye sein;  600
Als ferforth as I mai suffise:
Bot wel I wot that in no wise
The drunkeschipe of love aweie
I mai remue be no weie;
It stant noght upon my fortune。
Bot if you liste to comune
Of the seconde Glotonie;
Which cleped is Delicacie;
Wherof ye spieken hier tofore;
Beseche I wolde you therfore。   610
Mi Sone; as of that ilke vice;
Which of alle othre is the Norrice;
And stant upon the retenue
Of Venus; so as it is due;
The proprete hou that it fareth
The bok hierafter nou declareth。
Of this chapitre in which we trete
There is yit on of such diete;
To which no povere mai atteigne;
For al is Past of paindemeine   620
And sondri wyn and sondri drinke;
Wherof that he wole ete and drinke:
Hise cokes ben for him affaited;
So that his body is awaited;
That him schal lacke no delit;
Als ferforth as his appetit
Sufficeth to the metes hote。
Wherof this lusti vice is hote
Of Gule the Delicacie;
Which al the hole progenie   630
Of lusti folk hath undertake
To feede; whil that he mai take
Richesses wherof to be founde:
Of Abstinence he wot no bounde;
To what profit it scholde serve。
And yit phisique of his conserve
Makth many a restauracioun
Unto his recreacioun;
Which wolde be to Venus lief。
Thus for the point of his relief   640
The coc which scha
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